INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS|employment · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|EU relations · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|social affairs · INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|European organisations|European organisation|Council of Europe · EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS|labour market
- "an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Socrúcháin ""au pair""" Tagairt Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
- ga
- Europäisches Übereinkommen über die Au-pair-Beschäftigung
- de
- Nóta Strassburg, 24.11.1969
- "European Agreement on ""au pair"" Placement"
- en
- Sainmhíniú "The purpose of this Agreement is to avoid certain drawbacks of ""au pair"" placement, and to this end it contains precise provisions on the relationship between the host family and the young person placed ""au pair"" (who is considered to be neither a worker nor a student). Some provisions must be applied (e.g. the requirement that there be a written agreement, the rules on the obligations of the two sides in respect of working hours, free time, pocket money, etc.). The Council of Europe has drawn up a model contract for young persons placed ""au pair""." Tagairt "Council of Europe Treaty Office summary (25.4.2012)"
- Nóta Signed: Strasbourg, 24.11.1969Entry into force: 30.5.1971European Treaty Series (ETS) No. 068Authentic versions: EN-FR
- Accord européen sur le placement au pair
- fr
- Sainmhíniú "accord conclu en vue d'éviter certains inconvénients du placement au pair et contenant les dispositions précises sur les relations entre la famille d'accueil et la personne ""au pair"" (qui n'est considéré ni comme travailleur, ni comme étudiant)" Tagairt "site Council of Europe, résumé du traité, (26.3.2012)"
- Nóta Signature: 24.11.1969 à StrasbourgEntrée en vigueur: 30.5.1971Conseil de l'Europe; STCE n° 068Versions authentiques: EN-FR