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39 results in 26 documents

  1. #3115702

    Deimhniú árachais i dtaca le Dliteanas Sibhialta i leith Damáiste de dheasca Truailliú le hOla

    Certificate of Insurance in Respect of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage

    Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/205 of 7 November 2022 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1239 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the establishment of the European Maritime Single Window environment data set and amending its Annex (Text with EEA relevance)

  2. #785843

    (4) Go dtí go gcríochnófar ath-thógaint no athnuachaint an áitreibh cheadúnuithe, isé a bheidh in aon deimhniú i dtaobh stiúrú an ghnótha is gá i gcóir athnuachaint ceadúnais le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so ná deimhniú i dtaobh stiúrú an ghnótha ar feadh na tréimhse idir dáta na hathnuachainte deiridh a dineadh roimh scrios no damáiste an áitreibh cheadúnuithe agus dáta an scrios no an damáiste sin.

    (4) Until the completion of the rebuilding or restoration of the licensed premises, any certificate as to the conduct of the business required for the purpose of renewal of a licence to which this section applies shall be a certificate in respect of the conduct of the business during the period between the date of the last renewal prior to the destruction or damage of the licensed premises and the date of such destruction or damage.

    Number 62 of 1924: INTOXICATING LIQUOR (GENERAL) ACT, 1924

  3. #151513

    Aon chuntas ar na táillí, na muirir, na costais agus na damáistí is iníoctha ag an rannpháirtí, beidh sé, ar a dheimhniú, ina fhianaise prima facie ar an méid is iníoctha amhlaidh.

    Any account of the fees, charges, expenses and damages payable by the subscriber shall, when certified, be prima facie evidence of the amount so payable.

    Statutory Instruments: 1980

  4. #1440066

    —(1) Más rud é, maidir le damáiste a dhéanfar do mhaoin tar éis dháta rite an Achta seo, gurb é tuairim an phríomhcheannfoirt chuí gur duine a bhí ag gníomhú thar ceann eagraíochta dá dtagraítear in alt 5 (1) (a) (a cuireadh isteach leis an Acht seo) den Phríomh-Acht nó a bhí ag gníomhú i ndáil léi a rinne an gníomh go mailíseach ar dá thoradh a tharla an damáiste, tabharfaidh sé deimhniú arna shíniú aige á rá sin d'aon duine a iarrann air déanamh amhlaidh chun críche iarratas a dhéanamh chun na cúirte ar chúiteamh faoi na hAchtanna i leith an damáiste, agus beidh an deimhniú inghlactha in aon chúirt mar fhianaise gur duine a bhí ag gníomhú mar a dúradh a rinne an gníomh go mailíseach.

    —(1) Where, as respects damage caused to property after the passing of this Act, the appropriate chief superintendent is of opinion that the act from which the damage resulted was committed maliciously by a person acting on behalf of or in connection with an organisation referred to in Section 5(1) (a) (inserted by this Act) of The Principal Act, he shall, if requested so to do by any person for the purpose of making an application to the court for compensation under the Acts in respect of the damage, give a certificate signed by him and so stating to the person and the certificate shall be admissible in any court as evidence that the act was committed maliciously by a person acting as aforesaid.

    Number 27 of 1986: MALICIOUS INJURIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1986

  5. #2500543

    Má bhíonn damáiste ar aon cheann de na comhpháirteanna, na haonaid theicniúla ar leithligh nó na córais a liostaítear i bpointe, d’fhéadfaí comhpháirt choibhéiseach, aonaid choibhéiseacha theicniúla ar leithligh nó córais choibhéiseacha ag a bhfuil an uimhir dheimhnithe chéanna a chur in ionad na comhpháirte, na n-aonad teicniúil ar leithligh nó na gcóras sin a bhfuil damáiste orthu.

    In the case of damage of any of the components, separate technical units or systems listed in point, the component, separate technical units or systems may be replaced by an equivalent component, separate technical units or systems with the same certification number.

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1379 of 5 July 2022 amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2400 as regards the determination of the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of medium and heavy lorries and heavy buses and to introduce electric vehicles and other new technologies (Text with EEA relevance)

  6. #3115698

    Deimhniú árachais, nó aon urrús airgeadais eile, i dtaca le dliteanas sibhialta i leith damáiste de dheasca truailliú le hola bhuncair

    Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage

    Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/205 of 7 November 2022 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1239 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the establishment of the European Maritime Single Window environment data set and amending its Annex (Text with EEA relevance)

  7. #293670

    Má thugann an chúltaisce aigéid/alcailele tuiscint nach bhfuil an acmhainneacht sa mheascán damáiste tromchúiseach súile a chothú, in ainneoin an luach pH a bheith ard nó íseal, ansin ní foláir tuilleadh tástála a dhéanamh, chun é seo a dheimhniú, agus b'fhearr é sin a dhéanamh trí thástáil iomchuí bhailíochtaithe in vitro a úsáid.

    If consideration of alkali/acid reserve suggests the mixture may not have the potential to cause serious eye damage despite the low or high pH value, then further testing needs to be carried out to confirm this, preferably by use of an appropriate validated in vitro test.

    Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006

  8. #151041

    (2) Ar sin á iarraidh air, déanfaidh an rannpháirtí (gan dochar a dhéanamh do théarmaí an chomhaontaithe ná d'fhorálacha na Rialacháin seo) slánú ar an gcostas deimhnithe a bheidh ar an Aire agus ar an damáiste dheimhnithe a bheidh déanta dó trí aon sárú ar an mír roimhe seo.

    (2) The subscriber shall (without prejudice to the terms of the relevant agreement or to the provisions of these Regulations) make good on demand the certified expense and damage to which the Minister may be put by reason of any breach of the foregoing paragraph.

    Statutory Instruments: 1980

  9. #151062

    Cuntas ar na táillí, na muirir, na costais agus na damáistí is iníoctha ag an rannpháirtí a ullmhóidh an tAire beidh sé, ar é dheimhniú, ina fhianaise prima facie ar an méid is iníoctha.

    An account prepared by the Minister of the fees, charges, expenses and damages payable by the subscriber shall, when certified, be prima facie evidence of the amount so payable.

    Statutory Instruments: 1980

  10. #464008

    7.—Ní bheidh áititheoir áitribh faoi dhliteanas i leith iontrálaí i ndáil le díobháil nó damáiste a dhéantar don iontrálaí nó do mhaoin an iontrálaí mar gheall ar chontúirt atá ann ar an áitreabh de dhroim faillí ag conraitheoir neamhspleách arna fhostú ag an áititheoir más rud é gur ghlac an t-áititheoir gach cúram réasúnach sna himthosca (lena n-áirítear cibé bearta ba chóir don áititheoir a dhéanamh le réasún chun a dheimhniú dó nó di féin go raibh an conraitheoir neamhspleách inniúil ar an obair lena mbaineann a dhéanamh) mura rud é gurb eol, nó gur chóir gurbh eol, don áititheoir nach ndearnadh an obair go cuí.

    7. --An occupier of premises shall not be liable to an entrant for injury or damage caused to the entrant or property of the entrant by reason of a danger existing on the premises due to the negligence of an independent contractor employed by the occupier if the occupier has taken all reasonable care in the circumstances (including such steps as the occupier ought reasonably to have taken to satisfy himself or herself that the independent contractor was competent to do the work concerned) unless the occupier has or ought to have had knowledge of the fact that the work was not properly done.


  11. #978243

    —(1) Duine ar bith a fhuilingeos, tar éis deimhniú déantachta d'eisiúin, aon chaillteanas nó damáiste de dheascaibh díobhála (seachas tógaint, srianadh, foirceannadh, nó cur isteach éigeanta fán Acht so) d'aon chanáil nó uisce-bhealach intseolta eile nó d'aon cheart uisce-chumhachta nó ceart uisce eile nó d'aon iascach nó ceart iascaigh, beidh sé, fá réir forál an Achta so, i dteideal na Coimisinéirí d'íoc cúitimh leis sa díobháil sin i gcás, agus amháin i gcás, an díobháil sin do theacht trí oibriú ginearálta na n-oibreacha siltin lena mbainfidh an deimhniú déantachta san nó trí na hoibreacha san d'oibriú ar aon mhodh nó cúrsa áirithe.

    —(1) Any person who, after the issue of a certificate of completion, suffers any loss or damage by reason of an injury (other than a compulsory acquisition, restriction, termination, of interference under this Act) to any canal or other navigable waterway or to any water-power or other water right or to any fishery or fishing right shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be entitled to be paid by the Commissioners compensation for such injury where, but only where, such injury is caused by the operation generally of the drainage works to which such certificate of completion relates or by any particular mode or course of operation of such works.

    Number 3 of 1945: ARTERIAL DRAINAGE ACT, 1945

  12. #1440072

    (4) San alt seo, ciallaíonn “príomhcheannfort cuí”, i ndáil le deimhniú faoin alt seo, an príomhcheannfort den Gharda Síochána arbh é, an tráth a síníodh an deimhniú, an t-oifigeach rannáin é den rannán Garda Síochána ina bhfuil suite an Stáisiún Garda Síochána cuí chun críche réamhfhógra a sheirbheáil faoi alt 8 den Phríomh-Acht i ndáil leis an damáiste iomchuí.

    (4) In this section "appropriate chief superintendent", in relation to a certificate under this section, means the chief superintendent of the Garda Síochána who was, at the time of the signing of the certificate, the divisional officer of the Garda Síochána division in which is situated the appropriate Garda Síochána station for the purpose of the service of a preliminary notice under section 8 of the Principal Act in relation to the relevant damage.

    Number 27 of 1986: MALICIOUS INJURIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1986

  13. #1475694

    —Má dheimhnítear i ndeimhniú a chuirtear faoi bhráid údaráis áitiúil faoi alt 3 (2) (c) den Acht seo go mbeidh cibé beart a bheidh leagtha amach sa deimhniú déanta i ndáil le foirgneamh sonraithe, ní dhéanfar aon bheart i ndáil leis an bhfoirgneamh sin a mbeadh d'éifeacht leis go ndéanfaí an beart a bheidh leagtha amach amhlaidh a chealú mura gcuireann úinéir de chuid an fhoirgnimh shonraithe faoi bhráid an údaráis áitiúil, ar ina limistéar feidhmiúcháin atá an foirgneamh suite, deimhniú breise, arna shíniú ag duine inniúil, á dheimhniú go ndearnadh gach beart réasúnach mar atá leagtha amach sa deimhniú sin chun go n-íoslaghdófaí, a mhéid is indéanta é, an baol atá ann damáiste timpisteach a dhéanamh de bhíthin an beart céadluaite a chealú.

    —Where a certificate submitted to a local authority under section 3 (2) (c) of this Act certifies that such action as may be set out in the certificate has been taken in relation to a specified building, no action shall be taken in relation to that building which would have the effect of undoing the action so set out unless an owner of the specified building submits to the local authority in whose functional area the building is situate a further certificate, signed by a competent person, certifying that all reasonable actions as set out in that certificate have been taken to minimise, as far as practicable, the risk of accidental damage by reason of the undoing of the first mentioned action.


  14. #738544

    Ba cheart sáruithe a dhéantar ar rialacha reachtaíocht an Aontais maidir leis an slabhra agraibhia agus ar rialacha an Rialacháin seo, a bheith faoi réir píonós éifeachtach, comhréireacha, athchomhairleacha, ar an leibhéal náisiúnta ar fud an Aontais agus go cuirfeadh déine na smachtbhannaí sin san áireamh, inter alia, an damáiste do shláinte an duine a d’fheadfadh a bheith mar thoradh ar sháruithe, lena n-áirítear i gcásanna ina mainníonn oibreoirí comhoibriú le linn rialú oifigiúil agus i gcásanna ina dtáirgtear nó ina n-úsáidtear deimhnithe nó fianuithe oifigiúla atá bréagach nó míthreorach.

    Infringements of the rules of the Union agri-food chain legislation and of this Regulation should be subject to effective, dissuasive and proportionate penalties at national level throughout the Union, the severity of which takes account, inter alia, of the potential damage to human health that may result from infringements, including in cases where operators fail to cooperate during an official control and in cases where false or misleading official certificates or attestations are produced or used.

    Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation)Text with EEA relevance.

  15. #873580

    —I gcás an díobháil ina mbeidh cúiteamh iníoctha le hoibrí fén Acht so, no fé scéim ar bith a bheidh deimhnithe fén Acht so, do thárlachtaint i slí go mbeidh duine éigin seachas fostóir an oibrí sin freagarthach do réir dlí in airgead damáiste d'íoc inti, ansan beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—

    —Where the injury for which compensation is payable to a workman under this Act, or any scheme certified under this Act was caused in circumstances creating a legal liability in some person other than the employer of such workman to pay damages in respect thereof, then the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—

    Number 9 of 1934: WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT, 1934

  16. #1918852

    Go háirithe, i bpointe 26.334 d’Iarscríbhinn I a ghabhann le Rialachán (AE) 2015/640 tugtar le tuiscint go mbeidh ar na sealbhóirí deimhnithe cineáil forlíontacha a eisíodh roimh an 1 Meán Fómhair 2003 na sonraí faoi lamháltas damáiste a thiomsú cibé acu a theastaíonn na sonraí sin ó oibreoirí nó nach dteastaíonn.

    In particular, point 26.334 of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2015/640 implies that all holders of supplemental type-certificate issued before 1 September 2003 will have to develop the damage tolerance data whether or not this data is actually required by operators.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/97 of 28 January 2021 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) 2015/640 as regards the introduction of new additional airworthiness requirements

  17. #2232960

    Ní féidir inneachar aon chumarsáidí mar aon le sonraí deimhnithe cumarsáide a fhaightear trí fhaireachas ar bhonn CPPA a úsáid ach amháin (1) le haghaidh imscrúdú, ionchúiseamh nó cosc coireanna áirithe, (2) le haghaidh imeachtaí araíonachta, (3) le haghaidh imeachtaí breithiúnacha i gcás ina mbeidh páirtí a bhaineann leis an gcumarsáid ag brath orthu in éileamh ar dhamáistí nó (4) ar bhonn dlíthe eile.

    The content of any communications as well as communication confirmation data acquired through surveillance on the basis of the CPPA may only be used (1) for the investigation, prosecution or prevention of certain crimes, (2) for disciplinary proceedings, (3) for judicial proceedings where a party relating to the communication relies on them in a claim for damages or (4) on the basis of other laws.

    Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/254 of 17 December 2021 pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adequate protection of personal data by the Republic of Korea under the Personal Information Protection Act (notified under document C(2021) 9316) (Text with EEA relevance)

  18. #2802002

    Chun an leibhéal sábháilteachta is gá a áirithiú, ba cheart feidhm a bheith ag ceanglais chobhsaíochta shonracha i gcás damáiste freisin maidir le longa paisinéirí róró atá ann cheana nach raibh deimhnithe riamh i gcomhréir le Treoir 2003/25/CE agus atá á gcur i seirbhís rialta san Aontas.

    In order to ensure the necessary level of safety, specific damage stability requirements should apply also to existing ro-ro passenger ships that have never been certified in accordance with Directive 2003/25/EC and are entering into regular service in the Union.

    Directive (EU) 2023/946 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 amending Directive 2003/25/EC as regards the inclusion of improved stability requirements and the alignment of that Directive with the stability requirements defined by the International Maritime Organization (Text with EEA relevance)

  19. #2965378

    (c) Stórálfar na taifid uile dá dtagraítear i bpointí (a) agus (b) ar bhealach a áiritheoidh go gcosnófar iad ar dhamáiste, athrú agus gadaíocht agus coimeádfar ar feadh tréimhse íosta 5 bliana iad tar éis do na formheasanna agus do na deimhnithe scor de bheith bailí nó tar éis do na dearbhuithe a bheith tarraingthe siar, faoi réir an dlí is infheidhme maidir le cosaint sonraí.

    (c) All the records referred to in points (a) and (b) shall be stored in a manner that ensures protection against damage, alteration and theft and kept for a minimum period of five years after the approvals and certificates cease to be valid or the declarations are withdrawn, subject to the applicable data protection law.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1769 of 12 September 2023 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures for the approval of organisations involved in the design or production of air traffic management/air navigation services systems and constituents and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203

  20. #3247000

    D’ainneoin mhír 8, tar éis dul i gcomhairle le húdarás inniúil an Bhallstáit brataí a bhfuil baint acu le hiasc a iompar go dtí an fheirm chinn scríbe, féadfaidh údarás inniúil an Bhallstáit brataí nó Bhallstát an ghaiste cinneadh a dhéanamh gan na héisc a cinneadh san imscrúdú gur cailleadh iad a asbhaint de chuóta an Bhallstáit, i gcás ina mbeidh sé doiciméadaithe go cuí ag an oibreoir gur caillteanais force majeure iad na caillteanais (i.e. pictiúir den chaighean a ndearnadh damáiste dó, tuarascálacha meitéareolaíocha), ina mbeidh an fhaisnéis ábhartha curtha in iúl d’údarás inniúil Bhallstát an oibreora díreach tar éis an teagmhais agus nár tharla básanna deimhnithe mar thoradh ar na caillteanais.

    Notwithstanding paragraph 8, after consulting the competent authority of the flag Member State involved in the transport of fish to the farm of destination, the competent authority of the flag or trap Member State may decide not to deduct from the quota of the Member State the fish determined in the investigation as lost fish, where the losses have been duly documented as force majeure by the operator (i.e. pictures of the damaged cage, meteorological reports), the relevant information has been communicated to competent authority of the Member State of the operator immediately after the event and the losses did not result in known mortalities.

    Regulation (EU) 2024/897 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 March 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2107 laying down management, conservation and control measures applicable in the Convention area of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and Regulation (EU) 2023/2053 establishing a multiannual management plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean

  21. #912419

    (a) in aon aicsean um thort no um briseadh geallúna pósta, maran lugha ná céad púnt agus maran mó ná trí chéad púnt méid an airgid damáiste bhainfidh an gearánaí amach ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costaisí do bhaint amach ná mar do bheadh sé i dteideal do bhaint amach dá mba sa Chúirt Chuarda do bunófaí an t-aicsean, mara ndeinidh an breitheamh a bheidh ag éisteacht an aicsin deimhniú speisialta do dheonadh fén alt so;

    ( a ) in any action of tort or of breach of promise of marriage, where the amount of the damages recovered by the plaintiff is not less than one hundred pounds and not more than three hundred pounds the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than he would have been entitled to recover if the action had been brought in the Circuit Court, unless the judge hearing the action grants a special certificate under this section;

    Number 48 of 1936: COURTS OF JUSTICE ACT, 1936

  22. #912421

    (b) in aon aicsean um thort no um briseadh geallúna pósta, más lugha ná céad púnt méid an airgid damáiste bhainfidh an gearánaí amach ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal costaisí do bhaint amach is mó ná pé méid acu so leanas is lugha, sé sin le rá, méid an airgid damáiste sin no méid na gcostaisí do bheadh sé i dteideal do bhaint amach dá mba sa Chúirt Chuarda do bunófaí an t-aicsean, mara ndeinidh an breitheamh a bheidh ag éisteacht an aicsin deimhniú speisialta do dheonadh fén alt so;

    ( b ) in any action of tort or of breach of promise of marriage, where the amount of the damages recovered by the plaintiff is less than one hundred pounds the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than whichever of the following amounts is the lesser, that is to say, the amount of such damages or the amount of costs which he would have been entitled to recover if the action had been brought in the Circuit Court unless the judge hearing the action grants a special certificate under this section;

    Number 48 of 1936: COURTS OF JUSTICE ACT, 1936

  23. #912423

    (c) in aon aicsean a bheidh bunuithe ar chonnradh (seachas aicsin chun suim shocruithe do bhaint amach) no ag lorg airgid damáiste mar gheall ar bhriseadh connartha (seachas mar gheall ar bhriseadh geallúna pósta), maran mó ná trí chéad púnt an méid a bhainfidh an gearánaí amach ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costaisí do bhaint amach ná mar do bheadh sé í dteideal do bhaint amach dá mba sa Chúirt Chuarda do bunófaí an t-aicsean, mara ndeinidh an breitheamh a bheidh ag éisteacht an aicsin sin deimhniú speisialta do dheonadh fén alt so;

    ( c ) in any action founded on contract (other than actions for the recovery of a liquidated sum) or for damages for breach of contract (other than for breach of promise of marriage), where the amount recovered by the plaintiff does not exceed three hundred pounds the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than he would have been entitled to recover if the action had been brought in the Circuit Court unless the judge hearing such action grants a special certificate under this section;

    Number 48 of 1936: COURTS OF JUSTICE ACT, 1936

  24. #1168440

    (a) i gcás ina mbeidh aon fhaoiseamh (seachas damáistí) a éileofar laistigh de dhlínse na Cúirte Cuarda agus, má éilítear damáistí, nach mó ná sé chéad punt na damáistí a ghnóthóidh an gearánaí, ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costas a ghnóthú ná mar bheadh sé i dteideal a ghnóthú dá mba sa Chúirt Chuarda a tionscnaíodh an chaingean, mura ndéanfaidh an breitheamh a éistfidh an chaingean deimhniú speisialta a dheonú faoin alt seo, agus

    ( a ) where any relief (other than damages) claimed is within the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court and, if damages are claimed, the amount of the damages recovered by the plaintiff is not more than six hundred pounds, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than he would have been entitled to recover if the action had been brought in the Circuit Court, unless the judge hearing the action grants a special certificate under this section, and

    Number 10 of 1963: COPYRIGHT ACT, 1963

  25. #1168442

    (b) más damáistí an t-aon-fhaoiseamh a éileofar agus nach mó ná caoga punt méid na ndamáistí a ghnóthóidh an gearánaí, ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costas a ghnóthú ná mar bheadh sé i dteideal a ghnóthú dá mba sa Chúirt Dúiche a tionscnaíodh an chaingean, mura ndéanfaidh an breitheamh a éistfidh an chaingean deimhniú speisialta a dheonú faoin alt seo.

    ( b ) where the only relief claimed is damages and the amount of the damages recovered by the plaintiff is not more than fifty pounds, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than he would have been entitled to recover if the action had been brought in the District Court, unless the judge hearing the action grants a special certificate under this section.

    Number 10 of 1963: COPYRIGHT ACT, 1963

  26. #1379123

    —(1) In aon chaingean maidir le tort nó le sárú gealltanais phósta a tosaíodh agus a éisteadh san Ard-Chúirt, ar caingean í inar mó ná £2,500 ach nach mó ná £7,500, méid na ndamáistí a ghnóthaigh an gearánaí, ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costas a ghnóthú ná cibé méid acu seo a leanas is 1ú, is é sin le rá, méid na ndamáistí sin nó méid na gcostas a bheadh sé i dteideal a ghnóthú dá mba sa Chúnt Chuarda a thosófaí an chaingean, mura ndéanfaidh an breitheamh a bheidh ag éisteacht na caingne deimhniú speisialta a dheonú faoin alt seo.

    —(1) In any action of tort or of breach of promise of marriage commenced and heard in the High Court, being an action where the amount of the damages recovered by the plaintiff exceeds £2,500 but does not exceed £7,500, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than whichever of the following amounts is the lesser, that is to say, the amount of such damages or the amount of costs which he would have been entitled to recover if the action had been commenced in the Circuit Court, unless the judge hearing the action grants a special certificate under this section.

    Number 11 of 1981: COURTS ACT, 1981

  27. #1379129

    (4) I gcás cúirt do dhéanamh ordú i bhfabhar an ghearánaí nó an iarratasóra in aon imeachtaí (seachas caingean a shonraítear i bhfo-ailt (1) go (3) den alt seo) agus nach í an chúirt is ísle a bhfuil dlínse aici ordú a dhéanamh ag deonú an fhaoisimh (abairt a fholaíonn damáistí san alt seo) is ábhar don ordú an chúirt inar tosaíodh na himeachtaí, ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costas a ghnóthú ná a bheadh sé i dteideal a ghnóthú dá mba sa chúirt sin is ísle a thosófaí na himeachtaí mura rud é gur breitheamh a dhéanfaidh an t-ordú agus mura ndeonóidh an breitheamh deimhniú speisialta faoin alt seo.

    (4) Where an order is made by a court in favour of the plaintiff or applicant in any proceedings (other than an action specified in subsections (1) to (3) of this section) and the court in which the proceedings were commenced is not the lowest court having jurisdiction to make an order granting the relief (which expression includes in this section damages) the subject of the order, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than he would have been entitled to recover if the proceedings had been commenced in the said lowest court unless the order is made by a judge and the judge grants a special certificate under this section.

    Number 11 of 1981: COURTS ACT, 1981

  28. #1404114

    —(1) Deimhniú a airbheartóidh a bheith sínithe ag oifigeach don chuideachta agus a deir go bhfuil suim shonraithe dlite don chuideachta de dhuine sonraithe maidir le haon suibscríobh, táille, muirear, costas, damáiste nó caillteanas i leith seirbhís ar bith a chuir an chuideachta ar fáil i bhfeidhmiú feidhme a shanntar di faoin Acht seo beidh sé, gan chruthúnas, ina fhianaise prima facie ar an tsuim atá dlite in aon imeachtaí a thionscnóidh an duine sonraithe, a ionadaithe pearsanta nó a chomharbaí i dteideal, nó a thionscnófar ina choinne nó ina gcoinne.

    —(1) A certificate purporting to be signed by an officer of the company that a specified sum is due to the company from a specified person for any subscription, fee, charge, expense, damage or loss in respect of any service provided by the company in the exercise of a function assigned to it under this Act shall, without proof, be prima facie evidence of the sum due in any proceedings taken by or against the specified person, his personal representatives or successors in title.


  29. #1404410

    —(1) Deimhniú a airbheartóidh a bheith sínithe ag oifigeach don chuideachta agus a deir go bhfuil suim shonraithe dlite don chuideachta de dhuine sonraithe maidir le haon suibscríobh, táille, muirear, costas, damáiste nó caillteanas i leith seirbhís ar bith a chuir an chuideachta ar fáil i bhfeidhmiú feidhme a shanntar di faoin Acht seo beidh sé, gan chruthúnas, ina fhianaise prima facie in aon imeachtaí a thionscnóidh an duine sonraithe, a ionadaithe pearsanta nó a chomharbaí i dteideal nó a thionscnófar ina choinne nó ina gcoinne.

    —(1) A certificate purporting to be signed by an officer of the company that a specified sum is due to the company from a specified person for any subscription, fee, charge, expense, damage or loss in respect of any service provided by the company in the exercise of a function assigned to it under this Act shall, without proof, be prima facie evidence in any proceedings by or against the specified person, his personal representatives or successors in title.


  30. #1461706

    —(1) Má líomhnaítear go bhfuil úinéir loinge faoi dhliteanas faoi alt 7 i leith damáiste ó thruailliú mar gheall ar aon scaoileadh amach ola agus go mbeidh, an tráth sin, conradh árachais nó urrús eile lena mbaineann deimhniú dá dtagraítear in alt 16 i bhfeidhm maidir leis an long sin, féadfar imeachtaí a thionscnamh in aghaidh an ráthóra chun éileamh a fhorghníomhú i leith aon damáiste arbh é an scaoileadh amach ola ba chúis leis.

    —(1) Where it is alleged that the owner of a ship is liable under section 7 for pollution damage as a result of any discharge of oil, and there is, at that time, in force in respect of that ship a contract of insurance or other security to which a certificate referred to in section 16 relates, proceedings to enforce a claim in respect of any damage caused by the discharge of oil may be brought against the guarantor.


  31. #1475678

    (c) go ndearnadh gach beart réasúnach mar atá leagtha amach sa deimhniú (lena n-áirítear, más iomchuí, na bearta a shonraítear sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo) chun go n-íoslaghdófaí, a mhéid is indéanta é, an baol atá ann damáiste timpisteach a dhéanamh don fhoirgneamh.

    [GA] ( c ) all reasonable actions as set out in the certificate (which shall include, where appropriate, the actions specified in the Third Schedule to this Act) have been taken to minimise as far as is practicable the risk of accidental damage to the building.


  32. #1704194

    In aon chaingean maidir le tort a thionscnófar agus a éistfear san Ard-Chúirt, is caingean inar mó ná £2,500 ach nach mó ná £7,500 méid na ndamáistí a bheidh gnóthaithe ag an ngearánaí, ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costas a ghnóthú ná an méid is lú díobh seo a leanas, is é sin le rá, méid na ndamáistí sin nó méid na gcostas a bheadh sé tar éis bheith i dteideal a ghnóthú dá mba sa Chúirt Chuarda a bheifí tar éis an chaingean a thionscnamh, mura ndéanfaidh an Breitheamh a mbeidh an chaingean á héisteacht aige deimhniú speisialta a dheonú faoi alt 17 d'Acht na gCúirteanna, 1981.

    In any action of tort commenced and heard in the High Court, being an action where the amount of the damages recovered by the plaintiff exceeds £2,500 but does not exceed £7,500, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than whichever of the following amounts is the lesser, that is to say the amount of such damages or the amount of costs which he would have been entitled to recover if the act ion had been commenced in the Circuit Court, unless the Judge hearing the act ion grants a special certificate under section 17 of the Courts Act, 1981 .

    S.I. No. 15 of 1986: The Rules of the Superior Courts

  33. #910538

    (2) Cuideachta choigríche no duine (pé áit ina gcomhnuíonn sé no ina ndeineann sé gnó) do bhéarfaidh amach (ach amháin i gcúrsa ath-árachú no mar ath-árachú) polasaí, banna, deimhniú no ionstruim eile árachais do dhuine ar a mbeidh gnáth-chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann no do bhéarfaidh amach do dhuine ar bith den tsórt san polasaí, banna, deimhniú, no ionstruim eile árachais in aghaidh freagarthachta, caillteanais, no damáiste eireoidh (má eiríonn in aon chor) i Saorstát Éireann, no ghlacfaidh o dhuine ar bith ar a mbeidh gnáth-chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann praemium alos polasaí do bhéarfar amach amhlaidh tar éis tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, tuigfear ina dtaobh chun crícheanna an Achta so, más i gcúrsa gnó do bheith ar siúl is gnó árachais do réir bhrí an Achta so agus más mar chuid den gnó san do tugadh amach an ionstruim árachais sin no do glacadh an praemium san, gnó árachais do bheith ar siúl acu i Saorstát Éireann pe'ca in áit laistigh no in áit lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann do bhéarfar amach an ionstruim sin no glacfar an praemium san.

    (2) A foreign company which or a person (wherever resident or carrying on business) who issues (otherwise than in the course or by way of re-insurance) a policy, bond, certificate, or other instrument of insurance to a person ordinarily resident in Saorstát Eireann, or issues to any such person a policy, bond, certificate, or other instrument of insurance in respect of a liability, loss, or damage which will arise (if at all) in Saorstát Eireann, or accepts from any person ordinarily resident in Saorstát Eireann a premium in respect of a policy so issued after the commencement of this Part of this Act shall, if the issue of such instrument of insurance or the acceptance of such premium was done in the course and as part of the carrying on of a business which is assurance business within the meaning of this Act, be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to carry on assurance business in Saorstát Eireann whether such instrument is issued from or such premium is accepted at a place in or a place outside Saorstát Eireann.

    Number 45 of 1936: INSURANCE ACT, 1936

  34. #978354

    (f) in aon imeachta i gcoinne comhairle contae nó comhairlí dhá chontae nó níos mó chun a n-aistreofar urlámhas agus bainistí ceanntair shiltin láithrigh leis an bhfo-alt so ag lorg airgid damáiste nó faoisimh i bhfoirm mandamus mar gheall ar an gcothabháil neamhdhóthaineach adeirtear do bheith á dhéanamh ar na hoibreacha siltin láithreacha sa cheanntar san, beidh deimhniú fá shéala na gCoimisinéirí, á rá gur chuir na Coimisinéirí fá ndear na hoibreacha siltin sin d'iniúchadh tráth sonnraithe agus gur deimhin leo go raibh na hoibreacha siltin sin, tráth an inúchta san, i riocht agus i ndeis chomh maith ar a laghad leis an riocht agus an deis ina rabhdar tráth an iniúctha dheireannaigh a rinne na Coimisinéirí orthu roimh an lá ceaptha, ina fhianaise dho-chlaoite dho-bhréagnuithe ar na fíorais a bheas luaite amhlaidh sa deimhniú san;

    ( f ) in any proceedings against the council of a county or the councils of two or more counties to whom the control and management of an existing drainage district is transferred by this sub-section for damages or for relief in the nature of mandamus on account of the alleged inadequate maintenance of the existing drainage works in such district, a certificate sealed with the seal of the Commissioners and stating that the Commissioners caused the said drainage works to be inspected on a specified occasion and are satisfied that those drainage works were, at the time of such inspection, in a condition and state of repair at least as good as they were in on the occasion of the last inspection thereof by the Commissioners prior to the appointed day shall be conclusive and irrebuttable evidence of the facts so stated in such certificate;

    Number 3 of 1945: ARTERIAL DRAINAGE ACT, 1945

  35. #777242

    —Ní luighfidh aon aicsean i gcoinnibh aon fho-shirriaim i dtaobh ná mar gheall air gur thóg sé i bhfeidhmiúchán, fé aon rit fieri facias, aithne Cúirte Bille Shíbhialta, barántas, deimhniú, no scríbhinn eile, aon earraí, ainmhithe, no áirnéis eile a fuarthas i dtigh no in áit comhnaithe eile no ar thailte an fhéichiún agus 'na n-éilitear no 'na ndeirtear ina dtaobh (pe'ca iompóidh no ná hiompóidh sé amach go raibh bunús maith leis an éileamh no leis an ráiteas san) gur le bean no le fear an fhéichiún gurbh ea iad, no le hathair no le máthair an fhéichiún, no le haon duine cloinne dho, a bhí de thurus na huaire ina chomhnaí i dtigh no in áit comhnaithe eile an fhéichiún agus, in ionad an t-aicsean san do thabhairt i gcoinnibh an fho-shirriaim, beidh ag an té go mba leis dáiríribh na hearraí, na hainmhithe no an áirnéis eile sin a tógadh amhlaidh i bhfeidhmiúchán (má iompuíonn sé amach nár leis an bhféichiúin na hearraí, na hainmhithe no an áirnéis eile sin), beidh aige teideal chun luach na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe agus na háirnéise eile sin d'fháil ón bhféichiúin le haicsean, maraon le pé damáiste a dineadh air tríd na hearraí, na hainmhithe no an árnéis eile sin do thógaint amhlaidh i bhfeidhmiúchán.

    —No action shall lie against any under-sheriff for or on account of his having taken in execution under any writ of fieri facias, decree of a Civil Bill Court, warrant, certificate, or other document, any goods, animals, or other chattels found in the house or other place of residence or on the lands of the debtor and claimed or alleged (whether such claim or allegation does or does not prove to have been well-founded) to be the property of the wife or husband of the debtor, or to be the property of any parent or child of the debtor for the time being residing in the house or other place of residence of the debtor, and, in lieu of such action against the under-sheriff, the person to whom such goods, animals, or other chattels so taken in execution in fact belonged shall (if such goods, animals, or other chattels should prove not to have been the property of the debtor) be entitled to recover from the debtor by action the value of such goods, animals, and other chattels, together with such damages as such person shall have suffered by reason of such goods, animals or other chattels having been so taken in execution.


  36. #978562

    (b) in aon imeachta i gcoinne na gCoimisinéirí ag lorg airgid damáiste nó faoisimh i bhfoirm mandamus mar gheall ar an gcothabháil neamh-dhóthaineach adeirtear do bheith á dhéanamh ar aon oibreacha siltin láithreacha den tsórt san ag na Coimisinéirí, beidh deimhniú fá shéala na gCoimisinéirí, á rá gur chuir na Coimisinéirí fá ndear na hoibreacha siltin láithreacha san d'iniúchadh agus gur deimhin leo go raibh na hoibreacha siltin láithreacha san, ar dháta an iniúchta san, i riocht agus i ndeis chomh maith ar a laghad leis an riocht agus an deis ina rabhdar ar dháta an orduithe aistrithe chothabhála iomchuibhe, ina fhianaise dho-chlaoite dho-bhréagnuithe go raibh na hoibreacha siltin láithreacha san ar dháta an iniúchta san i riocht agus i ndeis chomh maith ar a laghad leis an riocht agus an deis ina rabhdar ar dháta an orduithe sin;

    ( b ) in any proceedings against the Commissioners for damages or for relief in the nature of mandamus on account of the alleged inadequate maintenance by the Commissioners of any such existing drainage works, a certificate sealed with the seal of the Commissioners and stating that the Commissioners have caused the said existing drainage works to be inspected and are satisfied that the said existing drainage works were, at the date of such inspection, in a condition and state of repair at least as good as on the date of the relevant maintenance transfer order shall be conclusive and irrebuttable evidence that the said existing drainage works were in a condition and state of repair at the date of such inspection at least as good as on the date of the said order;

    Number 3 of 1945: ARTERIAL DRAINAGE ACT, 1945

  37. #1073373

    (f) déanfar mallfhuaradh uair amháin ar a laghad i ngach ceithre mhí dhéag ar gach slabhra agus tácla tógála, ach amháin iris rópa, mura de chineál nó de shórt é a díolmhadh le deimhniú ón Aire ar an bhforas gur d'ábhar nó de dhéanamh é a bheir nach féidir é a chur faoi chóireáil teasa gan baol damáiste nó gur cuireadh faoi chóireáil teasa de shaghas éigin é (seachas mallfhuaradh) a cheadaigh an tAire, nó, i gcás slabhraí nó irisí de thinne leathorlaigh nó níos lú nó slabhraí a húsáidtear i ndáil le miotal leaighte nó le sal miotail leaighte, uair amháin ar a laghad i ngach sé mhí, i dtreo, áfach, nach gá mallfhuaradh a dhéanamh ach amháin nuair is riachtanach sin ar shlabhraí agus tácla tógála nach mbíonn in úsáid go rialta;

    ( f ) every chain and lifting tackle except a rope sling shall, unless of a class or description exempted by certificate of the Minister upon the ground that it is made of such material or so constructed that it cannot be subjected to heat treatment without risk of damage or that it has been subjected to some form of heat treatment (other than annealing) approved by him, be annealed at least once in every fourteen months, or, in the case of chains or slings of half-inch bar or smaller, or chains used in connection with molten metal or molten slag, in every six months, so, however, that chains and lifting tackle not in regular use need be annealed only when necessary;

    Number 10 of 1955: FACTORIES ACT, 1955

  38. #1153173

    —(1) I gcás ina mbeidh oibrí nó a ionadaí pearsanta nó a chleithiúnaí nó duine eile tar éis cúiteamh a ghnóthú faoi na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre, 1934 go 1955, nó faoi aon scéim arna deimhniú faoi Acht 1934 i leith díobhála a rinneadh in imthosca a thabharfadh ceart chun damáistí laghdaithe a ghnóthú i leith an chéanna de bhua fho-alt (1) d'alt 34 ó dhuine éigin seachas an fostóir (dá ngairtear an tríú páirtí san fho-alt seo), ní bheidh sa cheart a thugtar le halt 61 d'Acht 1934, don duine lenar íocadh an cúiteamh nó d'aon duine ar iarradh air slánaíocht a íoc faoi alt 19 d'Acht 1934, chun slánaíocht a fháil ón tríú páirtí ach ceart chun slánaíocht a fháil i leith na coda sin amháin den suim a d'íoc an duine sin nó is iníoctha aige amhlaidh a mbeidh idir í agus iomlán na suime a íocadh nó is iníoctha amhlaidh an coibhneas céanna a bheidh idir na damáistí laghdaithe sin agus iomlán na ndamáistí ab inghnóthaithe dá mba nach raibh an t-oibrí faillíoch.

    —(1) Where a workman or his personal representative or his dependant or other person has recovered compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1934 to 1955, or under any scheme certified under the Act of 1934 in respect of an injury caused in circumstances which would give a right to recover reduced damages in respect thereof by virtue of subsection (1) of section 34 from some person other than the employer (in this subsection referred to as the third party), any right conferred by section 61 of the Act of 1934, on the person by whom the compensation was paid or on any person called upon to pay an indemnity under section 19 of the Act of 1934, to be indemnified by the third party shall be limited to a right to be indemnified in respect of such part only of the sum so paid or payable by the said person as bears to the total of the sum so paid or payable the same proportion as the said reduced damages bears to the total damages which would have been recoverable if the workman had not been negligent.

    Number 41 of 1961: CIVIL LIABILITY ACT, 1961

  39. #1704197

    I gcás ina ndéanfaidh cúirt ordú i bhfabhar an ghearánaí nó an iarratasó ra in aon imeachtaí (seachas caingean a shonraítear i bhfo-ailt (1) go (3) d'alt 17 d'Acht na gCúirteanna, 1981) agus nach í an chúirt is ísle a mbeidh dlínse aici chun ordú a dhéanamh chun an faoiseamh (focal a fholaíonn damáistí sa riail seo) is ábhar don ordú a dheonú an Chúirt ina mbeifear tar éis na himeachtaí a thionscnamh, ní bheidh an gearánaí i dteideal níos mó costas a ghnóthú ná mar a bheadh sé tar éis bheith i dteideal a ghnóthú dá mba sa chúirt sin is ísle a bheifí tar éis na himeachtaí a thionscnamh mura rud é gur Breitheamh a dhéanfaidh an t-ordú agus go ndeonóidh an Breitheamh deimhniú speisialta faoi alt 17 d'Acht na gCúirteanna, 1981.

    Where an order is made by a court in favour of the plaintiff or applicant in any proceedings (other than an action specified in subsections (1) to (3) of section 17 of the Courts Act, 1981 ) and the Court in which the proceedings were commenced is not the lowest court having jurisdiction to make an order granting the relief (which expression includes in this rule damages) the subject of the order, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover more costs than he would have been entitled to recover if the proceedings had been commenced in the said lowest court unless the order is made by a Judge and the Judge grants a special certificate under section 17 of the Courts Act, 1981 .

    S.I. No. 15 of 1986: The Rules of the Superior Courts