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35 results in 17 documents

  1. #571052

    Úsáidtear an modh sin le haghaidh e.g. malartú agus seirbhísí teaghaisí úinéirí-áitithe.

    This method is used for e.g. barter and the services of owner-occupied dwellings.

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  2. #572500

    sócmhainní seasta nua nó sócmhainní seasta atá ann cheana féin agus a fuarthas trí mhalartú;

    new or existing fixed assets acquired through barter;

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  3. #572507

    sócmhainní seasta atá ann cheana agus a géilleadh le linn iad a mhalartú;

    existing fixed assets surrendered in barter;

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  4. #653377

    i gcás ina n-úsáideann tír teicnící neamhghnácha malartaithe amhail rátaí éagsúla malairte a bheith acu nó comhaontuithe babhtála a oibriú;

    where a country uses abnormal exchange techniques such as multiple exchange rates or operates barter agreements;

    Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 352/78, (EC) No 165/94, (EC) No 2799/98, (EC) No 814/2000, (EC) No 1290/2005 and (EC) No 485/2008

  5. #934637

    foluíonn an focal “díol” malairtiú agus margáil, agus is dá réir sin a léireofar focail atá gaolmhar dó;

    the word "sale" includes exchange and barter, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;

    Number 2 of 1939: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EGGS) ACT, 1939

  6. #2988698

    SIC-31 Ioncam—Idirbhearta Malartúcháin lena ngabhann Seirbhísí Fógraíochta.

    SIC-31 Revenue—Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services.

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 of 13 August 2023 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

  7. #570957

    Tarlaíonn idirbhearta neamhairgeadaíochta a bhaineann le níos mó ná aonad institiúideach amháin i measc idirbheart táirgí (malartú táirgí), idirbheart dáileacháin (luach saothair comhchineáil, aistrithe comhchineáil, etc.) agus idirbheart eile (malartú sócmhainní neamhtháirgthe neamhairgeadais).

    Non-monetary transactions involving more than one institutional unit occur among transactions in products (barter of products), distributive transactions (remuneration in kind, transfers in kind, etc.) and other transactions (barter of non-produced non-financial assets).

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  8. #781867

    (2) Chun cosc do chur le huibhe atá salach ar an taobh amuich no atá neamh-oiriúnach mar bhia do dhaoine do dhíol, do shóinseáil no do mhalairtiú, agus le hiad do thairisgint no do thaisbeáint chun a ndíolta, a sóinseálta no a malairtithe, féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní no éinní dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—

    (2) With a view to preventing the sale, exchange, or barter, and the offering or exposing for sale, exchange or barter of eggs which are externally dirty or are unfit for human consumption, the Minister may by order make regulations in regard to all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—

    Number 35 of 1924: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EGGS) ACT, 1924

  9. #830371

    (a) duine ar bith a thaistealann le capall no le beithíoch eile ag iompar no ag tarrac ualaigh no le feithicil inneallghluaiste agus a théigheann o áit go háit no go tithe fear eile ag iompar earraí no áirnéise no áirnéise ceannaíochta ar bith chun a ndíolta no a malairtithe, no á dtaisbeáint chun a ndíolta no a malairtithe, no ag taisbeáint somplaí no pátrún d'aon earraí no áirnéis no áirnéis cheannaíochta chun a seachadtha ina dhiaidh sin, agus

    ( a ) any person who travels either with a horse or other beast bearing or drawing burden or with a mechanically propelled vehicle and goes from place to place or to other men's houses carrying to sell or barter or exposing for sale or barter any goods, wares, or merchandise, or exposing samples or patterns of any goods, wares, or merchandise to be afterwards delivered, and

    Number 20 of 1930: FINANCE ACT, 1930

  10. #835413

    (a) a dhéanfaidh aon uibhe bheidh salach ar an taobh amuich no bheidh neamh-oiriúnach mar bhia don duine do dhíol, do mhargáil no do mhalairtiú, no iad do thairisgint no do thaisbeaint chun a ndíolta, a margála no a malairtithe, pe' ca déanfar an díol, an mhargáil no an malairtiú san ar choiníoll go seasóidh na huibhe tástáil áirithe no ná déanfar; no

    ( a ) sells, exchanges, or barters, or offers or exposes for sale, exchange, or barter any eggs which are externally dirty or which are unfit for human consumption, whether such sale, exchange, or barter is or is not made subject to the condition that the eggs shall pass a particular test, or

    Number 36 of 1930: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EGGS) ACT, 1930

  11. #835551

    —(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach do dhuine ar bith aon uibhe do dhíol, do mhargáil, ná do mhalairtiú, ná iad do thairisgint ná do thaisbeaint chun a ndíolta, a margála, ná a malairtithe, in áit ná i slí ná beidh leor-chosaint ag na huibhe sin ar fhliche, ar thaise, ar shalachar no ar thruailliú de shórt ar bith.

    —(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to sell, exchange, or barter, or offer or expose for sale, exchange, or barter, any eggs in a, place or under conditions which does or do not afford adequate protection to such eggs against wet, damp, dirt, or contamination of any sort.

    Number 36 of 1930: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EGGS) ACT, 1930

  12. #1010614

    —(1) Ní dleathach do dhuine ar bith, a mbíonn deighleáil i gceirteacha, cnámha, páipéar iarmhair, éadaí réchaite nó earraí eile dá samhail sin ar siúl aige mar ghnó, aon bhia a dhíol ná a mhalairtiú ná a thairiscint ná a choimeád chun a dhíolta nó a mhalairtithe in, nó as, aon áitreabh nó áit nó feithicil a úsáideas sé maidir leis an ngnó sin aige.

    —(1) It shall not be lawful for any person, who carries on the business of dealing in rags, bones, waste paper, secondhand clothes or other similar articles, to sell, barter or offer or keep for sale or barter any food in or from any premises, place or vehicle used by him in connection with his said business.

    Number 28 of 1947: HEALTH ACT, 1947

  13. #1317452

    (2) Aon tagairt san Acht seo do dhíol folaíonn sé tagairt do dhiúscairt i modh babhtála, do thairiscint díola agus do thairiscint cheannaigh a lorg, agus forléireofar dá réir sin focail san Acht seo atá gaolmhar le díol agus, lasmuigh d'alt 47 agus d'alt 55, folaíonn aon tagairt san Acht seo do cheannach tagairt do fháil i modh babhtála, do thairiscint cheannaigh agus do thairiscint díola a lorg.

    (2) Any reference in this Act to sale includes a reference to disposing by way of barter, offering for sale and inviting an offer to buy and words in this Act which are kindred to sale shall be construed accordingly, and except in section 47 and section 55 any reference in this Act to purchase includes a reference to acquiring by way of barter, offering to purchase and inviting an offer to sell.

    Number 39 of 1976: WILDLIFE ACT, 1976

  14. #572689

    is éard atá in onnmhairí earraí agus seirbhísí idirbhearta earraí agus idirbhearta seirbhísí (díolacháin, malartú, agus tabhartais) a dhéantar idir cónaithigh agus neamhchónaithigh.

    exports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (sales, barter, and gifts) from residents to non-residents.

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  15. #572690

    is éard atá in allmhairí earraí agus seirbhísí idirbhearta earraí agus idirbhearta seirbhísí (ceannacháin, malartú, agus tabhartais) a dhéantar idir neamhchónaithigh agus cónaithigh.

    imports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (purchases, barter, and gifts) from non-residents to residents.

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  16. #572751

    luacháiltear malartú earraí ag na bunphraghsanna a gheofaí dá ndíolfaí ar airgead iad;

    barter of goods are valued at the basic prices that would have been received if the goods had been sold for cash;

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  17. #785205

    —(1) Einne a dhéanfas aon im atá salach de dhíol, no do thairisgint no do thaisbeáint no do chonsighniú chun é dhíol, no do shóinseáil no do mhalairtiú, no é fháil, tré cheannach, tré shóinseáil no tré mhalairtiú, chun é ath-dhíol—

    —(1) Any person who sells or exposes for sale or offers or consigns for sale or exchanges or barters or for the purpose of re-sale, acquires by purchase, exchange or barter

    Number 58 of 1924: DAIRY PRODUCE ACT, 1924

  18. #883179

    (2) Gach aistriú no aistriú de dheallramh a déanfar ar chruthúnacht mhairtfheola tré í do dhíol no do mhalairtiú no do chur fé gheall beidh sé gan brí gan éifeacht.

    (2) Every alienation or purported alienation of a beef voucher, whether by way of sale, barter, or hypothecation, shall be void and of no effect.

    Number 42 of 1934: SLAUGHTER OF CATTLE AND SHEEP ACT, 1934

  19. #934643

    foluíonn an focal “fáil” ceannach agus foluíonn freisin fáil tré mhargáil no tré mhalairtiú no ar aon tslí eile, agus is dá réir sin a léireofar focail atá gaolmhar dó;

    the word "acquire" includes purchase and also includes acquiring or obtaining by barter, exchange or any other means, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;

    Number 2 of 1939: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EGGS) ACT, 1939

  20. #1010622

    (a) is tuigthe, mura gcruthaítear a mhalairt, aon bhia a bheith arna dhíol nó arna mhalairtiú nó a bheith beartaithe chun a dhíolta nó a mhalairtithe (pé acu is iomchuí) mar bhia don duine,

    ( a ) any food shall be deemed, unless the contrary is proved, to have been sold or bartered or to be intended for sale or barter (as may be appropriate) for human consumption,

    Number 28 of 1947: HEALTH ACT, 1947

  21. #1076931

    (3) San alt seo folaíonn “díol” malairtiú agus tairiscint díola agus “díolta”.

    (3) In this section, "sell" includes barter and offer for sale and "sold" shall be construed accordingly.

    Number 14 of 1955: SEED PRODUCTION ACT, 1955

  22. #1855281

    (a)i gcás ina núsáidfidh tír teicnící neamhghnácha malartaithe, amhail rátaí éagsúla malairte, nó ina noibreoidh an tír comhaontuithe babhtála;

    (a)where a country uses abnormal exchange techniques such as multiple exchange rates or operates barter agreements;

    Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013

  23. #2009759

    Meabhraíonn an Coimisiún gur État de Droit é an tAontas ina ndéanann na córais riaracháin cinntí de réir fhorálacha an dlí, nach bhfuil ina ábhar babhtála ná idirbheartaíochta.

    The Commission recalls that the Union is an État de Droit where administrations take decisions following the provisions of the law, which are not the subject of barter or negotiation.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/546 of 29 March 2021 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting the provisional duty imposed on imports of aluminium extrusions originating in the People’s Republic of China

  24. #2169307

    i gcás ina n-úsáidfidh Ballstát teicnící neamhghnácha malartaithe, amhail rátaí éagsúla malairte, nó ina n-oibreoidh an tír comhaontuithe babhtála;

    where a Member State uses abnormal exchange techniques such as multiple exchange rates or operates barter agreements;

    Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 December 2021 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013

  25. #715307

    Féadfar a mheas gurb ann do staid margaidh áirithe don táirge lena mbaineann de réir bhrí na chéad mhíre, inter alia, nuair atá praghsanna níos ísle ná mar atá réasúnach, nuair atá babhtáil shuntasach ann, nó nuair atá socruithe próiseála neamhthráchtála ann.

    A particular market situation for the product concerned within the meaning of the first subparagraph may be deemed to exist, inter alia, when prices are artificially low, when there is significant barter trade, or when there are non-commercial processing arrangements.

    Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union

  26. #715334

    mura bhfuil costais táirgthe agus staid airgeadais cuideachtaí faoi réir saobhadh suntasach arna thabhairt ar aghaidh ón iarchóras nach raibh geilleagar margaidh aige, go háirithe i ndáil le dímheas sócmhainní, díscríobh eile, babhtáil agus íocaíocht trí fhiacha a chúiteamh,

    the production costs and financial situation of firms are not subject to significant distortions carried over from the former non-market-economy system, in particular in relation to depreciation of assets, other write-offs, barter trade and payment via compensation of debts,

    Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union

  27. #781865

    —(1) Einne a dhéanfas aon uibhe atá salach ar an taobh amuich no atá neamh-oiriúnach mar bhia do dhaoine do dhíol, do shóinseáil no do mhalairtiú, no iad do thairisgint no do thaisbeáint chun a ndíolta, a sóinseálta no a malairtithe, beidh se ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus féadfar pionós do chur air dá réir sin.

    —(1) Any person who sells, exchanges or barters or offers or exposes for sale, exchange or barter any eggs which are externally dirty or which are unfit for human consumption, shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be punishable accordingly.

    Number 35 of 1924: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EGGS) ACT, 1924

  28. #830373

    (b) duine ar bith a thaistealann le capall no le beithíoch eile ag iompar no ag tarrac ualaigh no le feithicil inneallghluaiste agus é ag iompar earraí no áirnéise no áirnéise ceannaíochta ar bith (seachas earraí no áirnéis no áirnéis cheannaíochta a hiomprófar chun a seachadtha do cheannuitheoir do réir ordú a tugadh roimhe sin) agus a dhíolann no a mhalairtíonn, no a thaisbeánann chun a díolta no a malairtithe, aon earra no áirnéis no áirnéis cheannaíochta acu san ag tigh aon duine eile, agus

    ( b ) any person who travels either with a horse or other beast bearing or drawing burden or with a mechanically propelled vehicle carrying with him any goods, wares, or merchandise (other than goods, wares, or merchandise carried for delivery to a purchaser in pursuance of a previous order) and sells or barters, or exposes for sale or barter any of such goods, wares, or merchandise at any other person's house, and

    Number 20 of 1930: FINANCE ACT, 1930

  29. #830375

    (c) duine ar bith a thaistealann ar aon chóir ghluaiseachta go haon áit ná fuil gnáth-chomhnaí air ná gnó ar siúl aige ann agus a dhíolann no a mhalairtíonn, no a thaisbeánann chun a ndíolta no a malairtithe, ann aon earraí no áirnéis no áirnéis cheannaíochta in no as aon fheithicil no in no ag aon tigh, siopa, seomra, both. stalla no áit eile ar bith a bhíonn ar cíos no in úsáid aige chuige sin.

    ( c ) any person who travels by any means of locomotion to any place in which he does not usually reside or carry on business and there sells or barters or exposes for sale or barter any goods, wares, or merchandise either in or from any vehicle or in or at any house, shop, room, booth, stall, or other place whatever hired or used by him for that purpose.

    Number 20 of 1930: FINANCE ACT, 1930

  30. #835502

    (b) aon ubh do dhíol, do mhargáil, no do mhalairtiú no do thairisgint no do thaisbeaint chun a dhíolta, no a mhargála, no a mhalairtithe agus marc, a bheidh orduithe leis na rialacháin ghenerálta i dtaobh uibhe leasuithe do mharcáil, bainte no scriosta dhe no atharuithe air,

    ( b ) sells, exchanges, or barters, or offers or exposes for sale, exchange, or barter any egg from or on which a mark prescribed by the general regulations for the marking of preserved eggs has been removed, altered, or obliterated,

    Number 36 of 1930: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EGGS) ACT, 1930

  31. #848906

    —(1) Íocfaidh dílseánach cláruithe gach áitreibh atá cláruithe i gclár na monarchan ime no i gclár na n-easportálaithe nách déantóirí, leis an Aire, lá nách déanaí ná seachtú lá déag i ndiaidh dáta an Achta so do rith, ar an im feirme go léir do fuair an dílseánach san tré cheannach, tré shóinseáil no tré mhalairtiú i rith na roimh-thréimhse chun é d'úsáid san áitreabh san no chun é d'ath-dhíol, dleacht do réir ráta dhá phingin an púnt.

    —(1) There shall be paid to the Minister not later than the seventeenth day after the date of the passing of this Act by the registered proprietor of every premises registered in the register of butter factories or in the register of non-manufacturing exporters on all farm butter acquired, by purchase, exchange or barter, by such proprietor during the preliminary period for use in such premises or for resale a levy at the rate of twopence per pound.

    Number 10 of 1932: DAIRY PRODUCE (PRICE STABILISATION) ACT, 1932

  32. #848908

    (2) Fé réir forálacha an Achta so íocfaidh dílseánach cláruithe gach áitreibh atá cláruithe i gclár na monarchan ime no i gclár na n-easportálaithe nách déantóirí, leis an Aire, lá nách déanaí ná an seachtú lá i ndiaidh deireadh gach dleacht-mhí, ar an im feirme go léir a fuair an dílseánach san tré cheannach, tré shóinseáil no tré mhalairtiú i rith an dleacht-mhí sin chun é d'úsáid san áitreabh san no chun é d'ath-dhíol, dleacht do réir an ráta ghenerálta bhí i bhfeidhm le linn an ime sin d'fháil.

    (2) Subject to the provisions of this Act there shall be paid to the Minister not later than the seventh day after the expiration of every levy month by the registered proprietor of every premises registered in the register of butter factories or in the register of non-manufacturing exporters on all farm butter acquired by purchase, exchange or barter, by such proprietor during such levy month for use in such premises or for resale a levy at the general rate in force at the time of acquisition.

    Number 10 of 1932: DAIRY PRODUCE (PRICE STABILISATION) ACT, 1932

  33. #848916

    —(1) Féadfaidh an tAire fógra i scríbhinn do sheirbheáil ar aon trádálaí ime no únaer mhonarchan ime á cheangal ar an trádálaí no ar an únaer sin dleacht d'íoc leis an Aire, lá nách déanaí ná an seachtú lá i ndiaidh deireadh an dleacht-mhí luadhfar sa bhfógra san agus i ndiaidh deireadh gach dleacht-mhí ina dhiaidh sin, ar an im feirme go léir do fuair an trádálaí no an t-únaer sin tré cheannach, tré shóinseáil no tré mhalairtiú i rith an dleacht-mhí sin chun é d'úsáid i monarchain ime no chun é d'ath-dhíol, dleacht do réir an ráta ghenerálta bhí i bhfeidhm le linn an ime sin d'fháil.

    —(1) The Minister may serve a notice in writing on any butter trader or butter factory owner requiring such trader or owner to pay to the Minister not later than the seventh day after the expiration of the levy month specified in such notice and every subsequent levy month on all farm butter acquired by purchase, exchange or barter by such trader or owner during such levy month for use in a butter factory or for resale a levy at the general rate in force at the time of acquisition.

    Number 10 of 1932: DAIRY PRODUCE (PRICE STABILISATION) ACT, 1932

  34. #848918

    (2) Pé uair a seirbheálfar fógra fén alt so ar thrádálaí ime no ar únaer mhonarchan ime íocfaidh an trádálaí no an t-únaer sin, go dtí go n-ordóidh an tAire a mhalairt, leis an Aire, lá nách déanaí ná an seachtú lá i ndiaidh deireadh an dleacht-mhí luadhfar sa bhfógra san agus i ndiaidh deireadh gach dleacht-mhí ina dhiaidh sin, ar an im feirme go léir a fuair an trádálaí no an t-únaer sin tré cheannach, tré shóinseáil, no tré mhalairtiú i rith an mhí sin chun é d'úsáid i monarchain ime no chun é d'ath-dhíol, dleacht do réir an ráta ghenerálta bhí i bhfeidhm le linn an ime sin d'fháil.

    (2) Whenever a notice under this section is served on a butter trader or a butter factory owner, there shall until the Minister otherwise directs be paid by such trader or owner to the Minister not later than the seventh day after the expiration of the levy month specified in such notice and every subsequent levy month on all farm butter acquired by purchase, exchange or barter by such trader or owner during such month for use in a butter factory or for resale, a levy at the general rate in force at the time of acquisition.

    Number 10 of 1932: DAIRY PRODUCE (PRICE STABILISATION) ACT, 1932

  35. #883177

    —(1) Gach duine dhéanfaidh no thairgfidh cruthúnacht mhairtfheola, no aon mhairtfheoil do gheobhfar mar mhalairt ar chruthúnacht mhairtfheola, do dhíol, do cheannach, do mhalairtiú, no do chur no do ghlacadh i ngeall beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air no, más rogha leis an gCúirt é, príosúntacht ar feadh tréimhse ar bith nách sia ná mí.

    —Every person who sells, buys, barters, pawns, or takes in pawn, or offers to sell, buy, barter, pawn, or take in pawn a beef voucher or any beef obtained in exchange for a beef voucher shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one month.

    Number 42 of 1934: SLAUGHTER OF CATTLE AND SHEEP ACT, 1934