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A major monolingual corpus of Irish-language texts in digital format.
A parallel corpus of aligned text segments from Irish and European Union legislation.
A corpus resource for the Foras na Gaeilge lexicography project.
Search all collections in our database of legal and legislative terms from Ireland and Irish-language entries from IATE.
Entries from the EU’s inter-institutional terminology database that contain Irish-language material.
A collection of legal terms extracted from the Rules of the Superior Courts.
A thematically varied collection of terms extracted from Statutory Instruments.
The short titles of all Acts passed by the Oireachtas from 1922 to the current day.
A bilingual dictionary of legal terms.
Irish-English and English-Irish dictionary of legal terms and idioms.
A bilingual collection of terminology related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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This material is administered by The Translation Section, Office of the Houses of the Oireachtas. More information »
An tAcht um Athbheochan Uirbeach agus Tithe, 2015
Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015