EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|operation of the Institutions · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU body|European Economic and Social Committee
- an Grúpa <i>ad hoc</i> um an Seimeastar Eorpach Reference EESC/CoR-GA
- ga
- an Grúpa um an Seimeastar Eorpach Reference EESC/CoR-GA bunaithe ar EESC/CoR-EN
- ga
- GSE Reference EESC/CoR-GA bunaithe ar EESC/CoR-EN
- ga
- Definition comhlacht arna bhunú ag Biúró CESE chun díriú ar an Seimeastar Eorpach agus ar mholtaí ón tsochaí shibhialta Eorpach maidir le fás agus fostaíocht a chur san áireamh Reference "EESC/CoR-GA bunaithe ar shuíomh gréasáin CESE > Grúpa ad hoc um an Seimeastar Eorpach (24.5.2023)"
- "Ad-hoc-Gruppe ""Europäisches Semester""" | "Gruppe ""Europäisches Semester"""
- de
- Definition vom Präsidium des Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschusses (EWSA) eingesetztes Arbeitsorgan, das die Vorschläge der europäischen Zivilgesellschaft zu Fragen des nachhaltigen Wachstums und der Beschäftigung prüft Reference "EESC/CoR TERM-DE auf der Basis des EWSA-Website (28.6.2023)"
- Ad hoc group on the European Semester | ESG | ad hoc group on the European Semester | European Semester Group
- en
- Definition "EESC body which coordinates, strengthens and supports the work carried out in the EESC sections/CCMI in relation to the European Semester (22.12.2020) and focuses on examining proposals from European civil society on growth and employment" Reference "COR/EESC-EN, based on the EESC website > Ad hoc group on the European Semester (22.12.2020)"
- Comment "Set up by the Bureau of the EESC by a decision of 5 December 2017. Replaces the former Europe 2020 Steering Committee (22.12.2020)"
- groupe ad hoc sur le Semestre européen | groupe ad hoc «Semestre européen» | groupe «Semestre européen» | GSE
- fr
- Definition "groupe ad hoc du Comité économique et social européen (CESE) qui a pour objet le Semestre européen et la prise en compte des propositions de la société civile européenne en matière de croissance durable et d’emploi" Reference "EESC/COR-FR, d'après le site internet du CESE: «Groupe ad hoc sur le Semestre européen» (11.7.2023)"
- Comment "Remplace l'ancien comité de pilotage Europe 2020."