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9 results in 4 documents

  1. #696962

    Tagann an Iarscríbhinn a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú seo in ionad Chomhthuiscint 2011 maidir le Gníomhartha Tarmligthe.

    The Annex to this Agreement replaces the 2011 Common Understanding on Delegated Acts.

    Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on Better Law-Making

  2. #696973

    Comhthuiscint idir Parlaimint na hEorpa, an Chomhairle agus an Coimisiún maidir le Gníomhartha Tarmligthe

    Common Understanding between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on Delegated Acts

    Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on Better Law-Making

  3. #696908

    Tá na trí Institiúid tar éis teacht ar chomhaontú ar Chomhthuiscint maidir le Gníomhartha Tarmligthe agus maidir leis na clásáil chaighdeánacha gaolmhara (“an Chomhthuiscint”) a ghabhann leis.

    The three Institutions have agreed on a Common Understanding on Delegated Acts and on the related standard clauses ("the Common Understanding"), annexed hereto.

    Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on Better Law-Making

  4. #696975

    An Chomhthuiscint seo, tógann sí ar Chomhthuiscint 2011 maidir le Gníomhartha Tarmligthe, agus tagann sí ina hionad, agus déanann sí sruthlíniú ar an gcleachtas arna bhunú ag Parlaimint na hEorpa agus ag an gComhairle ina dhiaidh sin.

    This Common Understanding builds upon, and replaces, the 2011 Common Understanding on Delegated Acts and streamlines the practice established thereafter by the European Parliament and the Council.

    Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on Better Law-Making

  5. #697006

    Ní bheidh feidhm ag na tréimhsí sin i leith gníomhartha tarmligthe a ghlactar faoin nós imeachta práinne dá bhforáiltear i gCuid VI den Chomhthuiscint seo.

    These periods shall not apply in relation to delegated acts adopted under the urgency procedure provided for in part VI of this Common Understanding.

    Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on Better Law-Making

  6. #2882849

    Rinneadh na doiciméid a bhí ábhartha maidir leis na comhairliúcháin sin a chur faoi bhráid Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus na Comhairle go comhuaineach, i gcomhréir leis an gComhthuiscint maidir le gníomhartha tarmligthe.

    The documents relevant to these consultations were submitted simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council in line with the Common Understanding on delegated acts.

    REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT in respect of the delegation of powers referred to in Article 11(2), Article 15(2), (3), (6), (7) and Article 45(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the Common Fisheries Policy

  7. #696909

    I gcomhréir leis an gComhthuiscint, agus d’fhonn feabhas a chur ar thrédhearcacht agus ar chomhairliúchán, tá an Coimisiún tiomanta, sula nglactar gníomhartha tarmligthe, an saineolas ar fad atá riachtanach a bhailiú, lena n-áirítear trí chomhairliúchán le saineolaithe ó na Ballstáit agus trí chomhairliúcháin phoiblí.

    In accordance with the Common Understanding and with a view to enhancing transparency and consultation, the Commission commits to gathering, prior to the adoption of delegated acts, all necessary expertise, including through the consultation of Member States' experts and through public consultations.

    Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on Better Law-Making

  8. #1715838

    Déanfaidh an Ghníomhaireacht tuiscint agus cur i bhfeidhm comhchoiteann i dtaca le ceanglais an Rialacháin seo agus na ngníomhartha tarmligthe agus cur chun feidhme arna nglacadh ar a bhonn a chur chun cinn, inter alia tríd an ábhar treorach dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 76(3) a fhorbairt i gcomhairle leis na húdaráis inniúla náisiúnta.

    The Agency shall promote a common understanding and application of the requirements contained in this Regulation and in the delegated and implementing acts adopted on the basis thereof, inter alia, by developing the guidance material referred to in Article 76(3) in consultation with the national competent authorities.

    Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (Text with EEA relevance.)

  9. #2441563

    Chun comhthuiscint agus ionchais choiteann a áirithiú maidir leis an méid a bheadh i gceist le dearbhú iontaofachta réasúnach, ba cheart ansin a cheangal ar an iniúchóir reachtúil nó ar an ngnólacht iniúchóireachta tuairim a chur in iúl bunaithe ar dhearbhú iontaofachta réasúnach maidir lena mhéid a chomhlíontar ceanglais an Aontais leis an tuairisciú inbhuanaitheachta, nuair a ghlacann an Coimisiún caighdeáin dearbhaithe le haghaidh dearbhú réasúnach ar thuairisciú inbhuanaitheachta trí bhíthin gníomhartha tarmligthe tráth nach déanaí ná an 1 Deireadh Fómhair 2028, tar éis measúnú chun a chinneadh an mbeadh dearbhú réasúnach indéanta d”iniúchóirí agus do ghnóthais.

    To ensure a common understanding and common expectations of what a reasonable assurance engagement would consist of, the statutory auditor or audit firm should be required to express an opinion based on a reasonable assurance engagement about the compliance of the sustainability reporting with Union requirements, when the Commission adopts assurance standards for reasonable assurance of sustainability reporting by means of delegated acts no later than 1 October 2028, following an assessment to determine if reasonable assurance is feasible for auditors and undertakings.

    Directive (EU) 2022/2464 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC and Directive 2013/34/EU, as regards corporate sustainability reporting (Text with EEA relevance)