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31 results in 23 documents

  1. #998022

    I commend the organisers of the convention in Dublin this week, Conradh na Gaeilge.

    “Don’t allow Irish to become a political tool” – Catalan Ombudsman – Maitiú Ó Coimín

  2. #1708082

    Tá an achainí le síniú anseo: [Migrants Convention]( .

  3. #1126579

    Scríobh sé drámaí véarsaíochta agus ina measc tá Convention at Druim Ceat agus Lost Light a léiríodh in Amharclann na Mainistreach i 1943.

  4. #1304779

    “It is clear that Trevor was looking for a clear run at convention and the party wasn’t prepared to bypass our democratic structures to allow for that.

  5. #1304862

    “It is clear that Trevor was looking for a clear run at convention and the party wasn’t prepared to bypass our democratic structures to allow for that.

  6. #1304886

    “It is clear that Trevor was looking for a clear run at convention and the party wasn’t prepared to bypass our democratic structures to allow for that.

  7. #1405697

    Ach de réir léamh eile aige: ‘He held the last Iomarbháidh, or Bardic Convention that we have heard of in Ireland in 1825 or 1826’.

  8. #330622

    Ionsaí Williams ar chamailéireacht Orwell: “For the key point about the convention of the plain observer with no axes to grind…is that it cancels the social system of the writer.” Williams ar bhail na heite chlé tar éis 1960: “Two traditions of the left had irretrievably broken down, Stalinism and Fabianism.” Tacaíocht Williams do Ho Chi Minh: “So later I joined the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign.

  9. #354465

    This case raises issues of exceptional public importance and presents an opportunity for Ireland to clarify how the Aarhus Convention’s requirements about fairness, equity, effectiveness and special cost requirements apply to court cases in Ireland, and the EU laws implementing them.

  10. #482669

    “I mí na Samhna iarradh orm bheith ar phainéal cainte ag an Dublin Comic Convention in éineacht le daoine ó Marvel Comics mar sin tá an focal á scaipeadh de réir a chéile.” Dírithe ar dhaoine idir 8-14, tá caighdeán an-ard léaráidí agus teanga ag Rí Rá, agus tá súil ag Aidan leanúint leis agus leathnú amach sa todhchaí le díolamaí i stíl Asterix and Tintin, déanta ar fad ag scríbhneoirí agus ealaíontóirí Éireannacha.

  11. #991415

    From an Irish-speaking rural Ireland, this is the hidden story of an emigrant and an adventurer, a woman who tried to jettison the shackles of poverty, convention and class and dared to make it as a dancer (with the moniker “La Blanche Colombe”) in the music halls of Paris, Les Folies Bergere amongst them.

    A dance of words – Mícheál Ó Haodha

  12. #1132183

    At the subsequent election convention, Ó Foighil gave a rousing speech in which he declared that his hair was his own, his teeth were his own and other parts of his anatomy were working very well, too’​ (Irish Times).

  13. #1665325

    Maidir leis an stát seo, tá bunreacht againn ó 1937 a thugann cosaint do go leor cearta daonna, mar shampla cearta sealúchais, agus a deir "gurb ionann ina bpearsain daonna na saoránaigh uile i láthair an dlí." Mar aon leis an mBunreacht, tá an stát seo tar éis go leor conarthaí maidir le cearta daonna a shíniú ar nós International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

  14. #1764155

    *“You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and, most likely, without having to show an identification card.

  15. #1818212

    Ag an tráth sin bhí 19 troid as a chéile buaite ag Clay ó chuaigh sé ag plé leis an dornálaíocht go gairmiúil sé ach nuair a sheas sé féin agus Sonny Liston sa gcró sa Convention Centre i Miami Beach ar an 25ú Feabhra ba dheacair a theacht ar dhuine a cheap go mba ag an bhfear óg a bheadh an choróin ag deireadh na hiomaíochta.