An 23 Deireadh Fómhair 2018, shínigh an goid agus an GOC Meabhrán Tuisceana ‘maidir le comhchoiste stiúrtha a bhunú chun conairí cuimsitheacha réigiúnacha eacnamaíocha a fhorbairt’.
On 23 October 2018 the GOID and the GOC signed a Memorandum of Understanding ‘on establishing a jointsteeringcommittee for the development of regional comprehensive economic corridors’.
An Meabhrán Tuisceana maidir le Comhchoiste Stiúrtha a bhunú chun Conairí Cuimsitheacha Eacnamaíocha Réigiúnacha a Fhorbairt idir Aireacht Chomhordúcháin Ghnóthaí Muirí na hIndinéise agus Coimisiún Náisiúnta um Fhorbairt agus Athchóiriú an PRC, a síníodh i mBéising an 23 Deireadh Fómhair 2018.
The Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing a JointSteeringCommittee for the Development of Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridors between the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs of Indonesia and the National Development and Reform Commission of the PRC, signed in Beijing on 23 October 2018.
I measc na samplaí tá comhchoiste déthaobhach comhair na Síne/na hIndéise agus Comhchoiste Stiúrtha na Síne/na hIndéise chun Conairí Cuimsitheacha Eacnamaíocha Réigiúnacha a Fhorbairt idir an tSín agus an Indinéis, ina bhfuil tionscadail comhair BRI, chomh maith le tionscadail faoi na Conairí Cuimsitheacha Eacnamaíocha, á bplé.
Examples include the China/Indonesia bilateral cooperation jointcommittee and the China/Indonesia JointSteeringCommittee for the Development of Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridors between China and Indonesia, in which BRI cooperation projects, as well as projects under the Comprehensive Economic Corridors, are being discussed.