an ceathrú cuid den mhuirear ar an gcéad trí nóiméad, le híosmhuirear de 4p
one-quarter of the charge for the first three minutes with a minimum of 4p
an ceathrú cuid den mhuirear ar an gcéad trí nóiméad, le híosmhuirear de 4p
one-quarter of the charge for the first three minutes with a minimum of 4p
an ceathrú chuid den mhuirear ab iníoctha dá gcuirfí an glao i gcrích.
one-quarter of the charge which would be payable if the call had been effected
an ceathrú cuid den mhuirear ar an gcéad trí nóiméad, le híosmhuirear de 4p
one-quarter of the charge for the first three minutes with a minimum of 4p
an ceathrú chuid den mhuirear ab iníoctha dá gcuirfí an glao i gcrích
one-quarter of the charge which would be payable if the call had been effected
an ceathrú cuid den mhuirear ar an gcéad trí nóiméad, le híosmhuirear de 4p
one quarter of the charge for the first three minutes with a minimum of 4p
(i) beidh trí mhí nó trí seachtaine déag coibhéiseach le ráithe amháin, agus vice versa;
(i) three months or 13 weeks shall be equivalent to one quarter, and vice versa;
Beidh grúpa polaitiúil comhdhéanta d’Fheisirí arna dtoghadh sa cheathrú cuid ar a laghad de na Ballstáit.
A political group shall comprise Members elected in at least one quarter of the Member States.
Féadfaidh coiste vótáil a dhéanamh go bailí nuair atá an ceathrú cuid dá chomhaltaí i láthair iarbhír.
A committee may validly vote when one quarter of its members are actually present.
(a) go bhfuil leas aige nó aici sa cheathrú cuid nó níos mó de scairchaipiteal cothromais an chomhlachta, nó
(a) interested in one-quarter or more of the equity share capital of the body, or
forluí ráithiúil;
one-quarter overlap;
an fhaisnéis maidir leis na modúil ad hoc sa sampla iomlán de ráithe amháin ar a laghad a bhailiú.
collecting the information on ad hoc modules in the complete sample of at least one quarter.
(d) imperial one-quarter-pint bottles;
( d ) imperial one-quarter-pint bottles;
(i) sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles or any multiple of sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles;
( i ) sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles or any multiple of sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles;
(iv) three hundred and twenty imperial one-quarter-pint bottles, or
(iv) three hundred and twenty imperial one-quarter-pint bottles, or
(iv) sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles, or
(iv) sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles, or
(d) i mbuidéil cheathrú piúint reachtúla, no
( d ) imperial one-quarter-pint bottles, or
(i) ceithre cinn is trí fichid de bhuidéil cheathrú piúint reachtúla no aon iolrú ar cheithre cinn is trí fichid de bhuidéil cheathrú piúint reachtúla, no
( i ) sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles or any multiple of sixty-four imperial one-quarter-pint bottles, or
(b) gan a meáchaint gan ualach do bheith thar seacht dtonna go gceathrúin;
( b ) it does not exceed seven and one-quarter tons in weight unladen;
(b) an ceathrú cuid de chostas na n-oibreacha san.
( b ) one quarter of the cost of such works.
(ii) an ceathrú cuid den mhéid dar mó na brabúis ná an tsuim sin.
(ii) one-quarter of the amount by which the profits exceed the said sum.
(ii) an ceathrú cuid den mhéid dar mó na brabúis sin ná an tsuim sin.
(ii) one-quarter of the amount by which those profits exceed the said sum.
Ráithe amháin
One quarter
beidh trí mhí nó trí seachtaine déag coibhéiseach le ráithe amháin, agus vice versa;
three months or 13 weeks shall be equivalent to one quarter, and vice versa;
Féadfaidh coiste vótáil a dhéanamh go bailí nuair atá an ceathrú cuid dá chomhaltaí i láthair go hiarbhír.
A committee may validly vote when one quarter of its members are actually present.
beidh trí mhí nó trí seachtaine déag coibhéiseach le ráithe amháin, agus vice versa;
three months or 13 weeks shall be equivalent to one quarter, and vice versa;
30 % d’fhostaíocht iomlán agus aon cheathrú de na gnólachtaí sna Ballstáit is tairbhithe atá sna figiúirí sin.
This represents almost 30% of total employment and one quarter of firms in beneficiary Member States.
aon cheathrú d’fhorchostais sheasta na bliana roimhe sin, agus athbhreithniú á dhéanamh ar na costais sin go bliantúil.
one quarter of the fixed overheads of the preceding year, reviewed annually.
i gcás dhá tháirge acmhainne doichte ar a laghad a bhfuil fad ráithe leo;
for at least two firm capacity products with a duration of one quarter;
Déanfaidh Coimisiún na Talún ús de réir ráta sé déag agus ceathrú faoin gcéad sa bhliain agus ciste fiachmhúchta de réir ráta ceathrú faoin gcéad sa bhliain a íoc i dtráthchodanna leath bhliantúla an 21 ú lá de Mheitheamh agus an 22ú lá de Nollaig gach bliain le Ciste na mBannaí Talún ar na suimeanna go léir a airleacadh nó a íocadh trí na bannaí talún a eisiúint, agus nár dheimhnigh an tAire Airgeadais iad a bheith aisíoctha, go dtí go mbeidh na suimeanna sin go léir aisíoctha.
Interest at the rate of sixteen and one-quarter per cent. per annum and sinking fund at the rate of one-quarter per cent. per annum shall be paid in half-yearly instalments on the 21st day of June and the 22nd day of December in each year by the Land Commission to the Land Bond Fund on all sums advanced or paid by an issue of the land bonds, and not certified by the Minister for Finance to have been repaid, until all such sums have been repaid.
(ii) suim nach lugha ná cíos ráithe d'íoc leis an mbord sláinte sin ar cuntas an méid cíosa bheidh dlite más mó san ná cíos ráithe.”
(ii) in case the amount of rent due exceeds one quarter year's rent, a sum not less than one quarter year's rent is paid to such board of health on account of the said amount."
Aon earra aca so leanas is barraí no gearrtha d'iarann no de chruaidh agus is dóich leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim do bheith d'aon tsaghas aca so leanas agus gan iad ullamh ar fad le húsáid, sé sin le rá:—
( b ) squares (including two or more squares twisted together) which are imported in lengths (whether straight or otherwise) and are not less than one-quarter of an inch and not more than one and one-quarter inches in thickness at each side;
“(ii) nach dtoghfar amhlaidh ach, ag aon chéim den chomhaireamh vótaí sa toghchán, gur mó an líon uasta vótaí a bheidh creidiúnaithe dó nó di, i gcás olltoghcháin, ná aon cheathrú den chuóta, nó, i gcás corrthoghcháin, ná aon cheathrú den chuóta a bheadh ann sa toghcheantar sin dá mba rud é gur olltoghchán a bhí sa chorrthoghchán.”,
"(ii) is not so elected but the greatest number of votes credited to him or her at any stage of the counting of votes at the election exceeds, in the case of a general election, one quarter of the quota, or, in the case of a bye-election, one quarter of what would have been the quota in that constituency had the bye-election been a general election.",
Bunaítear leis seo sraith de bhannaí talún ar cúig mhilliún punt agus ceathrú a méid iomlán dá ngairfear bannaí talún ceathair déag is trí cheathrú faoin gcéad.
A series of land bonds is hereby created of the total amount of five and one quarter million pounds to be known as fourteen and three-quarters per cent land bonds.
Beidh ús ar na bannaí talún de réir ráta sé déag agus ceathrú faoin gcéad sa bhliain.
The land bonds shall bear interest at the rate of sixteen and one quarter per cent. per annum.
Ar thréimhsí is faide ná uair a chloig, muirearófar ceathrú den táille in aghaidh gach ceathrú uaire nó cuid de cheathrú uaire de réir an scála.
For periods exceeding one hour, one-quarter fee will be charged for each quarter or part quarter of an hour, according to the scale.
Ní fhéadfar leasú a dhéanamh ar ábhar an fhiosrúcháin arna shainiú ag an gceathrú cuid de na Feisirí a chomhdhéanann an Pharlaimint (mír 3) ná ar an tréimhse atá leagtha síos i mír 4.
The subject of the inquiry as defined by one quarter of Parliament’s component Members (paragraph 3) and the period laid down in paragraph 4 are not open to amendments.
1. Beidh daoine a thagann as aon cheathrú ar a laghad de na Ballstáit i measc sínitheoirí tionscnaimh ó na saoránaigh.
1. The signatories of a citizens’ initiative shall come from at least one quarter of Member States.
Meetings of the Board of Governors shall be called whenever requested by fifteen members or by members having one-quarter of the total voting power.
Meetings of the Board of Governors shall be called whenever requested by fifteen members or by members having one-quarter of the total voting power.
(b) go bhfuil sé nó sí i dteideal an ceathrú cuid nó níos mó de na cumhachtaí vótála ag aon chruinniú ginearálta den chomhlacht a fheidhmiú nó an feidhmiú sin a rialú.
(b) entitled to exercise or control the exercise of one-quarter or more of the voting powers at any general meeting of the body.
Ní fhéadfaidh na gealltanais sin, áfach, aon cheathrú de na leithreasaí a chinneann Parlaimint na hEorpa agus an Chomhairle ar an líne chomhfhreagrach bhuiséadach don bhliain airgeadais reatha a shárú.
Such commitments shall not, however, exceed one quarter of the appropriations decided by the European Parliament and the Council on the corresponding budget line for the current financial year.
Ní fhéadfaidh na gealltanais sin, áfach, aon cheathrú de na leithreasaí a chinneann Parlaimint na hEorpa agus an Chomhairle ar an líne chomhfhreagrach bhuiséadach don bhliain airgeadais reatha a shárú.
Such commitments shall not, however, exceed one quarter of the appropriations decided by the European Parliament and the Council on the corresponding budget line for the current financial year.
Mar sin féin, murab ionann agus cur chuige an fhorluí bhliantúil, is é an toradh a bhíonn ar chur chuige an fhorluí ráithiúil sraitheanna slabhraithe ráithiúla nach bhfuil comhsheasmhach leis na sraitheanna cuntas náisiúnta bliantúil slabhraithe arna ndíorthú go neamhspleách.
However, unlike the annual overlap approach, the one-quarter overlap approach leads to quarterly chain-linked series which are not consistent with the independently derived chain-linked annual national accounts series.
Féadfar aonaid tomhais méideanna na gcuntas náisiúnta ráithiúil ar mheánphraghsanna na bliana roimhe sin a shlabhrú trí mhodh an fhorluí ráithiúil, trí mhodh an fhorluí bhliantúil nó trí mhodh an chur chuige bhliantúil a úsáid.
Quarterly national accounts volume measures in average prices of the previous year can be chain linked by using the one-quarter-overlap, the annual overlap or the over-the-year technique.
I gcomhthéacs an choigeartaithe de réir séasúir ar aonaid tomhais méideanna na gcuntas náisiúnta ráithiúil, is iad modh an fhorluí ráithiúil agus modh an fhorluí bhliantúil na modhanna tosaíochta.
From the perspective of seasonal adjustment of quarterly national accounts volume measures, the one-quarter-overlap and the annual overlap technique are preferred.
ríomh an cheanglais caipiteal incháilithe d'aon cheathrú ar a laghad d'fhorchostais sheasta na bliana roimhe sin a shealbhú;
the calculation of the requirement to hold eligible capital of at least one quarter of the fixed overheads of the previous year;
na coinníollacha ina ndéanfaidh an t-údarás inniúil coigeartú ar an gceanglas caipiteal incháilithe d'aon cheathrú ar a laghad d'fhorchostais na bliana roimhe sin a shealbhú;
the conditions for the adjustment by the competent authority of the requirement to hold eligible capital of at least one quarter of the fixed overheads of the previous year;
An 1 Deireadh Fómhair gach bliain, beidh ar a laghad an ceathrú cuid den uasmhéid bliantúil fós ar fáil d'fhonn na riachtanais a thiocfaidh chun cinn i míonna deiridh na bliana sin a chumhdach.
On 1 October each year, at least one quarter of the annual amount shall remain available in order to cover needs arising until the end of that year.
ní mór go mbeadh a chomhlacht rialaithe comhdhéanta de chomhaltaí ó aon cheathrú de na Ballstáit ar a laghad;
its governing body must be composed of members from at least one quarter of the Member States;
An 1 Deireadh Fómhair gach bliain, ba cheart an ceathrú cuid ar a laghad den chúlchiste a bheith ar fáil chun riachtanais a éireoidh go dtí deireadh na bliana a chumhdach.
On 1 October each year, at least one-quarter of the reserve should remain available in order to cover needs arising until the end of the year.
(c) fé réir na míre sin roimhe seo den fho-alt so isé cíos a cuirfear ar cosnamh leis an léas frith-dhílse sin ná an ceathrú cuid den mhór-chíos mar a mínítear san anso ina dhiaidh seo;
( c ) subject to the foregoing paragraph of this sub-section the rent reserved by the said reversionary lease shall be one quarter of the gross rent as hereinafter defined;