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12 results in 9 documents

  1. #1871242

    Is é an rud atá in CCEnna, cuid den chaidreamh foriomlán idir an tAontas agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt amháin, agus tíortha ACC den pháirt eile, mar a leagtar amach sa Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, mar a leasaíodh go deireanach (Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta Cotonou) agus, ach a mbeidh sé infheidhme, an comhaontú a thiocfaidh ina dhiaidh.

    EPAs form part of the overall relationship between the Union and its Member States, on the one side, and the ACP countries, on the other, as set out in the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, as last amended (the ‘Cotonou Partnership Agreement’) and, once applicable, its successor agreement.

    Council Decision (EU) 2020/1113 of 20 July 2020 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the EPA Committee established under the stepping stone Economic Partnership Agreement between Ghana, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, regarding the adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the EPA Committee

  2. #1873439

    An iarracht leanúnach sa tsíocháin agus sa tslándáil atá á déanamh ag an Aontas ar ilchríoch na hAfraice faoin tSaoráid um Shíocháin san Afraic (APF), ba cheart leanúint di go deireadh Meitheamh 2021 nó go dtí dáta éaga chur i bhfeidhm an Chomhaontaithe Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile faoi mar a leasaíodh é an uair dheireanach (“Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta ACC-AE”), cibé dáta acu is luaithe.

    The ongoing Union engagement in peace and security on the African continent under the African Peace Facility (APF) should be sustained until the end of June 2021 or until the expiration of the application of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, as last amended (the ‘ACP-EU Partnership Agreement’), whichever comes first.

    Council Decision (EU) 2020/1422 of 5 October 2020 concerning the allocation of funds decommitted from projects under the 10th European Development Fund for the purpose of replenishing the African Peace Facility

  3. #2386739

    ag féachaint don Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát san Afraic, i Muir Chairib agus san Aigéan Ciúin, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, a síníodh in Cotonou (Beinin) an 23 Meitheamh 2000 agus a leasaíodh in Ouagadougou, Buircíne Fasó, an 22 Meitheamh 2010,

    having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 and amended in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on 22 June 2010,

    Decision (EU) 2022/1713 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh European Development Funds for the financial year 2020

  4. #2386779

    ag féachaint don Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát san Afraic, i Muir Chairib agus san Aigéan Ciúin, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, a síníodh in Cotonou (Beinin) an 23 Meitheamh 2000 agus a leasaíodh in Ouagadougou, Buircíne Fasó, an 22 Meitheamh 2010,

    having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 and amended in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on 22 June 2010,

    Decision (EU) 2022/1715 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 on the closure of the accounts of the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh European Development Funds for the financial year 2020

  5. #2899004

    ag féachaint don Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna shíniú in Cotonou (Beinin) an 23 Meitheamh 2000 agus a leasaíodh in Ouagadougou (Buircíne Fasó) an 22 Meitheamh 2010,

    having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 and amended in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) on 22 June 2010,

    Decision (EU) 2023/1841 of the European Parliament of 10 May 2023 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh European Development Funds for the financial year 2021

  6. #2899048

    ag féachaint don Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna shíniú in Cotonou (Beinin) an 23 Meitheamh 2000 agus a leasaíodh in Ouagadougou (Buircíne Fasó) an 22 Meitheamh 2010,

    having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 and amended in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) on 22 June 2010,

    Decision (EU) 2023/1843 of the European Parliament of 10 May 2023 on the closure of the accounts of the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh European Development Funds for the financial year 2021

  7. #2228839

    Ag féachaint don Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna shíniú in Cotonou an 23 Meitheamh 2000, arna leasú go deireanach, agus go háirithe Airteagal 96(2)(a), an ceathrú fomhír, de,

    Having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000, as last amended, and in particular Article 96(2)(a), fourth subparagraph, thereof,

    Council Decision (EU) 2022/177 of 8 February 2022 repealing, on behalf of the Union, Decision (EU) 2016/394

  8. #2228842

    Na comhairliúcháin le Poblacht na Burúine faoi Airteagal 96 den Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna shíniú in Cotonou an 23 Meitheamh 2000, arna leasú go deireanach, tugadh i gcrích iad trí bhíthin Chinneadh (AE) 2016/394 ón gComhairle.

    Consultations with the Republic of Burundi under Article 96 of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000, as last amended, were concluded by means of Council Decision (EU) 2016/394.

    Council Decision (EU) 2022/177 of 8 February 2022 repealing, on behalf of the Union, Decision (EU) 2016/394

  9. #2228868

    Ag féachaint don Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí de Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin (ACC), de pháirt, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna shíniú in Cotonou an 23 Meitheamh 2000, arna leasú go deireanach, agus go háirithe Airteagal 96(2)(a), an ceathrú fomhír, de

    Having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000, as last amended, and in particular Article 96(2)(a), fourth subparagraph, thereof,

    Council Decision (EU) 2022/178 of 8 February 2022 repealing, on behalf of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, Decision (EU) 2016/394

  10. #2228872

    Na comhairliúcháin le Poblacht na Burúine faoi Airteagal 96 den Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna shíniú in Cotonou an 23 Meitheamh 2000, arna leasú go deireanach, tugadh i gcrích iad trí bhíthin Chinneadh (AE) 2016/394 ón gComhairle.

    Consultations with the Republic of Burundi under Article 96 of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000, as last amended, were concluded by means of Council Decision (EU) 2016/394.

    Council Decision (EU) 2022/178 of 8 February 2022 repealing, on behalf of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, Decision (EU) 2016/394

  11. #2775468

    Cuirfidh na Páirtithe an Comhaontú seo chun feidhme i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 9 den Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir Comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna leasú go deireanach (dá ngairtear ‘Comhaontú Cotonou’ anseo feasta) i ndáil le gnéithe fíor-riachtanacha maidir le cearta an duine, prionsabail dhaonlathacha agus an smacht reachta, agus an ghné bhunúsach maidir leis an dea-rialachas, nó i gcomhréir leis an Airteagal comhfhreagrach d’aon Chomhaontú comharba idir an tAontas agus tíortha ACC.

    The Parties shall implement this Agreement in accordance with Article 9 of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, as last amended (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Cotonou Agreement’) on essential elements regarding human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law, and the fundamental element regarding good governance, or in accordance with the corresponding article of any successor agreement between the Union and the ACP countries.

    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Madagascar

  12. #2775708

    Ní fhéadfar an cur i bhfeidhm a fhionraí i leith neamhchomhlíonadh na gcoinníollacha dá bhforáiltear in Airteagal 3(3) den Chomhaontú a chur i bhfeidhm ach amháin i gcás ina gcuirfear tús leis na sásraí comhairliúcháin dá bhforáiltear in Airteagal 96 de Chomhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir Comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile, arna leasú go deireanach (dá ngairtear ‘Comhaontú Cotonou’ anseo feasta) a bhaineann le sárú ar eilimintí bunriachtanacha chearta an duine mar a shainmhínítear in Airteagal 9 de Chomhaontú Cotonou nó san Airteagal comhfhreagrach den Chomhaontú a thiocfadh i gcomharbas air.

    Suspension of application on the grounds of non-compliance with the conditions provided for in Article 3(3) of the Agreement may take place only if the consultation mechanisms provided for in Article 96 of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, as last amended (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Cotonou Agreement’) relating to violation of essential and fundamental elements of human rights, as defined in Article 9 of that Agreement or the corresponding article of any successor agreement, have been triggered.

    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Madagascar