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4 results

  1. POLITICS|executive power and public service|administrative law · FINANCE · ECONOMICS|economic policy · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|business organisation|company structure
    LSC Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    lárionad seirbhísí comhroinnte Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    SSC | shared service centre | shared services organisation | shared service organisation | SSO | shared services centre | shared services center
    Definition system for cutting costs by centring processes and people in a single location, thereby reducing the head count and/or duplication of systems Reference Council-EN, based on EIU definition
    Comment "See also IATE:2201579 (example of such a centre)"
    centre de services partagés | CSP
    Definition entité chargée de la gestion en commun des services nécessaires à plusieurs sociétés ou divisions d’un même groupe Reference JORF, 30 janvier 2005
  2. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|communications|communications systems · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|information technology and data processing
    lárionad lascacháin seirbhíse móibílí Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    MSC | mobile switching centre | mobile service switching centre | mobile services switching centre | mobile telephone switching centre
    Definition centerpiece of a network switching subsystem (NSS), mostly associated with communications switching functions such as call set-up, release, and routing Reference "COM-EN, based on:Techopedia > Dictionary > Tags > Communication > Mobile Switching Center (MSC). [6.6.2013]"
    Comment "The MSC sets up and releases the end-to-end connection, handles mobility and hand-over requirements during the call and takes care of charging and real time pre-paid account monitoring.Note ref::Wikipedia > Network switching subsystem. [6.6.2013]"
    centre de commutation des mobiles | centre de commutation du service mobile | centre de commutation du service des mobiles | centre de commutation pour les services mobiles | commutateur cellulaire | commutateur du service des mobiles | commutateur du service mobile | CSM | centre de commutation mobile | CCM
    Definition commutateur chargé d'établir et de gérer les communications entre les usagers d'un réseau de téléphonie mobile, ainsi que celles impliquant un autre réseau de téléphonie mobile ou fixe Reference "France terme > centre de commutation du service des mobiles (JO RF du 28.12.2006), [14.3.2016]"
  3. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|European Union|area of freedom, security and justice|EU police cooperation|European Police College · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|cooperation policy|aid policy|assistance in training
    Lárionad Eolais maidir le Comhar, Faisnéis agus Malartú agus Idir-inoibritheacht i bhForfheidhmiú an Dlí Reference "Tuarascáil maidir le hurscaoileadh i ndáil le cur chun feidhme bhuiséad Ghníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh um Oiliúint i bhForfheidhmiú an Dlí (CEPOL) don bhliain airgeadais 2021,, [19.7.2023]"
    CKC INT Reference "Tuarascáil maidir le hurscaoileadh i ndáil le cur chun feidhme bhuiséad Ghníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh um Oiliúint i bhForfheidhmiú an Dlí (CEPOL) don bhliain airgeadais 2021,, [19.7.2023]"
    CEPOL-Wissenszentrum zur Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Strafverfolgung sowie zu Information, Austausch und Interoperabilität | CKC INT
    Definition von der CEPOL eingerichtetes Wissenszentrum für den Transfer von Wissen und Peer-Learning, das sich an Personen aus der Praxis richtet, die in einem bestimmten Kriminalitätsfeld oder -bereich tätig sind, und das den aktuellen Bedürfnissen von Beamten und Bediensteten im Bereich der Strafverfolgung in der gesamten EU Rechnung trägt Reference "EP-DE in Anlehnung an EP-Terminology Coordination-EN (20.7.2023)"
    Cepol Knowledge Centre on Law Enforcement Cooperation, Information and Exchange and Interoperability | CKC INT
    Definition knowledge centre established by Cepol for knowledge transfer and peer-learning addressed to practitioners working in a particular field or crime area, addressing the current needs of law enforcement officials across the EU Reference "EP-Terminology Coordination based on: Cepol > CEPOL Knowledge Centres (6.6.2023)"
    centre de connaissances du CEPOL sur la coopération, l’échange d’informations et l’interopérabilité entre les services répressifs | CKC INT
    Definition centre de connaissances créé par l'Agence de l'Union européenne pour la formation des services répressifs (CEPOL) afin de faciliter l'apprentissage par les pairs et le transfert de connaissances entre les agents des services répressifs dans l'Union européenne Reference "PE-FR, d'après le site du CEPOL > CEPOL Knowledge Centres (18.7.2023)"
  4. POLITICS|executive power and public service
    ionad ilfhreastail Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Language usage Moltar 'ionad ilfhreastail' a chur ar 'one-stop shop' agus 'pointe teagmhála aonair' ar 'single point of contact'.
    pointe teagmhála aonair Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2018/1807 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le creat le haghaidh saorshreabhadh sonraí neamhphearsanta san Aontas Eorpach"
    Language usage Moltar 'ionad ilfhreastail' a chur ar 'one-stop shop' agus 'pointe teagmhála aonair' ar 'single point of contact'.
    ionad uileghnó Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Language usage Moltar 'ionad ilfhreastail' a chur ar 'one-stop shop' agus 'pointe teagmhála aonair' ar 'single point of contact'.
    einzige Anlaufstelle | einziger Ansprechpartner | einheitlicher Ansprechpartner | SPOC | zentrale Anlaufstelle
    Definition Möglichkeit (in der Wirtschaft wie auch in der öffentlichen Verwaltung), alle erforderlichen bürokratischen Schritte an einer einzigen Stelle durchzuführen Reference "Council-DE, vgl. Wikipedia (16.11.17)"
    Comment "XREF: Verwaltungsleistungen aus einer Hand (EN ""one-stop government "") IATE:2247390"
    one-stop shop | OSS | single point of contact | SPOC | point of single contact | PSC | single window | single entry point
    Definition single online access point (interface or portal) centralising a number of different administrative procedures and services Reference "Council-EN, based on Council-FR and European Commission > Internal Market > Services Directive > Points of single contact [4.12.2017]"
    Comment "See one-stop government [ IATE:2247390 ] for the type of public administration whereby users are provided with electronic services and data from different public authorities via a single point of access."
    guichet unique | point de contact unique | PCU | point d'entrée unique | guichet universel | centre de services intégrés | centre de formalités
    Definition point d'accès unique (interface/portail) en ligne permettant de centraliser différents services ou prestations administratives Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après le site de la Commission européenne > Marché intérieur > Directives ""Services"" > Guichets uniques, (23.12.2014)"
    Comment "Voir aussi ""guichet unique"" dans le domaine des douanes [IATE:2215856 ]"