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8,614 results in 1,626 documents

  1. #1657726

    margú, dáileadh nó díol taiscí struchtúraithe áirithe nó taiscí struchtúraithe a bhfuil gnéithe sonraithe ag baint leo;

    the marketing, distribution or sale of certain structured deposits or structured deposits with certain specified features;

    Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 Text with EEA relevance

  2. #2317474

    [Féach: Neamhchosaint uasta ar chaillteanas ó leasanna in eintitis struchtúrtha; Eintitis struchtúrtha neamh-chomhdhlúite [member]]

    [Refer: Maximum exposure to loss from interests in structured entities; Unconsolidated structured entities [member]]

    Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/352 of 29 November 2021 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 as regards the 2021 update of the taxonomy laid down in the regulatory technical standards on the single electronic reporting format (Text with EEA relevance)

  3. #2593391

    [Féach: Neamhchosaint uasta ar chaillteanas ó leasanna in eintitis struchtúrtha; Eintitis struchtúrtha neamh-chomhdhlúite [member]]

    [Refer: Maximum exposure to loss from interests in structured entities; Unconsolidated structured entities [member]]

    Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2553 of 21 September 2022 amending the regulatory technical standards laid down in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 as regards the 2022 update of the taxonomy for the single electronic reporting format (Text with EEA relevance)

  4. #2986898

    eintitis struchtúrtha nach bhfuil á rialú ag an eintiteas (eintitis struchtúrtha neamh-chomhdhlúite) (míreanna 24–31).

    structured entities that are not controlled by the entity (unconsolidated structured entities) (paragraphs 24–31).

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 of 13 August 2023 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

  5. #1441683

    (b) Féadfaidh an Coimisiún cion faoin alt seo a ionchúiseamh.

    (4) Where in an improvement scheme approved under section 6 of this Act it is provided that an advertisement structure or advertisement, or any advertisement structure or advertisement of a particular class, should be removed, altered, repaired or tidied, the Commission may serve on the person having control of the advertisement structure or advertisement a notice requiring that person to remove, alter, repair or tidy the advertisement structure or advertisement within a specified period. [GA] (5) If within the period specified in a notice under subsection (2) or (4) of this section or within such extended period as the Commission may allow, the removal, alteration, replacement, tidying or repair required by the notice has not been carried out, the Commission may enter on the structure or on the land on which the structure is situate or the advertisement is exhibited and may effect such removal, alteration, replacement, tidying or repair and may, where the structure or advertisement structure concerned is an unauthorised structure, recover as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction from the person on whom the notice was served any expenses reasonably incurred by it in that behalf.


  6. #478673

    Oibreacha a dhéanann difear do shainghné déanmhas cosanta nó déanmhas cosanta beartaithe.

    Works affecting character of protected structures or proposed protected structures.


  7. #478965

    Foráil speisialta le haghaidh déanmhas a ghlacann go substaintiúil ionad déanmhas a scartáladh nó a díothaíodh le tine.

    Special provision for structures substantially replacing structures demolished or destroyed by fire.


  8. #482236

    Dearadh agus dath déanmhas agus grúpaí déanmhas, agus na hábhair as a ndéanfar iad, lena n-áirítear sráideanna agus bailedhreacha, agus déanmhais agus grúpaí déanmhas i limistéir thuaithe, a rialáil agus a rialú.

    Regulating and controlling the design, colour and materials of structures and groups of structures, including streets and townscapes, and structures and groups of structures in rural areas.


  9. #1505399

    Foráil speisialta le haghaidh déanmhas a ghlacann go substaintiúil ionad déanmhas a scartáladh nó a scriosadh le tine.

    Special provision for structures substantially replacing structures demolished or destroyed by fire.


  10. #1577099

    Oibreacha a dhéanann difear do shainghné déanmhas cosanta nó déanmhas cosanta beartaithe.

    Works affecting the character of protected structures or proposed protected structures.


  11. #1577322

    Oibreacha a dhéanann difear do shainghné déanmhas cosanta nó déanmhas cosanta beartaithe.

    Works affecting the character of protected structures or proposed protected structures.


  12. #2587289

    Monarú struchtúr miotail agus codanna de struchtúir

    Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2552 of 12 December 2022 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements for the detailed topic industrial production statistics establishing the industrial products classification breakdown, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197, as regards the coverage of the product classification (Text with EEA relevance)

  13. #2708024

    Monarú struchtúr miotail agus codanna de struchtúir

    Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures

    Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/137 of 10 October 2022 amending Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the statistical classification of economic activities NACE Revision 2 (Text with EEA relevance)

  14. #2950889

    Seasmhacht na struchtúr atá ann cheana (droichid, struchtúir gheoiteicniúla agus créfoirt) ar ualaí tráchta

    Resistance of existing structures (bridges, geotechnical structures and earthworks) to traffic loads

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1694 of 10 August 2023 amending Regulations (EU) No 321/2013, (EU) No 1299/2014, (EU) No 1300/2014, (EU) No 1301/2014, (EU) No 1302/2014, (EU) No 1304/2014 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/777 (Text with EEA relevance)

  15. #2951167

    “Struchtúir gheoiteicniúla/Geotechnische Strukturen/Structures géotechniques

    ‘Geotechnical structures/Geotechnische Strukturen/Structures géotechniques

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1694 of 10 August 2023 amending Regulations (EU) No 321/2013, (EU) No 1299/2014, (EU) No 1300/2014, (EU) No 1301/2014, (EU) No 1302/2014, (EU) No 1304/2014 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/777 (Text with EEA relevance)

  16. #479338

    folaíonn "fearann comhghafach" i ndáil le déanmhas, talamh atá lasmuigh de chúirtealáiste an déanmhais;

    "attendant grounds", in relation to a structure, includes land lying outside the curtilage of the structure;


  17. #479376

    ciallaíonn "áititheoir", i ndáil le déanmhas cosanta nó déanmhas cosanta beartaithe—

    "occupier", in relation to a protected structure or a proposed protected structure, means—


  18. #479418

    (b) i ndáil le déanmhas cosanta nó le déanmhas cosanta beartaithe, folaíonn sé—

    (b) in relation to a protected structure or proposed protected structure, includes—


  19. #479426

    ciallaíonn "déanmhas neamhúdaraithe" déanmhas seachas—

    "unauthorised structure" means a structure other than—


  20. #481485

    (a) i gcás inar diúltaíodh cead chun déanmhas nua a thógáil a ghlacfadh go substaintiúil ionad déanmhais (seachas déanmhas neamhúdaraithe) a scartáladh nó a díothaíodh le tine nó ar shlí eile seachas le gníomh neamhdhleathach de chuid an úinéara, nó de chuid an áititheora le comhaontú an úinéara, laistigh den 2 bhliain díreach roimh dháta an iarratais ar chead, nó inar forchuireadh coinníoll nach bhféadfar dá dheasca an déanmhas nua a úsáid chun na críche ar chuici a úsáideadh go deireanach an déanmhas a scartáladh nó a díothaíodh, nó

    (a) in a case in which there has been a refusal of permission for the erection of a new structure substantially replacing a structure (other than an unauthorised structure) which has been demolished or destroyed by fire or otherwise than by an unlawful act of the owner or of the occupier with the agreement of the owner within the 2 years preceding the date of application for permission, or there has been imposed a condition in consequence of which the new structure may not be used for the purpose for which the demolished or destroyed structure was last used, or (b) in a case in which there has been imposed a condition in consequence of which the new structure referred to in paragraph (a) or the front thereof, or the front of an existing structure (other than an unauthorised structure) which has been taken down in order to be re-erected or altered, is set back or forward.


  21. #482322

    Aon fhorbairt a dhéanfadh difear ábhartha do dhéanmhas cosanta nó do dhéanmhas cosanta beartaithe.

    Any development which would materially affect a protected structure or proposed protected structure.


  22. #482427

    Aon choinníollacha a bhaineann le déanmhas cosanta nó déanmhas cosanta beartaithe a chosaint.

    Any conditions relating to the protection of a protected structure or a proposed protected structure.


  23. #875892

    (ii) i gcás foirgint no déanmhas eile do bhí ann aon uair laistigh de dhá bhliain roimh an dáta oiriúnach do leagadh no do dhíthiú tré theine no ar shlí eile, de dheascaibh oibriú na scéime pleanála do chur coisc le foirgint nua do thógaint, laistigh de dhá bhliain tar éis an leagtha no an dithithe sin, ar láithreán na foirginte no an déanmhais eile sin do leagadh no do díthíodh agus an fhoirgint no an déanmhas san ina mhalairt shubstainteach ar an bhfoirgint no ar an déanmhas leagtha no díthithe sin no leis an bhfoirgint no an déanmhas nua san d'úsáid chun na críche is déanaí chun ar húsáideadh an fhoirgint no an déanmhas eile sin do leagadh no do díthíodh.

    (ii) where a building or other structure which was in existence at any time within two years before the relevant date has been demolished or been destroyed by fire or otherwise, being prevented by the operation of the planning scheme from erecting, within two years after such demolition or destruction on the site of such demolished or destroyed building or other structure a new building or other structure which substantially replaces such demolished or destroyed building or other structure or from using such new building or other structure for the purpose for which such demolished or destroyed building or other structure was last used.

    Number 22 of 1934: TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING ACT, 1934

  24. #1177478

    (b) maidir le déanmhas in aon limistéar eile, déanmhas seachas—

    ( b ) in relation to a structure in any other area, a structure other than—


  25. #1178189

    Rialú pleanála (déanmhas is déanmhas neamhúdaraithe i dtús an lae cheaptha) a chur i bhfeidhm.

    Enforcement of planning control structure which is unauthorised structure on commencement of appointed day).


  26. #1225163

    —(1) Sa Chaibidil seo ciallaíonn “foirgneamh nó déanmhas tionscail” foirgneamh nó déanmhas a úsáidtear—

    —(1) In this Chapter, "industrial building or structure" means a building or structure in use—

    Number 6 of 1967: INCOME TAX ACT, 1967

  27. #1319602

    ciallaíonn “muirdhéanmhas” ardán nó déanmhas eile de dhéantús an duine i bhfarraige;

    "marine structure" means a platform or other man-made structure at sea;

    Number 1 of 1977: LOCAL GOVERNMENT (WATER POLLUTION) ACT, 1977

  28. #1359682

    (A) déanmhas de chruach nó de choincréit treisithe nó déanmhas dá samhail,

    (A) a steel or reinforced concrete structure or a similar structure,

    Number 9 of 1980: SAFETY IN INDUSTRY ACT, 1980

  29. #1359714

    (A) déanmhas de chruach nó de choincréit treisithe nó déanmhas dá samhail,

    (A) a steel or reinforced concrete structure or a similar structure,

    Number 9 of 1980: SAFETY IN INDUSTRY ACT, 1980

  30. #1378013

    ciallaíonn “muirdhéanmhas” léibheann nó déanmhas eile de dhéantús an duine ar farraige, bíodh sé daingnithe nó ar snámh;

    "marine structure" means a platform or other man-made structure at sea, whether fixed or floating;

    Number 8 of 1981: DUMPING AT SEA ACT, 1981

  31. #1481216

    (c) puball, déanmhas sealadach nó déanmhas sochorraithe, agus

    ( c ) a tent, temporary structure or movable structure, and

    Number 7 of 1989: SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE AT WORK ACT, 1989

  32. #1577172

    folaíonn “fearann comhghafach”, i ndáil le déanmhas, talamh atá lasmuigh de chúirtealáiste an déanmhais;

    “attendant grounds”, in relation to a structure, includes land lying outside the curtilage of the structure;


  33. #1577176

    ciallaíonn “áititheoir”, i ndáil le déanmhas cosanta nó déanmhas cosanta beartaithe—

    “occupier”, in relation to a protected structure or a proposed protected structure, means—


  34. #2263264

    Struchtúr úinéireachta Alitalia agus struchtúr Ghrúpa Alitalia an 23 Eanáir 2018.

    Ownership structure of Alitalia and structure of the Alitalia Group on 23 January 2018

    Commission Decision (EU) 2022/795 of 10 September 2021 on State aid in favour of Alitalia SA.48171 (2018/C) (ex 2018/NN, ex 2017/FC) implemented by Italy (notified under document C(2021) 6659) (Only the Italian version is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)

  35. #2330517

    Struchtúr dlíthiúil agus struchtúr rialachais agus eagrúcháin an mháthairghrúpa gnólachtaí infheistíochta

    Investment firm group parent's legal structure and governance and organisational structure

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/389 of 8 March 2022 laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Directive (EU) 2019/2034 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the format, structure, content lists and annual publication date of the information to be disclosed by competent authorities (Text with EEA relevance)

  36. #2587300

    Coraí, bualchomhlaí, geataí loic, lamairní, duganna suite agus struchtúir eile mhuirí agus uiscebhealaigh, as iarann nó as cruach, Struchtúir agus codanna de struchtúir as iarann nó as cruach, n.e.s. (gan droichid ná codanna droichid a áireamh; túir; crainn laitíse; geataí; doirse, fuinneoga agus a bhfrámaí agus a dtairseacha; trealamh scafalra, comhlra, le haghaidh maidí taca a úsáid, agus struchtúir agus codanna de struchtúir nach monaraítear go heisiach nó príomha as pláta

    Weirs, sluices, lock-gates, landing stages, fixed docks and other maritime and waterway structures, of iron or steel, Structures and parts of structures of iron or steel, n.e.s. (excluding bridges and bridge-sections; towers; lattice masts; gates; doors, windows and their frames and thresholds; equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping or pit-propping, and structures and parts of structures not manufactured exclusively or mainly from plate)

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2552 of 12 December 2022 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements for the detailed topic industrial production statistics establishing the industrial products classification breakdown, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197, as regards the coverage of the product classification (Text with EEA relevance)

  37. #2756226

    Léiríonn an mhír seo cibé acu a chumhdaítear aon táirge struchtúrtha amháin nó níos mó ná aon táirge struchtúrtha amháin arna shealbhú ag an ngnóthas leis an gcomhthaobhacht i ndáil leis an táirge struchtúrtha.

    This item informs if the collateral to the structured product covers only one structured product or more than one structured product that is held by the undertaking.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/894 of 4 April 2023 laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and the Council with regard to the templates for the submission by insurance and reinsurance undertakings to their supervisory authorities of information necessary for their supervision and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2450 (Text with EEA relevance)

  38. #431852

    (b) Maidir le déanmhas nó úsáid déanmhais, i gcás inar guais nó guais fhéideartha é nó í do dhaoine a úsáideann bóthar poiblí nó ina gcuireann sé nó sí bac nó treampán ar úsáid shábháilte bóthair phoiblí nó ar chothabháil bóthair phoiblí, féadfaidh údarás bóithre fógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheáil ar úinéir nó ar áititheoir an déanmhais nó ar úinéir nó ar áititheoir aon talún ar a bhfuil an déanmhas suite chun an déanmhas a aistriú as nó a mhodhnú nó oibreacha sonraithe a dhéanamh i ndáil leis

    (b) Where a structure or the use of a structure is a hazard or potential hazard to persons using a public road or where it obstructs or interferes with the safe use of a public road or with the maintenance of a public road, a road authority may serve a notice in writing on the owner or occupier of the structure or on the owner or occupier of any land on which the structure is situated to remove, modify or carry out specified works in relation to the structure within the period stated in the notice.

    ROADS ACT, 1993

  39. #479396

    ciallaíonn "déanmhas cosanta beartaithe" déanmhas a ndéantar fógra a eisiúint ina leith faoi alt 12 (3) nó faoi alt 55 á rá go mbeartaítear an déanmhas, nó cuid shonraithe de, a chur le taifead ar dhéanmhais chosanta, agus folaíonn sé, i gcás ina gcuirtear an méid sin in iúl san fhógra sin, aon airí sonraithe atá laistigh d’fhearann comhghafach an déanmhais agus nach bhfolófaí thairis sin sa mhíniú seo;

    "proposed protected structure" means a structure in respect of which a notice is issued under section 12(3) or under section 55 proposing to add the structure, or a specified part of it, to a record of protected structures, and, where that notice so indicates, includes any specified feature which is within the attendant grounds of the structure and which would not otherwise be included in this definition; "protected structure" means—


  40. #480260

    (3) Aon údarás sláintíochta a dhéanfaidh oibreacha ar dhéanmhas cosanta, nó ar dhéanmhas cosanta beartaithe, faoi alt 3(2) den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Seirbhísí Sláintíochta), 1964, déanfaidh sé, amhéid is féidir, an déanmhas sin (nó eilimintí den déanmhas sin a fhéadfaidh a bheith ina ndíol spéise ar leith ó thaobh ailtireachta, staire, seandálaíochta, ealaíne, cultúir, eolaíochta, nó cúrsaí sóisialta nó cúrsaí teicniúla), a shlánchoimeád, sa mhéid nach dóigh do shlánchoimeád an déanmhais sin baol a chur ar dhuine ná ar mhaoin ar bith.

    (3) A sanitary authority which carries out works on a protected structure, or a proposed protected structure, under section 3(2) of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1964, shall as far as possible preserve that structure (or elements of that structure which may be of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest), in as much as the preservation of that structure is not likely to cause a danger to any person or property.


  41. #862319

    (3) Pé uair a tógfar aon déanmhas contrárdha don alt so agus is dóich leis an Aire go bhfuil an déanmhas san ina bhac, no go dtagann no gur deallrathach go dtiocfaidh dá dheascaibh (go díreach no go nea-dhíreach) bac do chur, ar loingseoireacht no ar iascach, féadfaidh an tAire fógra i scríbhinn do sheirbheáil ar an duine do thóg an déanmhas san no, má bhíonn an duine sin tar éis bháis no (i gcás é bheith ina chólucht chorpruithe) más scurtha dho no maran fios cé hé an duine sin no maran féidir é d'fháil, ar dhuine ar bith bheidh i seilbh an déanmhais sin, fógra á cheangal ar an duine sin an déanmhas san do leagadh agus d'aistriú laistigh de pé am (nach giorra ná mí) ón bhfógra san do sheirbheáil is dóich leis an Aire is ceart agus a luadhfaidh sa bhfógra san.

    (3) Whenever any structure is erected in contravention of this section and the Minister is of opinion that such structure is or causes or is likely to cause (directly or indirectly) an obstruction to navigation or to fishing, the Minister may serve on the person by whom such structure was erected or, if such person is dead or (if a corporate body) is dissolved or if such person is not known or cannot be found, on any person in possession of such structure a notice in writing requiring such person to pull down and remove such structure within such time (not being less than one month) from the service of such notice as the Minister shall think proper and shall specify in such notice.

    Number 12 of 1933: FORESHORE ACT, 1933

  42. #1089851

    (4) Má tá cuid d'iomlán foirgnimh nó déanmhais, agus nach bhfuil cuid eile dhe, ina foirgneamh nó déanmhas tionscail, agus nach mó an caiteachas caipitil faoina ndeachthas ag déanamh na dara coda sin a luaitear ná an deichiú cuid den chaiteachas caipitil iomlán faoina ndeachthas ag déanamh iomlán an fhoirgnimh nó an déanmhais, áireofar mar fhoirgneamh nó déanmhas tionscail iomlán an fhoirgnimh nó an déanmhais agus gach cuid de.

    (4) Where part of the whole of a building or structure is, and part thereof is not, an industrial building or structure, and the capital expenditure which has been incurred on the construction of the second-mentioned part is not more than one-tenth of the total capital expenditure which has been incurred on the construction of the whole building or structure, the whole building or structure and every part thereof shall be treated as an industrial building or structure.


  43. #1178742

    (a) i gcás ina mbeifear tár éis diúltú cead a thabhairt chun déanmhas nua a thógáil a ghlacfadh go substaintiúil ionad déanmhais (seachas déanmhas neamhúdaraithe) a scartáladh nó a scriosadh le tine nó eile laistigh den dá bhliain díreach roimh dháta an iarratais ar chead nó ina mbeifear tar éis coinníoll a fhorchur nach bhféadfaí dá dheasca an déanmhas nua sin a úsáid chun na críche chun ar úsáideadh go deiridh an déanmhas a scartáladh nó a scriosadh, nó

    ( a ) in a case in which there has been a refusal of permission for the erection of a new structure substantially replacing a structure (other than an unauthorised structure) which has been demolished or destroyed by fire or otherwise within the two years preceding the date of application for permission or there has been imposed a condition in consequence of which such new structure may not be used for the purpose for which the demolished or destroyed structure was last used, or


  44. #1225183

    (5) Má tá cuid d'iomlán foirgnimh nó déanmhais, agus nach bhfuil cuid eile dhe, ina foirgneamh nó déanmhas tionscail, agus nach mó an caiteachas caipitiúil a tabhaíodh ag foirgniú an dara coda sin a luaitear ná an deichiú cuid den chaiteachas caipitil iomlán a tabhaíodh ag foirgniú iomlán an fhoirgnimh nó an déanmhais, measfar gur foirgneamh nó déanmhas tionscail iomlán an fhoirgnimh nó an déanmhais agus gach cuid de.

    (5) Where part of the whole of a building or structure is, and part thereof is not, an industrial building or structure, and the capital expenditure which has been incurred on the construction of the second-mentioned part is not more than one-tenth of the total capital expenditure which has been incurred on the construction of the whole building or structure, the whole building or structure and every part thereof shall be treated as an industrial building or structure.

    Number 6 of 1967: INCOME TAX ACT, 1967

  45. #1441680


    [GA] ( a ) the removal or alteration of any structure or any structure of a particular class and, in the case of a removal, the replacement of the structure by a structure appearing to the Commission to be suitable, [GA] ( b ) the discontinuance of any use of land or the imposition of conditions on the continuance of any use of land, and [GA] ( c ) the removal, alteration, repair or tidying of an advertisement structure or advertisement. [GA]


  46. #1502743

    “(3A) Más rud é, i gcás foirgneamh nó déanmhas, ar foirgneamh nó déanmhas tionscail a bheidh ann, gur cuid d'fhoirgneamh é nó go bhfuil sé ar líon foirgneamh i bhforbairt amháin, nó gur cuid é d'fhoirgneamh atá, é féin, ar líon foirgneamh i bhforbairt amháin, déanfar cibé cionroinnt is gá ar an gcaiteachas a tabhaíodh ag foirgniú an fhoirgnimh ar fad nó an lín foirgneamh, de réir mar a bheidh, d'fhonn an caiteachas a chinneadh a tabhaíodh ag foirgniú an fhoirgnimh nó an déanmhais ar foirgneamh nó déanmhas tionscail a bheidh ann agus is dá réir sin a fhorléireofar tagairtí san alt seo (lena n-áirítear fo-alt (3)) d'fhoirgneamh nó déanmhas.”.

    "(3A) Where a building or structure which is to be an industrial building or structure forms part of a building or is one of a number of buildings in a single development, or forms part of a building which is itself one of a number of buildings in a single development, there shall be made such apportionment as is necessary of the expenditure incurred on the construction of the whole building or number of buildings, as the case may be, for the purpose of determining the expenditure incurred on the construction of the building or structure which is to be an industrial building or structure and references in this section (including subsection (3)) to a building or structure shall be construed accordingly.".

    Number 10 of 1990: FINANCE ACT, 1990

  47. #1505403

    (a) i gcás ina mbeifear tar éis diúltú cead a thabhairt chun déanmhas nua a thógáil a ghlacfadh go substaintiúil ionad déanmhais (seachas déanmhas neamhúdaraithe) a scartáladh nó a scriosadh le tine nó eile laistigh den dá bhliain díreach roimh dháta an iarratais ar chead nó ina mbeifear tar éis coinníoll a fhorchur nach bhféadfaí dá dheasca an déanmhas nua sin a úsáid chun na críche chun ar úsáideadh go deireanach an déanmhas a scartáladh nó a scriosadh, nó

    ( a ) in a case in which there has been refusal of permission for the erection of a new structure substantially replacing a structure (other than an unauthorised structure) which has been demolished or destroyed by fire or otherwise within the two years preceding the date of application for permission or there has been imposed a condition in consequence. of which such new structure may not be used for the purpose for which the demolished or destroyed structure was last used, or


  48. #1577709

    (3) Údarás sláintíochta a dhéanfaidh oibreacha ar dhéanmhas cosanta, nó ar dhéanmhas cosanta beartaithe, faoi alt 3(2) den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Seirbhísí Sláintíochta), 1964 , déanfaidh sé, a mhéid is féidir, an déanmhas sin (nó eilimintí den déanmhas sin a fhéadfaidh a bheith ina ndíol spéise ar leith ó thaobh ailtireachta, staire, seandálaíochta, ealaíne, cultúir, eolaíochta, nó cúrsaí sóisialta nó cúrsaí teicniúla) a shlánchoimeád sa mhéid nach dóigh do shlánchoimeád an déanmhais sin baol a chur ar dhuine ná ar mhaoin ar bith.

    (3) A sanitary authority which carries out works on a protected structure, or a proposed protected structure, under section 3(2) of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1964 , shall as far as possible preserve that structure (or elements of that structure which may be of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest) in as much as the preservation of that structure is not likely to cause a danger to any person or property.


  49. #1577805

    —(1) Más rud é go mbeidh, díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo, ar áireamh i bplean forbartha údaráis pleanála aon fhoráil chun déanmhas sonrach, nó cuid de dhéanmhas sonrach, a shlánchoimeád nó a chosaint, nó chun slánchoimeád nó cosaint an chéanna a bhreithniú, mar gheall ar an spéisiúlacht atá ann nó inti ó thaobh ealaíne, ailtireachta nó staire, measfar an déanmhas sin (lena n-áirítear na hítimí dá dtagraítear i míreanna (a) go (d) den mhíniú ar “déanmhas” in alt 1 den Acht seo) nó an chuid sin, de réir mar a bheidh, a bheith, ar thosach feidhme an ailt seo, ar áireamh sa taifead ar dhéanmhais chosanta agus is déanmhas cosanta é nó í de réir bhrí an Achta seo.

    —(1) Where immediately before the commencement of this section a planning authority's development plan includes any provision to preserve or to protect, or to consider the preservation or protection of, a specific structure, or a part of a specific structure, because of its artistic, architectural or historic interest, that structure (including the items referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d) of the definition of “structure” in section 1 of this Act) or that part, as the case may be, shall, on the commencement of this section, be deemed to be included in the record of protected structures and shall be a protected structure within the meaning of this Act.


  50. #2956004

    (c) I gcás nach gcomhlíonann cumas struchtúir atá ann cheana na ceanglais in Aguisín E agus go bhfuil oibreacha (e.g. neartú) á ndéanamh chun an cumas struchtúir ar ardú chun ceanglais an STI seo a chomhlíonadh (agus nach bhfuil struchtúr nua le cur in ionad an struchtúir), cuirfear an struchtúr chun comhréireachta leis na ceanglais in Aguisín E.

    (c) Where the capability of an existing structure does not satisfy the requirements in Appendix E and works (e.g. strengthening) are being carried out to raise the capability of the structure to meet the requirements of this TSI (and the structure is not to be replaced by a new structure) then the structure shall be brought into conformity with the requirements in Appendix E.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1694 of 10 August 2023 amending Regulations (EU) No 321/2013, (EU) No 1299/2014, (EU) No 1300/2014, (EU) No 1301/2014, (EU) No 1302/2014, (EU) No 1304/2014 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/777 (Text with EEA relevance)