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2,176 results in 220 documents

  1. #1146872

    (5) San alt seo ciallaíonn “an Oifig” Oifig Arachóirí Gluaisteán na hÉireann.

    (5) In this section "the Bureau" means the Motor Insurers' Bureau of Ireland.

    Number 24 of 1961: ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, 1961

  2. #2409729

    Stiúrthóir ar an Fifth Bureau of the Reconnaissance General Bureau.

    Director of the Fifth Bureau of the Reconnaissance General Bureau.

    Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2022/1510 of 9 September 2022 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2016/849 concerning restrictive measures against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  3. #2409784

    Office #39; Office No. 39; Bureau 39; Central Committee Bureau 39; Third Floor; Division 39

    Office #39; Office No. 39; Bureau 39; Central Committee Bureau 39; Third Floor; Division 39

    Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2022/1510 of 9 September 2022 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2016/849 concerning restrictive measures against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  4. #2518083

    Stiúrthóir ar an Fifth Bureau of the Reconnaissance General Bureau.

    Director of the Fifth Bureau of the Reconnaissance General Bureau.

    Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1503 of 9 September 2022 implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1509 concerning restrictive measures against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  5. #2518137

    Office #39; Office No. 39; Bureau 39; Central Committee Bureau 39; Third Floor; Division 39

    Office #39; Office No. 39; Bureau 39; Central Committee Bureau 39; Third Floor; Division 39

    Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1503 of 9 September 2022 implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1509 concerning restrictive measures against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  6. #319038

    Féadfaidh an tUachtarán agus/nó an Biúró cúraimí ginearálta nó cúraimí sainiúla a thagann faoi réim inniúlacht an Uachtaráin agus/nó an Bhiúró a chur ar chomhalta amháin nó níos mó den Bhiúró.

    The President and/or the Bureau may entrust one or more members of the Bureau with general or specific tasks lying within the competence of the President and/or the Bureau.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  7. #1571728

    “ciallaíonn ‘oifigeach biúró’ oifigeach don Aire arna cheapadh nó arna ceapadh mar oifigeach biúró faoi alt 8(1)(a)(iii) den Acht fán mBiúró um Shócmhainní Coiriúla, 1996;”.

    “‘bureau officer’ means an officer of the Minister appointed as a bureau officer under section 8(1)(a)(iii) of the Criminal Assets Bureau Act, 1996 ;”.

    Number 3 of 1999: SOCIAL WELFARE ACT, 1999

  8. #1857419

    Féadfaidh an tUachtarán agus/nó an Biúró cúraimí ginearálta nó cúraimí sainiúla a thagann faoi réim inniúlachta an Uachtaráin agus/nó an Bhiúró a chur ar chomhalta amháin nó níos mó den Bhiúró.

    The President and/or the Bureau may entrust one or more members of the Bureau with general or specific tasks lying within the competence of the President and/or the Bureau.

    Rules of Procedure — 9th parliamentary term — July 2019

  9. #3046771

    á mheabhrú gurb é comhdhéanamh an Bhiúró Uachtarán Pharlaimint na hEorpa, na 14 Leas-Uachtarán agus an cúigear Caestóirí (comhaltaí nach bhfuil vóta acu) atá tofa go daonlathach ag an bParlaimint; á mheabhrú, a luaithe a iarrann an Cruinniú Iomlánach go ndéanfadh an Pharlaimint rialacha nó bearta éagsúla a chur chun feidhme, gur cheart don Bhiúró na rialacha nó na bearta sin atá beartaithe a phlé agus vótáil orthu, de bhun Riail 25 de na Rialacha Nós Imeachta agus de bhun Iarscríbhinn V a ghabhann leo agus de bhun Airteagal 6 agus Airteagal 262 den Rialachán Airgeadais; á chur in iúl gur oth léi nach léirítear go maith i gcónaí líon suntasach éileamh nithiúil arna nglacadh ag an Seisiún Iomlánach i rúin urscaoilte sna pléití le linn chruinnithe an Bhiúró in ainneoin go bhfuil comhaltaí an Bhiúró agus an tArd-Rúnaí araon ar an eolas faoi na rúin maidir le hurscaoileadh agus go bhfuil sé d’acmhainn acu tograí a thíolacadh faoi Riail 25 thuasluaite; á mheabhrú a thábhachtaí atá feidhmiú an ghrinnscrúdaithe dhaonlathaigh a dhéantar tríd an nós imeachta um urscaoileadh agus gur cheart don Pharlaimint a bheith ina heiseamláir d’institiúidí agus comhlachtaí uile an Aontais; á thabhairt chun suntais, le linn phaindéim COVID-19, go raibh ar phlé an Bhiúró díriú, den chuid is mó, ar shláine na bhFeisirí agus na foirne a chosaint, agus leanúnachas gnó á áirithiú ag an am céanna;

    Recalls that the composition of the Bureau is the President of the European Parliament, the 14 Vice-Presidents and the five Quaestors (non-voting members) democratically elected by Parliament; recalls that once the Plenary calls for different rules or measures to be implemented by Parliament, such proposed rules or measures should be discussed and voted on by the Bureau, pursuant to Rule 25 of and Annex V to the Rules of Procedure and Articles 6 and 262 of the Financial Regulation; regrets that a substantial number of concrete demands adopted by Plenary in discharge resolutions are not always well reflected in the discussions during meetings of the Bureau despite the fact that both Bureau members and the Secretary-General are aware of the discharge resolutions and have the capacity to submit proposals under the aforementioned Rule 25; recalls that the exercise of democratic scrutiny which is carried out via the discharge procedure and for which Parliament should be a role model for all Union institutions and bodies; highlights that for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the deliberations of the Bureau had to focus, to a large extent, on protecting the integrity of Members and staff, while ensuring business continuity;

    Resolution (EU) 2023/1814 of the European Parliament of 10 May 2023 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021, Section I – European Parliament

  10. #318488

    Riail 22 Comhdhéanamh an Bhiúró

    Rule 22 Composition of the Bureau

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  11. #318489

    Riail 23 Dualgais an Bhiúró

    Rule 23 Duties of the Bureau

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  12. #318495

    Riail 29 Cuntasacht an Bhiúró agus Chomhdháil na nUachtarán

    Rule 29 Accountability of the Bureau and the Conference of Presidents

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  13. #318755

    Riail 209 Cumhachtaí agus freagrachtaí an Bhiúró

    Rule 209 Powers and responsibilities of the Bureau

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  14. #319015

    Comhdhéanamh an Bhiúró

    Composition of the Bureau

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  15. #319016

    Beidh an Biúró comhdhéanta d’Uachtarán na Parlaiminte agus de 14 Leas-Uachtarán na Parlaiminte.

    The Bureau shall consist of the President and the 14 Vice-Presidents of Parliament.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  16. #319017

    Beidh na Caestóirí ina gcomhaltaí den Bhiúró i gcáil chomhairleach.

    The Quaestors shall be members of the Bureau in an advisory capacity.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  17. #319018

    Más é is toradh ar vótáil sa Bhiúró ná comhionannas vótaí, beidh an vóta réitigh ag an Uachtarán.

    If voting in the Bureau results in a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  18. #319020

    Dualgais an Bhiúró

    Duties of the Bureau

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  19. #319021

    Comhlíonfaidh an Biúró na dualgais a shanntar dó faoi na Rialacha Nós Imeachta.

    The Bureau shall carry out the duties assigned to it under the Rules of Procedure.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  20. #319024

    Glacfaidh an Biúró cinntí ar nithe a bhaineann le seoladh suíonna.

    The Bureau shall take decisions on matters relating to the conduct of sittings.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  21. #319026

    Glacfaidh an Biúró na forálacha dá dtagraítear i Riail 33 maidir le Feisirí Neamhcheangailte.

    The Bureau shall adopt the provisions referred to in Rule 33 concerning non-attached Members.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  22. #319028

    Tarraingeoidh an Biúró suas réamhdhréacht de mheastacháin bhuiséid na Parlaiminte.

    The Bureau shall draw up Parliament’s preliminary draft budget estimates.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  23. #319029

    Glacfaidh an Biúró treoirlínte do na Caestóirí i gcomhréir le Riail 26.

    The Bureau shall adopt the guidelines for the Quaestors in accordance with Rule 26.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  24. #319033

    Ceapfaidh an Biúró an tArdrúnaí i gcomhréir le Riail 207.

    The Bureau shall appoint the Secretary-General in accordance with Rule 207.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  25. #319082

    Cuntasacht an Bhiúró agus Chomhdháil na nUachtarán

    Accountability of the Bureau and the Conference of Presidents

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  26. #319120

    Déanfaidh an Biúró stádas agus cearta parlaiminteacha na bhFeisirí sin a chinneadh.

    The Bureau shall determine the status and parliamentary rights of such Members.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  27. #319674

    déanfaidh an Biúró an plean bunaíochta a tharraingt suas do gach bliain airgeadais;

    the Bureau shall draw up the establishment plan for each financial year;

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  28. #319862

    Leagfaidh an Biúró síos rialacha lena chinntiú go ndéantar na doiciméid go léir de chuid na Parlaiminte a chlárú.

    The Bureau shall lay down rules to ensure that all Parliament documents are registered.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  29. #320257

    I gcás easaontais, déanfaidh an Biúró an cinneadh.

    In the event of disagreement, the Bureau shall decide.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  30. #320265

    Glacfaidh an Biúró na rialacha cur chun feidhme is gá.

    The Bureau shall adopt the necessary implementing rules.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  31. #320652

    Mar sin féin:

    However, the bureau of the committee:

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  32. #320908

    Tabharfaidh Ardrúnaí arna cheapadh ag an mBiúró cúnamh don Pharlaimint.

    Parliament shall be assisted by a Secretary-General appointed by the Bureau.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  33. #320920

    Cumhachtaí agus freagrachtaí an Bhiúró

    Powers and responsibilities of the Bureau

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  34. #320926

    Maidir le cineálacha sonracha cinntí a bhaineann le cúnamh teicniúil a thabhairt, féadfaidh an Biúró iad a tharmligean chuig an Ardrúnaí.

    The Bureau may delegate specific types of decisions to grant technical assistance to the Secretary-General.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  35. #320929

    Féadfaidh an Biúró, aon tráth, dul i gcomhairle le Comhdháil na nUachtarán.

    The Bureau may at any time consult the Conference of Presidents.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  36. #320978

    Scrúdóidh an Biúró úsáidí eile le haghaidh na siombailí laistigh den Pharlaimint.

    The Bureau shall examine further use of the symbols within the Parliament.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  37. #320979

    Leagfaidh an Biúró síos forálacha mionsonraithe maidir le cur chun feidhme na Rialach seo.

    The Bureau shall lay down detailed provisions for the implementation of this Rule.

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  38. #321402

    páirtithe polaitiúla ar leibhéal Eorpach, gan dochar d’inniúlachtaí an Bhiúró;

    political parties at European level, without prejudice to the competences of the Bureau;

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  39. #321504

    ag féachaint don togra ón mBiúró,

    having regard to the Bureau proposal,

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  40. #322344

    - an Biúró agus Comhdháil na nUachtarán, agus

    - the Bureau and the Conference of Presidents, and

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  41. #322396

    - an Biúró agus/nó Comhdháil na nUachtarán,

    - the Bureau and/or the Conference of Presidents,

    Rules of Procedure — 7th parliamentary term — March 2011

  42. #252770

    (g) an Biúró Árachóirí Gluaisteán; nó

    (g) the Motor Insurers Bureau; or

    S.I. No. 510 of 2001: The Circuit Court Rules

  43. #252771

    (h) an Biúró Árachóirí Gluaisteán Cuairte.

    (h) the Visiting Motor Insurers Bureau.

    S.I. No. 510 of 2001: The Circuit Court Rules

  44. #440668

    An nós imeachta sa Bhiúró maidir le samplaí.

    Procedure at Bureau regarding specimens.


  45. #440690

    Feidhmeanna an Bhiúró

    Functions of Bureau


  46. #440692

    Feidhmeanna an Bhiúró.

    Functions of Bureau.


  47. #440956

    tá le “Biúró” an bhrí a shanntar dó le halt 37(1) d’Acht 1968;

    Bureau” has the meaning assigned to it by section 37(1) of the Act of 1968;


  48. #441193

    Feidhmeanna an Bhiúró

    Functions of Bureau


  49. #441194

    26.—(1) Comhlíonfaidh an Biúró na feidhmeanna a shanntar dó leis an gCuid seo nó faoin gCuid seo.

    26.—(1) The Bureau shall perform the functions assigned to it by or under this Part.


  50. #441198

    (c) deimhnithe a eisiúint a cheanglaítear faoi Chaibidil 4 go n-eiseoidh an Biúró iad,

    (c) the issue of certificates required under Chapter 4, to be issued by the Bureau,