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3 results in 3 documents

  1. #1639549

    An CHomhairle um CHomhar Custam

    The Customs Co-operation Council

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  2. #598366

    cinntí maidir le rangú, tuairimí nó leasuithe maidir le rangú ar na nótaí míniúcháin a ghabhann le hAinmníocht na Tuairisce Comhchuibhithe Tráchtearra agus an Chórais um Chódú, a ghlac an Eagraíocht a bhunaigh an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear Comhairle Comhair Custaim, arna ndéanamh sa Bhruiséil an 15 Nollaig 1950, le héifeacht ón dáta a foilsíodh an Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún i sraith 'C' in Iris Oifigiúil an Aontais Eorpaigh;

    classification decisions, classification opinions or amendments of the explanatory notes to the Nomenclature of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, adopted by the Organization set-up by the Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council, done at Brussels on 15 December 1950, with effect from the date of publication of the Commission Communication in the 'C' series of the Official Journal of the European Union;

    Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 laying down the Union Customs Code

  3. #1836490

    cinntí maidir le rangú, tuairimí nó leasuithe maidir le rangú ar na nótaí míniúcháin a ghabhann le hAinmníocht na Tuairisce Comhchuibhithe Tráchtearra agus an Chórais um Chódú, a ghlac an Eagraíocht a bhunaigh an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear Comhairle Comhair Custaim, arna ndéanamh sa Bhruiséil an 15 Nollaig 1950, le héifeacht ón dáta a foilsíodh an Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún i sraith 'C' in Iris Oifigiúil an Aontais Eorpaigh;

    classification decisions, classification opinions or amendments of the explanatory notes to the Nomenclature of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, adopted by the Organization set-up by the Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council, done at Brussels on 15 December 1950, with effect from the date of publication of the Commission Communication in the 'C' series of the Official Journal of the European Union;
