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12 results

  1. INDUSTRY|wood industry|wood industry|pulp and paper industry
    laíon ceimiceach tuartha Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Meascán B3020 teoranta do pháipéar nó cairtchlár neamhthuartha nó do pháipéar nó cairtchlár rocach r, páipéar nó cairtchlár eile, atá déanta as laíon ceimiceach tuartha go príomha, nach bhfuil daite sa mhais, páipéar nó cairtchlár atá déanta as laíon meicniúil go príomha (mar shampla nuachtáin, irisí agus ábhar eile clóite den chineál sin)...' Reference "Rialachán (AE) lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1418/2007 maidir le dramhaíl áirithe a liostaítear in Iarscríbhinn III nó IIIA a ghabhann le Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1013/2006 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle a onnmhairiú lena haisghabháil chuig tíortha áirithe nach bhfuil feidhm maidir leo ag Cinneadh ECFE maidir le gluaiseachtaí trasteorann dramhaíola a rialú, CELEX:32021R1840/GA"
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    bleached chemical pulp
    Definition "brown chemical pulp which has been subjected to bleaching" Reference "COM-EN, based on:Transport Information Service - Cargo information > Cargo site map > 'Cellulose, Chemical pulp' (14.3.2023)"
  2. INDUSTRY|wood industry|wood industry
    craft-laíon tuartha Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    gebleichter Sulfatzellstoff
    bleached kraft pulp
    Definition chemical pulp which is manufactured using sodium sulphide as the main cooking chemical whose fibres have been brightened Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:Joint Research Centre. Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board. July 2013,"
    Comment "It consists mainly of cellulose and hemicellulose. See also: - sulphate pulp (broader) [ IATE:1485738 ]- kraft pulp (broader) [ IATE:1485739 ]"
    pâte kraft blanchie
    Definition pâte chimique obtenue par le procédé au sulfate et éclaircie Reference "COM-FR, d'après:1. COM-Terminology Coordination2. Bureau international du travail, Encyclopédie de sécurité et de santé au travail, 3e édition française, Édition en ligne (12.2.2015), Partie X. Branches basées sur les ressources biologiques, Chapitre 72 – L'industrie du papier et de la pâte à papier, [23.6.2015]"
    Comment "Aujourd'hui, le procédé kraft (au sulfate) est le procédé de fabrication de la pâte chimique le plus répandu dans le monde en raison des meilleures propriétés de résistance de la pâte obtenue par rapport au procédé au sulfite, de son application à toutes les espèces de bois, ainsi qu'aux systèmes efficaces de récupération des produits chimiques qui ont été développés et mis en œuvre. Mais la chimie de ce processus kraft est indissociable d'un problème potentiel inhérent lié aux composés malodorants.Les réactions chimiques qui se produisent lors de la cuisson entraînent la formation de groupes chromophores de la lignine résiduelle qui donnent à la pâte une couleur plus sombre que celle du bois d'origine. Du fait du pH plus élevé, le procédé kraft comporte plus de chromophores que le procédé au sulfite et la pâte kraft non blanchie (écrue) a un degré de blancheur initial considérablement inférieur à celui de la pâte sulfite non blanchie.Source: Site Directive IED (directive relative aux émissions industrielles) de l'INERIS (Institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques), Processus de fabrication de la pâte kraft (pâte au sulfate), [22.6.2015]Voir aussi:- pâte au sulfate [IATE:1485738 ]- pâte kraft [IATE:1485739 ]"
  3. AGRI-FOODSTUFFS|food technology|food additive
    seileaic Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Schellack | gebleichter Schellack | weißer Schellack
    Definition durch Schmelzen und Filtrieren gewonnener Lack Reference Zolltarif
    shellac | bleached shellac | white shellac
    Definition purified and bleached lac, the resinous secretion of the insect Laccifer (Tachardia) lacca Kerr (Fam. Coccidae) Reference "Directive 2008/84/EC laying down specific purity criteria on food additives other than colours and sweeteners, CELEX:32008L0084/EN [4.6.2010]"
    shellac | gomme laque blanchie | gomme laque blanche
    Definition variétés commerciales de gommes laques Reference 13.02
    E 904
  4. INDUSTRY|leather and textile industries|textile industry
    fabraic fhite thuartha Reference "Rialachán Cur Chun Feidhme (AE) 2022/1998 lena leasaítear Iarscríbhinn I a ghabhann le Rialachán (CEE) Uimh. 2658/87 ón gComhairle maidir leis an ainmníocht taraife agus staidrimh agus leis an gComhtharaif Chustaim,CELEX:32022R1998/GA Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    gebleichtes Gewebe
    Definition Gewebe, das im Stück gebleicht oder, wenn nichts anderes bestimmt ist, weiß gefärbt oder weiß appretiert ist, oder Gewebe, das aus gebleichten Garnen besteht, oder Gewebe, das aus rohen Garnen und gebleichten Garnen besteht Reference "Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union, C 103, 30. April 2003"
    bleached woven fabric
    Definition woven fabric which has been bleached or, unless the context otherwise requires, dyed white or treated with a white dressing, in the piece; consists of bleached yarn; or consists of unbleached and bleached yarn Reference "Integrated tariff of the European Communities (TARIC) Volume I — Chapters 1 to 24 (2003/C 103 A/01)"
  5. INDUSTRY|wood industry|wood industry|pulp and paper industry
    tuaradh Reference "Cinneadh (AE) 2022/598 maidir leis an seasamh atá le glacadh thar ceann an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Chomhchoiste arna bhunú leis an gComhaontú maidir leis an Limistéar Eorpach Eacnamaíoch, a mhéid a bhaineann le leasú a dhéanamh ar Phrótacal 4 a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú sin, is é sin an prótacal maidir le rialacha tionscnaimh, agus lena n-aisghairtear Cinneadh (AE) 2020/2058, CELEX:32022D0598/GA Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    Definition treatment of a wood pulp with chemical agents to increase its brightness Reference "Pratima Bajpai. 'Chapter 19 - Pulp Bleaching' (14.3.2023). In: Biermann's Handbook of Pulp and Paper (Third Edition) Volume 1: Raw Material and Pulp Making 2018, Pages 465-491"
  6. INDUSTRY|leather and textile industries|textile industry
    tuaradh Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Déantar tuaradh le ceimiceáin tuartha saor ó chlóirín (e.g. sárocsaíd hidrigine, aigéad sáraicéiteach nó ózón), go minic in éineacht le réamhchóireáil le heinsímí (féach BAT 16 (c)).' Reference "Cinneadh Cur Chun Feidhme (AE) 2022/2508 lena mbunaítear na conclúidí maidir leis na teicnící is fearr atá ar fáil (BAT), faoi Threoir 2010/75/AE maidir le hastaíochtaí tionsclaíocha, le haghaidh thionscal na dteicstílí (a bhfuil fógra tugtha ina leith faoi dhoiciméad C(2022) 8984),CELEX:32022D2508/GA"
    Definition one of the steps in the textile manufacturing process whose objective is to remove the natural colour for subsequent steps, such as dyeing or printing, or to achieve full white Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Wikipedia. 'Textile bleaching' (6.9.2022)"
    Comment Bleaching is an obligatory step when the fibre has to be dyed in pastel colours or when it will need to be subsequently printed. In some cases, even with dark colours a pre-bleaching step may be needed, but this is not a full bleaching treatment.
  7. AGRI-FOODSTUFFS|food technology|food technology · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|agricultural activity|animal nutrition|animal feedingstuffs
    tuaradh Reference "Rialacháin (AE) Uimh. 374/2014 maidir le dleachtanna custaim ar earraí de thionscnamh na hÚcráine a laghdú nó a dhíchur, CELEX:32014R0374/GA Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Context 'Cóireáil bhreise le hidrigin olaí bealaithe atá faoi cheannteideal ex2710 (e.g. hidreabhailchríochnú nó tuaradh) chun, go háirithe, dath nó seasmhacht a fheabhsú, ní mheasfar gur próiseas sonrach an chóireáil sin...' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2016/1076 lena gcuirtear i bhfeidhm na socruithe do tháirgí de thionscnamh stát áirithe ar cuid iad de Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin (ACC) dá bhforáiltear i gcomhaontuithe lena mbunaítear comhaontuithe um chomhpháirtíocht eacnamaíoch, nó as a dtagann bunú na gcomhaontuithe sin, CELEX:32016R1076/GA"
    tuarachán Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition baint an datha amach ó theicstílí, páipéar nó ábhair eile Reference 'tuaradh'. Hussey, M. Fréamh an Eolais. Coiscéim, Baile Átha Cliath, 2011.
    Definition Entfernen der natürlichen Farbe Reference "VO 575/2011 Katalog Einzelfuttermittel, Anhang Teil B Nr.4 (ABl. L_159/2011) CELEX:32011R0575/DE"
    Comment DIV: ds, 24.9.2012
    bleaching | decolourisation
    Definition removing naturally occurring colour Reference "Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials "
    Definition élimination de la couleur naturelle Reference "Règlement (UE) n ° 575/2011 de la Commission du 16 juin 2011 relatif au catalogue des matières premières pour aliments des animaux, CELEX:32011R0575/FR"
  8. INDUSTRY|wood industry|wood industry|pulp and paper industry · ENVIRONMENT · INDUSTRY|chemistry · INDUSTRY|leather and textile industries · AGRI-FOODSTUFFS|food technology|food additive|food colouring
    tuarthóir Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    bleaching agent | decolourising agent | decolorizing agent
    Definition formulation that whitens or lightens a substrate by solubilising colour-producing substances or by altering their light-absorbing properties Reference "COM-EN, based on:Busch M, Busch K, 'Bleaches and Sterilants' (23.8.2022), Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Third Edition), 2019"
    Comment Bleaching agents are used several industries, including paper, textiles, food,…
  9. INDUSTRY|chemistry|chemical compound
    imoibrí tuarthach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition Substanz, die farbtragende Anteile von Fasern, Papier, Lebensmitteln u. a. chemisch so verändert, dass sie zu einer Aufhellung dieser Produkte führt Reference "Bibliographisches Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG (Hg), ""Der Brockhaus multimedial 2007 premium"", DVD, Bibliographisches Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG, Mannheim, 2007, ISBN 3-411-06548-6, Eintrag zu ""Bleichmittel"""
    bleaching reagent
    réactif de blanchiment
  10. INDUSTRY|wood industry|wood industry|pulp and paper industry
    tuaradh saor ó chlóirín eiliminteach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    ECF bleaching
    Definition bleaching sequence without the use of elemental chlorine, i.e. chlorine gas (Cl2) Reference "Joint Research Centre. 'Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board' (14.3.2023). July 2013."
    Comment In ECF bleaching, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is usually the main bleaching agent. The lignin removal by bleaching is carried out in several stages, the first two stages primarily releasing and extracting lignin and the subsequent stages removing the lignin residues and finishing the product.
  11. INDUSTRY|chemistry|chemical industry · INDUSTRY|leather and textile industries|textile industry · INDUSTRY|wood industry|wood industry|pulp and paper industry|paper
    tuarthóir optúil Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    gníomhairí tuartha optaiceacha Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    optischer Aufheller
    Definition Stoff, der bei der Papierherstellung in eine überwiegend aus Holzbestandteilen bestehende Papiermasse eingebracht wird, um den Bedruckstoff weißer erscheinen zu lassen Reference "Rat der Europäischen Union: Prado-Glossar (Fachbegriffe im Zusammenhang mit Sicherheitsmerkmalen und mit Sicherheitsdokumenten im Allgemeinen) (16.11.2022)"
    optical brightener | optical brightening agent | OBA | fluorescent brightener | fluorescent whitening agent | FWA | fluorescent brightening agent | FBA | optical bleach | optical whitening agent | optical bleaching agent | fluorescent bleaching agent
    Definition "chemical compound that absorbs light in the ultraviolet and violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and re-emits light in the blue region by fluorescence, thus causing a 'whitening' effect" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Wikipedia > Optical brightener (25.10.2022)"
    Comment This type of additive is used in several industries, including paper, textiles, soaps and detergents, plastics and paints.
    azurant optique
    Definition substance incorporée dans une pâte à papier (composée surtout de fibres de bois) au cours du processus de fabrication, de manière à renforcer l'apparence de blancheur du support Reference "Site du Conseil de l'Union européenne > Documents and publications > PRADO > Glossaire PRADO (18.10.2022)"
    Comment La présence d'azurants optiques peut être détectée grâce à leur réaction de fluorescence bleuâtre sous exposition aux UV.
  12. INDUSTRY|wood industry|wood industry|pulp and paper industry
    tuaradh go hiomlán saor ó chlóirín Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment <<<_not_supplied_>>>
    TCF bleaching | TCF technology
    Definition bleaching process carried out without any chlorinecontaining chemicals, thereby avoiding the generation of organically bound chlorine in the pulp and waste-water stream Reference "Joint Research Centre. 'Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board' (14.3.2023). July 2013."