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6,806 results in 1,110 documents

  1. #936761

    Cur isteach ar fhostaithe míleata no ar fhostaithe eile don Stát.

    Interference with military or other employees of the State.

    Number 13 of 1939: OFFENCES AGAINST THE STATE ACT, 1939

  2. #1288259

    £1.63 i gcás fear-ranníocóra fhostaithe agus £1.61 i gcás ban-ranníocóra fhostaithe.”

    £1.63 in the case of a male employed contributor and £1.61 in the case of a female employed contributor."

    Number 31 of 1974: SOCIAL WELFARE (NO. 3) ACT, 1974

  3. #2200829

    Sciar na bhfostaithe sealadacha i measc na bhfostaithe uile (20-64), sonraí bliantúla

    Share of temporary employees among all employees (20-64), annual data


  4. #2643682

    Sciar na bhfostaithe sealadacha i measc na bhfostaithe uile (20-64 bliana, %, sonraí bliantúla)

    Share of temporary employees among all employees (20-64,%, annual data)


  5. #1263361

    “D'ainneoin fho-alt (1), aon fhostaí” a chur i bhfo-alt (2) in ionad “Aon fhostaí”.

    The substitution in subsection (2) for "An employee" of "Notwithstanding subsection (1), an employee".

    Number 20 of 1971: REDUNDANCY PAYMENTS ACT, 1971

  6. #2458189

    Meánchostais saothair in aghaidh an fhostaí (EUR in aghaidh an fhostaí)

    Average labour costs per employee (EUR/employee)

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/926 of 15 June 2022 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of tubes and pipes of ductile cast iron (also known as spheroidal graphite cast iron) originating in India following an expiry review pursuant to Article 11(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council

  7. #2459168

    Meánchostais saothair in aghaidh an fhostaí (EUR in aghaidh an fhostaí)

    Average labour costs per employee (EUR/employee)

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/927 of 15 June 2022 imposing a definitive countervailing duty on imports of tubes and pipes of ductile cast iron (also known as spheroidal graphite cast iron) originating in India following an expiry review pursuant to Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament and of the Council

  8. #614302

    (c) aon duine atá fostaithe nó a bhí fostaithe cheana ag an Malartán.

    (c) any person employed or formerly employed by the Exchange.


  9. #614540

    (c) aon duine atá fostaithe nó a bhí fostaithe tráth ag an malartán.

    (c) any person employed or formerly employed by the exchange.


  10. #1371962

    (2) (a) I ndáil le ranníocóir fostaithe nár ranníocóir fostaithe mura mbeadh fo-alt (1)—

    ( 2 ) ( a ) In relation to an employed contributor who, but for subsection (1), would not be an employed contributor—

    Number 1 of 1981: SOCIAL WELFARE (CONSOLIDATION) ACT, 1981

  11. #1517954

    (c) aon duine atá fostaithe nó a bhí fostaithe cheana ag an Malartán.

    ( c ) any person employed or formerly employed by the Exchange.

    Number 33 of 1990: COMPANIES ACT, 1990

  12. #1518477

    (c) aon duine atá fostaithe nó a bhí fostaithe tráth ag an malartán.

    ( c ) any person employed or formerly employed by the exchange.

    Number 33 of 1990: COMPANIES ACT, 1990

  13. #1588967

    ciallaíonn “ranníocóir fostaithe” ranníocóir fostaithe, de réir bhrí Acht 1993, seachas duine a bhfuil feidhm—

    “employed contributor” means an employed contributor, within the meaning of the Act of 1993, other than a person to whom—

    Number 41 of 2000: NATIONAL TRAINING FUND ACT, 2000

  14. #1944798

    maoiniú a sholáthar le haghaidh éadáil gnólachta ag fostaithe nó rannpháirtíocht fostaithe in úinéireacht gnólachta.

    the provision of financing for the acquisition of a business by employees or participation in the ownership of a business by employees.

    Regulation (EU) 2021/523 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 March 2021 establishing the InvestEU Programme and amending Regulation (EU) 2015/1017

  15. #2269467

    nach bhfuil fostaithe ar bith aige nó a fhostaíonn nach mó ná cúigear fostaithe;

    employs no, or no more than five, employees;

    Guideline (EU) 2022/747 of the European Central Bank of 5 May 2022 amending Guideline 2012/120/EU on the statistical reporting requirements of the European Central Bank in the field of external statistics (ECB/2011/23) (ECB/2022/23)

  16. #2644891

    Céatadán na ndaoine féinfhostaithe gan fostaithe i measc líon iomlán na ndaoine atá fostaithe.

    Percentage of self-employed persons without employees among the total number of persons employed.


  17. #2709156

    Daoine fostaithe seachas fostaithe

    Employed persons except employees

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 of 21 December 2022 laying down a list of specific high-value datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use (Text with EEA relevance)

  18. #2977900

    sócmhainní a eascraíonn as sochair fostaithe (féach IAS 19 Sochair Fostaithe);

    assets arising from employee benefits (see IAS 19 Employee Benefits);

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 of 13 August 2023 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

  19. #2978594

    sochair fostaithe (féach IAS 19 Sochair Fostaithe);

    employee benefits (see IAS 19 Employee Benefits);

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 of 13 August 2023 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

  20. #2982202

    sócmhainní a eascraíonn as sochair fostaithe (IAS 19 Sochair Fostaithe);

    assets arising from employee benefits (IAS 19 Employee Benefits);

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 of 13 August 2023 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

  21. #576370

    Déantar daoine a bhfuil post mar fhostaí agus mar dhuine féinfhostaith é acu a aicmiú mar fhostaí más é an post mar fhostaí an phríomhghníomhaíocht ó thaobh ioncaim de.

    Persons having both a job as an employee and a job as a self-employed person are classified as an employee if the employee job constitutes their principal activity by income.

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  22. #820398

    —(1) Ní raghaidh pinsean seachtainiúil a deonfar d'aon fhostaí thar seascadú de mheán-phágh sheachtainúil an fhostaí sin agus é d'iolrú fé líon blianta iomlána seirbhíse an fhostaí sin.

    —(1) A weekly pension granted to any employee shall not exceed one-sixtieth of the average wage of such employee multiplied by the number of completed years of service of such employee.


  23. #1322661

    (a) fostóir an fhostaí d'fhoirceannadh conradh fostaíochta an fhostaí leis an bhfostóir cibé acu a tugadh nó nár tugadh fógra roimh ré don fhostaí faoin bhfoirceannadh,

    ( a ) the termination by his employer of the employee's contract of employment with the employer, whether prior notice of the termination was or was not given to the employee.

    Number 10 of 1977: UNFAIR DISMISSALS ACT, 1977

  24. #1322679

    ciallaíonn “stailc” scor d'obair ag aon líon nó comhlacht fostaithe ag gníomhú dóibh i gcomhar, nó diúltú comhbheartaithe nó diúltú ar chomthuiscint ag aon líon fostaithe leanúint de bheith ag obair d'fhostóir, de dhroim aighnis, arna dhéanamh chun tabhairt ar a bhfostóir nó ar aon fhostaí nó comhlacht fostaithe, nó chun cabhrú le fostaithe eile tabhairt ar a bhfostóir nó ar aon fhostaí nó comhlacht fostaithe, glacadh nó gan glacadh le téarmaí nó coinníollacha fostaíochta nó le téarmaí nó coinníollacha a dhéanfadh difear d'fhostaíocht;

    "strike" means the cessation of work by any number or body of employees acting in combination or a concerted refusal or a refusal under a common understanding of any number of employees to continue to work for an employer, in consequence of a dispute, done as a means of compelling their employer or any employee or body of employees, or to aid other employees in compelling their employer or any employee or body of employees, to accept or not to accept terms or conditions of or affecting employment;

    Number 10 of 1977: UNFAIR DISMISSALS ACT, 1977

  25. #483275

    (1) Féadfaidh fostaí (nó, i gcás fostaí nach bhfuil 18 mbliana d’aois slánaithe aige nó aici, tuismitheoir nó caomhnóir an fhostaí, lena thoiliú nó a toiliú), nó, le toiliú an fhostaí, aon cheardchumann dá bhfuil an fostaí ina chomhalta nó ina comhalta, gearán a thíolacadh do choimisinéir um chearta á rá gur sháraigh fostóir an fhostaí alt 8A(5) i ndáil leis an bhfostaí agus ní gá don fhostaí bliain amháin ar a laghad de sheirbhís leanúnach a bheith aige nó aici leis an bhfostóir lena mbaineann d’fhonn gearán den sórt sin a thíolacadh.

    (1) An employee (or, in the case of an employee who has not reached the age of 18 years, the employee’s parent or guardian with his or her consent) or, with the consent of the employee, any trade union of which the employee is a member may present a complaint to a rights commissioner that the employee’s employer has contravened section 8A(5) in relation to the employee and it shall not be necessary for the employee to have at least one year’s continuous service with the employer concerned in order to present such complaint.


  26. #612977

    1. (1) Féadfaidh fostaí (nó, i gcás fostaí nach bhfuil 18 mbliana d’aois slánaithe aige nó aici, féadfaidh tuismitheoir nó caomhnóir an fhostaí, le toiliú an fhostaí) nó féadfaidh aon cheardchumann ar comhalta de an fostaí, le toiliú an fhostaí, gearán a thíolacadh do choimisinéir um chearta á rá gur sháraigh fostóir an fhostaí alt 20(1) i ndáil leis an bhfostaí.

    1. (1) An employee (or, in the case of an employee who has not reached the age of 18 years, the employee’s parent or guardian, with his or her consent) or any trade union of which the employee is a member, with the consent of the employee, may present a complaint to a rights commissioner that the employee’s employer has contravened section 20(1) in relation to the employee.


  27. #1346783

    “(3A) I gcás ina gcomhaontóidh fostóir i scríbhinn le fostaí an dáta dífhostaithe a luaitear i bhfógra faoi fho-alt (1) (a) a thug sé don fhostaí sin a athrú d'fhonn a áirithiú go mbeidh fógra an fhostaí faoi fho-alt (1) (b) laistigh den tréimhse éigeantach i ndáil leis an bhfógra faoi fho-alt (1) (a), ní chuirfear as do theideal an fhostaí d'íocaíocht iomarcaíochta agus measfar, chun críocha na Coda seo, an fostaí a bheith dífhostaithe ag a fhostóir, agus gurb é an dáta a rachaidh fógra an fhostaí in éag an dáta dífhostaithe i ndáil leis an dífhostú sin.”.

    "(3A) Where an employer agrees in writing with an employee to alter the date of dismissal mentioned in a notice under subsection (1) (a) given by him to that employee so as to ensure that the employee's notice under subsection (1) (b) will be within the obligatory period in relation to the notice under subsection (1) (a), the employee's entitlement to redundancy payment shall be unaffected and the employee shall, for the purposes of this Part, be taken to be dismissed by his employer, the date of dismissal in relation to that dismissal being the date on which the employee's notice expires.".

    Number 7 of 1979: REDUNDANCY PAYMENTS ACT, 1979

  28. #1377236

    (c) dífhostú i gcás a gcuirfidh fostóir an fhostaí in iúl don fhostaí i scríbhinn i dtosach na fostaíochta go gcuirfear deireadh leis an bhfostaíocht tar éis d'fhostaí eile atá as láthair óna cuid oibre le linn di bheith ar shaoire mháithreachais nó ar shaoire mháithreachais bhreise nó ar shaor-am faoin Acht um Chosaint Mháithreachais d'Fhostaithe, 1981 , teacht ar ais ag obair leis an bhfostóir sin, agus go dtarlóidh dífhostú an fhostaí chéadluaite i dtráth cuí le gurbh fhusaide don fhostaí eile sin teacht ar ais ag obair.”.

    ( c ) dismissal where the employee's employer at the commencement of the employment informs the employee in writing that the employment will terminate on the return to work with that employer of another employee who is absent from her work while on maternity leave or additional maternity leave or time off under the Maternity Protection of Employees Act, 1981 , and the dismissal of the first-mentioned employee duly occurs for the purpose of facilitating the return to work of that other employee.".


  29. #488475

    ciallaíonn “ceardchumann nó comhlachas fostaithe aitheanta” ceardchumann nó comhlachas fostaithe atá aitheanta ag an Údarás chun críocha caibidlí a bhaineann le téarmaí agus coinníollacha fostaíochta agus coinníollacha oibre fostaithe;

    “recognised trade union or association of employees” means a trade union or association of employees recognised by the Authority for the purposes of negotiations that are concerned with the terms and conditions of employment and the working conditions of employees;


  30. #1376991

    Ní fholaíonn “fostóir”, i ndáil le fostaí, fostóir a fhostaíonn an fostaí sin—

    "employer", in relation to an employee, does not include an employer who employs that employee—


  31. #1524725

    (b) mura bhfuil fostaithe den sórt sin ann, maidir leis na téarmaí nó na coinníollacha ar a bhfuil fostaithe i gcoitinne an fhostóra chéanna fostaithe,

    ( b ) if there are no such employees, the terms or conditions on which are employed employees generally of the same employer,

    Number 22 of 1993: UNFAIR DISMISSALS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1993

  32. #2974940

    Is éard is sochair fhad-téarmacha eile fostaithe ann gach sochar fostaithe seachas sochair ghearr-théarmacha fostaithe, sochair iarfhostaíochta agus sochair i dtaca le foirceannadh.

    Other long-term employee benefits are all employee benefits other than short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits and termination benefits.

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 of 13 August 2023 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

  33. #2976181

    Áirítear le pá gach sochar fostaithe (mar a shainmhínítear iad in IAS 19 Sochair Fostaithe) lena n-áirítear sochair fostaithe a bhfuil feidhm ag IFRS 2 Íocaíocht Scairbhunaithe maidir leo.

    Compensation includes all employee benefits (as defined in IAS 19 Employee Benefits) including employee benefits to which IFRS 2 Share-based Payment applies.

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 of 13 August 2023 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

  34. #429720

    (a) ón bhfostaí lena mbaineann, nó

    (a) the employee concerned, or


  35. #486123

    (a) ag an bhfostaí lena mbaineann,

    (a) the employee concerned,


  36. #488895

    (a) ón bhfostaí lena mbaineann, nó

    (a) the employee concerned, or


  37. #497248

    (iv) iomlán na ndíolaíochtaí iomchuí a íocadh leis an bhfostaí sa bhliain chánach sin.

    (iv) the total relevant emoluments paid to the employee in that tax year.

    FINANCE ACT 2011

  38. #497342

    (c) comhlíonadh aon cheann de na dualgais de chuid na fostaíochta ag an bhfostaí iomchuí,

    (c) the performance by the relevant employee of any of the duties of the employment,

    FINANCE ACT 2011

  39. #577904

    Déantar í a thaifeadadh mar idirbheart dáileacháin ón bhfostóir leis an bhfostaí.

    It is recorded as a distributive transaction from the employer to the employee.

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  40. #1238189

    (c) gur tairiscint fostaíochta oiriúnaí maidir leis an bhfostaí an tairiscint,

    ( c ) the offer constitutes an offer of suitable employment in relation to the employee,

    Number 21 of 1967: REDUNDANCY PAYMENTS ACT, 1967

  41. #1239028

    (iii) seirbhís ag an bhfostaí in Óglaigh na hÉireann,

    (iii) service by the employee in the Defence Form of the State,

    Number 21 of 1967: REDUNDANCY PAYMENTS ACT, 1967

  42. #1263411

    “(ai) aon tréimhse de bhíthin seirbhíse ag an bhfostaí sna hÓglaigh Cúltaca,”.

    "(ai) any period by reason of service by the employee in the Reserve Defence Force,".

    Number 20 of 1971: REDUNDANCY PAYMENTS ACT, 1971

  43. #1275350

    (b) tríd an bhfostaí d'fhágail a fhostaíochta dá dheoin féin.

    ( b ) the employee voluntarily leaving his employment.


  44. #1322761

    ciallaíonn “an fostóir bunaidh”, i ndáil leis an bhfostaí, an fostóir a dhífhostaigh an fostaí.

    "the original employer" means, in relation to the employee, the employer who dismissed the employee.

    Number 10 of 1977: UNFAIR DISMISSALS ACT, 1977

  45. #1326026

    (b) Íocfar leis an bhfostaí áirithe méid fíneála a gearradh faoi mhír (a).

    ( b ) The amount of a fine imposed under paragraph (a) shall be paid to the employee concerned.

    Number 16 of 1977: EMPLOYMENT EQUALITY ACT, 1977

  46. #1326062

    (b) Íocfar leis an bhfostaí áirithe méid fíneála a gearradh faoi mhír (a).

    ( b ) The amount of a fine imposed under paragraph (a) shall be paid to the employee concerned.

    Number 16 of 1977: EMPLOYMENT EQUALITY ACT, 1977

  47. #1326804

    (i) chuig an bhfostaí, nó

    (i) the employee, or

    Number 18 of 1977: FINANCE ACT, 1977

  48. #1326814

    (I) measfar gur íocadh é leis an bhfostaí faoi chonradh fostaíochta agus gur díolaíochtaí é,

    (I) shall be deemed to be paid to the employee under a contract of employment and to be emoluments,

    Number 18 of 1977: FINANCE ACT, 1977

  49. #1353300

    (II) duine éigin eile a bheidh údaraithe i scríbhinn ag an bhfostaí síniú thar a cheann,

    (II) some other person authorised in writing by the employee to sign on his behalf,

    Number 40 of 1979: PAYMENT OF WAGES ACT, 1979

  50. #1513291

    (b) Déanfar méid fíneála a gearradh faoi mhír (a) a íoc leis an bhfostaí áirithe.

    ( b ) The amount of a fine imposed under paragraph (a) shall be paid to the employee concerned.

    Number 25 of 1990: PENSIONS ACT, 1990