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96 results in 72 documents

  1. #580067

    eisíocaíochtaí ar fhorbairt acmhainní daonna;

    outlays on human resource development;

    Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union Text with EEA relevance

  2. #665832

    fostaíocht, beartais shóisialta, oideachas, comhionannas inscne a chur chun cinn agus forbairt acmhainní daonna;

    employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality, and human resources development;

    Regulation (EU) No 231/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing an Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)

  3. #1647779

    Páipéar Ban ar Fhorbairt Acmhainní Daonna.


    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  4. #1986535

    bonneagair agus acmhainní daonna a fhorbairt.

    the development of infrastructures and human resources.

    Council Decision (EU) 2021/1764 of 5 October 2021 on the association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the European Union including relations between the European Union on the one hand, and Greenland and the Kingdom of Denmark on the other (Decision on the Overseas Association, including Greenland)

  5. #3172100

    Forbairt acmhainní daonna, go sonrach trí chlár oiliúna náisiúnta maidir leis an tslándáil núicléach a sholáthar;

    Human resource development, specifically through the provision of a national nuclear security training programme;

    Council Decision (CFSP) 2024/656 of 19 February 2024 on Union support for the activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the area of nuclear security

  6. #2215398

    Fógra ón gCoimisiún chuig na Ballstáit an 15 Meitheamh 1994 lena leagtar síos treoirlínte do chláir oibríochtúla nó deontais dhomhanda a thugtar cuireadh do na Ballstáit a bhunú laistigh de chreat thionscnamh Comhphobail “Fostaíocht agus forbairt acmhainní daonna” atá dírithe ar fhás fostaíochta a chur chun cinn go príomha trí fhorbairt acmhainní daonna (Fostaíocht) (IO C 180, 1.7.1994, lch. 36).

    Commission notice to the Member States of 15 June 1994 laying down guidelines for operational programmes or global grants which Member States are invited to propose within the framework of a Community initiative ‘Employment and development of human resources’ aimed at promoting employment growth mainly through the development of human resources (Employment) (OJ C 180, 1.7.1994, p. 36).

    Definitive adoption (EU, Euratom) 2022/182 of the European Union’s general budget for the financial year 2022

  7. #2215404

    Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún chuig na Ballstáit an 8 Bealtaine 1996 lena leagtar síos treoirlínte leasaithe do chláir oibríochtúla nó deontais dhomhanda a thugtar cuireadh do na Ballstáit a bhunú laistigh de chreat thionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le fostaíocht agus forbairt acmhainní daonna atá dírithe ar fhás fostaíochta a chur chun cinn go príomha trí fhorbairt acmhainní daonna (IO C 200, 10.7.1996, lch. 13).

    Commission communication to the Member States of 8 May 1996 laying down amended guidelines for operational programmes or global grants which Member States are invited to propose within the framework of a Community initiative on employment and development of human resources aimed at promoting employment growth mainly through the development of human resources (OJ C 200, 10.7.1996, p. 13).

    Definitive adoption (EU, Euratom) 2022/182 of the European Union’s general budget for the financial year 2022

  8. #2667426

    Fógra ón gCoimisiún chuig na Ballstáit an 15 Meitheamh 1994 lena leagtar síos treoirlínte do chláir oibríochtúla nó deontais dhomhanda a thugtar cuireadh do na Ballstáit a bhunú laistigh de chreat thionscnamh Comhphobail “Fostaíocht agus forbairt acmhainní daonna” atá dírithe ar fhás fostaíochta a chur chun cinn go príomha trí fhorbairt acmhainní daonna (Fostaíocht) (IO C 180, 1.7.1994, lch. 36).

    Commission notice to the Member States of 15 June 1994 laying down guidelines for operational programmes or global grants which Member States are invited to propose within the framework of a Community initiative ‘Employment and development of human resources’ aimed at promoting employment growth mainly through the development of human resources (Employment) (OJ C 180, 1.7.1994, p. 36).

    Definitive adoption (EU, Euratom) 2023/278 of the European Union’s annual budget for the financial year 2023

  9. #2667432

    Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún chuig na Ballstáit an 8 Bealtaine 1996 lena leagtar síos treoirlínte leasaithe do chláir oibríochtúla nó deontais dhomhanda a thugtar cuireadh do na Ballstáit a bhunú laistigh de chreat thionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le fostaíocht agus forbairt acmhainní daonna atá dírithe ar fhás fostaíochta a chur chun cinn go príomha trí fhorbairt acmhainní daonna (IO C 200, 10.7.1996, lch. 13).

    Commission communication to the Member States of 8 May 1996 laying down amended guidelines for operational programmes or global grants which Member States are invited to propose within the framework of a Community initiative on employment and development of human resources aimed at promoting employment growth mainly through the development of human resources (OJ C 200, 10.7.1996, p. 13).

    Definitive adoption (EU, Euratom) 2023/278 of the European Union’s annual budget for the financial year 2023

  10. #3155903

    Fógra ón gCoimisiún chuig na Ballstáit an 15 Meitheamh 1994 lena leagtar síos treoirlínte do chláir oibríochtúla nó deontais dhomhanda a thugtar cuireadh do na Ballstáit a bhunú laistigh de chreat thionscnamh Comhphobail ‘Fostaíocht agus forbairt acmhainní daonna’ atá dírithe ar fhás fostaíochta a chur chun cinn go príomha trí fhorbairt acmhainní daonna (Fostaíocht) (IO C 180, 1.7.1994, lch. 36).

    Commission notice to the Member States of 15 June 1994 laying down guidelines for operational programmes or global grants which Member States are invited to propose within the framework of a Community initiative ‘Employment and development of human resources’ aimed at promoting employment growth mainly through the development of human resources (Employment) (OJ C 180, 1.7.1994, p. 36).

    Definitive adoption (EU, Euratom) 2024/207 of the European Union’s annual budget for the financial year 2024

  11. #3155910

    Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún chuig na Ballstáit an 8 Bealtaine 1996 lena leagtar síos treoirlínte leasaithe do chláir oibríochtúla nó deontais dhomhanda a thugtar cuireadh do na Ballstáit a bhunú laistigh de chreat thionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le fostaíocht agus forbairt acmhainní daonna atá dírithe ar fhás fostaíochta a chur chun cinn go príomha trí fhorbairt acmhainní daonna (IO C 200, 10.7.1996, lch. 13).

    Commission communication to the Member States of 8 May 1996 laying down amended guidelines for operational programmes or global grants which Member States are invited to propose within the framework of a Community initiative on employment and development of human resources aimed at promoting employment growth mainly through the development of human resources (OJ C 200, 10.7.1996, p. 13).

    Definitive adoption (EU, Euratom) 2024/207 of the European Union’s annual budget for the financial year 2024

  12. #666008

    an taighde a neartú, mar aon le forbairt teicneolaíochta, nuáil agus teicneolaíochtaí faisnéise agus cumarsáide trí, inter alia: roinnt na n-acmhainní daonna agus na saoráidí don taighde agus don fhorbairt teicneolaíochta a chur chun cinn.

    strengthening research, technological development, innovation and information and communication technologies through, inter alia, promoting the sharing of human resources and facilities for research and technology development.

    Regulation (EU) No 231/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing an Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)

  13. #1622053

    An Plean Forbartha Náisiúnta, 2000 - 2006. Clár Oibríochta um Fhostaíocht agus Acmhainní Daonna a Fhorbairt: Measúnú ar Sholáthar agus ar Dhíriú ar Bhearta - Iúil, 2002.


    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  14. #2128526

    an taighde a neartú, mar aon le forbairt theicneolaíoch, nuálaíocht agus teicneolaíochtaí digiteacha, inter alia, trí shoghluaisteacht agus trí chomhroinnt na n-acmhainní daonna agus na saoráidí don taighde agus don fhorbairt teicneolaíochta a chur chun cinn.

    strengthening research, technological development, innovation and digital technologies, inter alia, through promoting mobility and through the sharing of human resources and facilities for research and technology development.

    Regulation (EU) 2021/1529 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 September 2021 establishing the Instrument for Pre-Accession assistance (IPA III)

  15. #649696

    forbairt agus cur chun feidhme straitéisí agus beartais acmhainní daonna lena gcumhdaítear na príomhbhearnaí arna sainaithint sa réimse seo;

    the development and implementation of human resources strategies and policies covering the main gaps identified in this field;

    Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006

  16. #666832

    tacú le cláir chun feabhas a chur ar fhoirmliú beartais, ar bhainistiú poiblí airgeadais, lena n-áirítear comhlachtaí agus bearta iniúchta, rialaithe agus frithchalaoise a bhunú agus a atreisiú, agus ar fhorbairt institiúideach, lena n-áirítear bainistiú acmhainní daonna;

    supporting programmes to improve policy formulation, public financial management, including the setting-up and reinforcement of audit, control and anti-fraud bodies and measures, and institutional development, including human resource management;

    Regulation (EU) No 233/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation for the period 2014-2020

  17. #666875

    infheistíochtaí a chur chun cinn lena nginfear fostaíocht inbhuanaithe, lena n-áirítear trí shásraí a mheascadh, ar infheistíochtaí iad lena ndíreofar ar mhaoiniú a thabhairt do chuideachtaí baile agus ar chaipiteal baile a ghiaráil, go háirithe ar leibhéal na FBManna, agus lena dtabharfar tacaíocht d'acmhainní daonna a fhorbairt;

    promoting investments that generate sustainable employment, including through blending mechanisms, with a focus on financing for domestic companies and leveraging domestic capitals, in particular at SME level, and supporting human resources development;

    Regulation (EU) No 233/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation for the period 2014-2020

  18. #1553623

    (c) forbairt tionscail, eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta, nuálaíochta, margaíochta agus acmhainní daonna a spreagadh sa Stát,”,

    (c) to encourage the development of industry, science and technology, innovation, marketing and human resources in the State,",


  19. #1630265

    Tuarascáil um Thearc-chaithimh agus Tograí i gcomhair Aistrithe Airgeadais don Chlár Oibríochta um Acmhainní Daonna (Cruinniú Choiste Faireacháin an Chláir Oibríochta um Fhorbairt Acmhainní Daonna, 24 Aibreán, 1998).


    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  20. #1776990

    Tarraingíonn Sprioc 14 de Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe na Náisiún Aontaithe aird ar mhuir-thruailliú, ídiú acmhainní agus athrú aeráide, ar bagairtí iad a eascraíonn go príomha as gníomhaíocht dhaonna.

    The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14 calls attention to the threats of marine and nutrient pollution, resource depletion and climate change, all of which are caused primarily by human actions.

    Directive (EU) 2019/883 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships, amending Directive 2010/65/EU and repealing Directive 2000/59/EC (Text with EEA relevance)

  21. #1819026

    Ba cheart córas tacaíochta airgeadais a bheith ag tacú le forbairt a dhéanamh ar acmhainní daonna go fadtéarmach chun a áirithiú go mbeidh na Ballstáit ag rannchuidiú leis an mbuanchór.

    The long-term development of human resources to secure the contributions of the Member States to the standing corps should be supported by a financial support system.

    Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2019 on the European Border and Coast Guard and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1052/2013 and (EU) 2016/1624

  22. #1986834

    rannchuidiú le forbairt acmhainní daonna agus scileanna gairmiúla a bhaineann le trádáil in earraí agus i seirbhísí;

    contributing to the development of human resources and professional skills relevant to trade in goods and services;

    Council Decision (EU) 2021/1764 of 5 October 2021 on the association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the European Union including relations between the European Union on the one hand, and Greenland and the Kingdom of Denmark on the other (Decision on the Overseas Association, including Greenland)

  23. #2175476

    bainteach le sócmhainní nó próisis a bhaineann le gníomhaíochtaí eacnamaíocha ailínithe le Tacsanomaíocht, lena n-áirítear oiliúint agus riachtanais oiriúnaithe acmhainní daonna eile, agus costais neamhchaipitlithe dhíreacha a sheasann don taighde agus don fhorbairt;

    related to assets or processes associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, including training and other human resources adaptation needs, and direct non-capitalised costs that represent research and development;

    Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 of 6 July 2021 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council by specifying the content and presentation of information to be disclosed by undertakings subject to Articles 19a or 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU concerning environmentally sustainable economic activities, and specifying the methodology to comply with that disclosure obligation (Text with EEA relevance)

  24. #2676747

    nádúr agus caighdeán na modhanna feidhmíochta i gcomhair eagrú agus oibriú an aerfoirt (bainistíocht, acmhainní daonna, oibriú na seirbhíse feithicle inneall-ghluaiste, riachtanais na forbartha inbhuanaithe),

    the nature and quality of the means implemented to organise and operate the airport (management, human resources, operation of the bus service, sustainable development requirements);

    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/105 of 26 July 2022 on the measures SA.33960 2012/C (ex 2012/NN) implemented by the French Republic in favour of the successive managers of Beauvais-Tillé airport and the airlines operating there (notified under document C(2022) 5076) (Only the French text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)

  25. #3055266

    Cuireadh níos mó cúnaimh ar fáil do na príomhearnálacha eacnamaíocha atá ag ullmhú le haghaidh réitigh trí thionscadail atá dírithe ar an earnáil phríobháideach, ar cheantair thuaithe agus ar fhorbairt acmhainní daonna.

    Greater assistance was provided to key economic sectors preparing for a settlement through projects geared towards the private sector, rural areas and human resource development.

    REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Seventeenth Annual Report for 2022 on the implementation of the Union assistance under Council Regulation (EC) No 389/2006 of 27 February 2006 establishing an instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community

  26. #3248898

    Cuirfidh an Coimisiún forbairt cláir deimhniúcháin maidir le cúrsaí idir-inoibritheachta chun cinn chun dea-chleachtais, cáilíocht acmhainní daonna agus cultúr barr feabhais a chur chun cinn.

    The Commission shall promote the development of a certification programme on interoperability matters to promote best practices, human resources qualification and a culture of excellence.

    Regulation (EU) 2024/903 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 March 2024 laying down measures for a high level of public sector interoperability across the Union (Interoperable Europe Act)

  27. #1674397

    Maidir le cúnamh an Aontais faoin Rialachán seo, d'fhéadfaí soláthar clár maidir le fothú acmhainní chun tacú leis an bhforbairt agus leis an tslándáil don fhorbairt a chumhdach leis, lena n-áirítear oiliúint, meantóireacht agus comhairle i ndáil, mar shampla, le cearta an duine, le rialachas agus leis an smacht reachta, le cosaint na mban agus na leanaí, leis an bhfreagairt shibhialtach ar ghéarchéimeanna, le bainistiú acmhainní daonna agus le comhar teicniúil.

    Union assistance under this Regulation could cover the provision of capacity building programmes in support of development and security for development, including training, mentoring and advice on, for example, human rights, governance and the rule of law, the protection of women and children, civilian crisis response, human resources management and technical cooperation.

    Regulation (EU) 2017/2306 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 amending Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 establishing an instrument contributing to stability and peace

  28. #2047855

    Tá an tAontas tiomanta do fhreagairt chuimsitheach a fhorbairt ar Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe Chlár Oibre na Náisiún Aontaithe 2030 don Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe, lena gcuirtear béim ar an nasc intreach idir acmhainní nádúrtha a bhainistiú chun a n-infhaighteacht fhadtéarmach a áirithiú agus seirbhísí éiceachórais, agus an nasc atá ann idir iad araon agus sláinte an duine agus fás eacnamaíoch atá inbhuanaithe agus cuimsitheach ar bhonn sóisialta.

    The Union is committed to developing a comprehensive response to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which highlight the intrinsic connection between the management of natural resources to ensure their long-term availability and ecosystem services, and the link of both to human health and sustainable and socially inclusive economic growth.

    Regulation (EU) 2021/783 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 establishing a Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE), and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1293/2013 (Text with EEA relevance)

  29. #2161398

    Thug CAC forléargas ar na forbairtí is déanaí maidir leis an gcreat dlíthiúil um an eitlíocht shibhialta san Airméin, faisnéis maidir le forbairt bhreise na bhfeidhmeanna agus na bhfreagrachtaí ranna/rannóige atá ag CAC, agus an Lámhleabhar Acmhainní Daonna.

    CAC provided an overview of the latest developments regarding the civil aviation legislative framework in Armenia, information about the further development of CAC’s department/section functions and responsibilities, and the Human Resources Manual.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2070 of 25 November 2021 amending Regulation (EC) No 474/2006 as regards the list of air carriers banned from operating or subject to operational restrictions within the Union (Text with EEA relevance)

  30. #2626941

    á athdhearbhú go meastar go rannchuideofar le cuspóirí beartais an Aontais de bharr oibríochtaí seachtracha BEI, ag cothú forbairt inbhuanaithe eacnamaíoch, shóisialta agus chomhshaoil na dtíortha i mbéal forbartha, go háirithe sna tíortha díobh is mó atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste, chomh maith le comhlíonadh na gcuspóirí arna bhformheas ag an Aontas; ag aithint gur croíthopaicí in ollstruchtúr airgeadais forbartha an Aontais iad díothú na bochtaineachta, slógadh acmhainní intíre agus cearta an duine; á mheabhrú gurb í rannpháirtíocht na ngeallsealbhóirí cloch choirnéil na forbartha inbhuanaithe cuimsithí;

    Reiterates that the EIB’s external operations are expected to contribute to Union policy objectives, fostering developing countries’ sustainable economic, social and environmental development, particularly in the most disadvantaged among them, as well as compliance with objectives approved by the Union; recognises poverty eradication, domestic resource mobilisation and human rights as core topics within the Union’s development finance architecture; recalls the fact that stakeholder engagement is the cornerstone of sustainable and inclusive development;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1714 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh European Development Funds for the financial year 2020

  31. #2626993

    á chur in iúl gur geal na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh sa bheartas foirne chun teilea-obair agus an saol folláin a chur chun cinn agus ag leanúint den Ghníomhaireacht a spreagadh chun forbairt a dhéanamh ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach maidir le hacmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, ar threoir ar feadh an tsaoil agus ar fhorbairt ghairme, ar chothromaíocht inscne, ar theilea-obair, ar chothromaíocht gheografach agus ar earcaíocht agus ar lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Welcomes the efforts made in staff policy to promote teleworking and a healthy life and continues to encourage the Agency to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework that addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1717 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) for the financial year 2020

  32. #2627038

    á chur in iúl gur geal léi na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh sa bheartas foirne chun teilea-obair agus saol folláin a chur chun cinn agus ag leanúint d’Oifig BEREC a spreagadh chun forbairt a dhéanamh ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach maidir le hacmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, ar threoir ar feadh an tsaoil agus ar fhorbairt gairme, ar chothromaíocht inscne, ar theilea-obair, ar chothromaíocht gheografach agus ar earcaíocht agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Welcomes the efforts made in staff policy to promote teleworking and healthy life and continues to encourage the BEREC Office to pursue the development of a long term human resources policy framework that addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1720 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) for the financial year 2020

  33. #2627082

    ag spreagadh an Ionaid chun dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach acmhainní daonna lena rachfar i ngleic le cothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, teilea-obair, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Encourages the Centre to pursue the development of a long term human resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1723 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) for the financial year 2020

  34. #2627132

    ag spreagadh an Lárionaid chun dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach acmhainní daonna a rachaidh i ngleic le cothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais; á chur in iúl gur geal léi cur chuige réamhghníomhach an Lárionaid maidir le teilea-obair a chur chun feidhme le blianta beaga anuas;

    Encourages the Centre to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities; welcomes the Centre’s proactive approach to the implementation of telework over the last few years;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1726 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) for the financial year 2020

  35. #2627236

    á chur in iúl gur geal léi bunú agus reáchtáil cláir um cháilíochtaí sóisearacha; ag spreagadh na Gníomhaireachta dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach um Acmhainní Daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, teilea-obair, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Welcomes the setting up and running of a junior qualification programme; encourages the Agency to pursue the development of a long term Human Resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1732 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for the financial year 2020

  36. #2627355

    ag spreagadh an Údaráis chun dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach Acmhainní Daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, teilea-obair, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Encourages the Authority to pursue the development of a long term Human Resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1738 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Banking Authority (EBA) for the financial year 2020

  37. #2627417

    á chur in iúl gur díol sásaimh di na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh i mbeartas foirne an Lárionaid chun teilea-obair agus an saol folláin a chur chun cinn agus ag leanúint den Lárionad a spreagadh chun forbairt a dhéanamh ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach maidir le hacmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, ar threoir ar feadh an tsaoil agus ar fhorbairt ghairme, ar chothromaíocht inscne, ar theilea-obair, ar chothromaíocht gheografach agus ar earcaíocht agus ar lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Welcomes the efforts made in the Centre’s staff policy to promote teleworking and a healthy lifestyle and continues to encourage the Centre to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework that addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1741 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for the financial year 2020

  38. #2627477

    á chur in iúl gur geal léi na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh i mbeartas foirne na Gníomhaireachta teilea-obair agus stíl shláintiúil mhaireachtála a chur chun cinn agus leanúint de spreagadh a thabhairt don Ghníomhaireacht creat beartais d’acmhainní daonna fadtéarmacha a fhorbairt lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, ar threoir fadsaoil agus ar fhorbairt ghairme, ar chothromaíocht inscne, ar theilea-obair, ar an gceart chun dícheangail agus urraim á tabhairt don chothromaíocht idir an saol gairmiúil agus an saol príobháideach, don chothromaíocht gheografach agus d’earcú agus do lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumas;

    Welcomes the efforts made in the Agency’s staff policy to promote teleworking and a healthy lifestyle and continues to encourage the Agency to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework that addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, the right to disconnect while respecting the balance between professional and private life, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1744 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the financial year 2020

  39. #2627537

    á chur in iúl gur geal léi na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh maidir le beartas foirne chun teilea-obair agus dea-shláinte a chur chun cinn agus á mholadh don Ghníomhaireacht dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach acmhainní daonna lena rachfar i ngleic le cothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, teilea-obair, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Welcomes the efforts made in staff policy to promote teleworking and healthy life and continues to encourage the Agency to pursue the development of a long term human resources policy framework that addresses the work-life balance, the lifelong guidance and career development, the gender balance, the teleworking, the geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1747 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Environment Agency (EEA) for the financial year 2020

  40. #2627682

    á chur in iúl gur geal léi na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh sa bheartas foirne chun teilea-obair agus an saol folláin a chur chun cinn agus ag leanúint den Institiúid a spreagadh chun forbairt a dhéanamh ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach maidir le hacmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, ar threoir ar feadh an tsaoil agus ar fhorbairt ghairme, ar chothromaíocht inscne, ar theilea-obair, ar chothromaíocht gheografach agus ar earcaíocht agus ar lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumas;

    Welcomes the efforts made in staff policy to promote teleworking and healthy life and continues to encourage the Institute to pursue the development of a long term human resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1756 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) for the financial year 2020

  41. #2627770

    á chur in iúl gur geal na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh sa bheartas foirne chun teilea-obair agus saol folláin a chur chun cinn agus ag leanúint den Institiúid a spreagadh chun forbairt a dhéanamh ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach maidir le hacmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, ar threoir ar feadh an tsaoil agus ar fhorbairt ghairme, ar chothromaíocht inscne, ar theilea-obair, ar chothromaíocht gheografach agus ar earcaíocht agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Welcomes the efforts made in staff policy to promote teleworking and healthy life and continues to encourage the agency to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework that addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1762 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) for the financial year 2020

  42. #2628042

    ag spreagadh na Gníomhaireachta dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach um acmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, teilea-obair, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumas;

    Encourages the Agency to pursue the development of a long term human resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1777 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) for the financial year 2020

  43. #2628278

    ag spreagadh an Fhorais chun dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach acmhainní daonna lena rachfar i ngleic le cothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, teilea-obair, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Encourages the Foundation to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1795 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) for the financial year 2020

  44. #2628570

    á chur in iúl gur geal na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh sa bheartas foirne chun teilea-obair agus saol folláin a chur chun cinn agus ag leanúint den Institiúid a spreagadh chun forbairt a dhéanamh ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach maidir le hacmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, ar threoir ar feadh an tsaoil agus ar fhorbairt ghairme, ar chothromaíocht inscne, ar theilea-obair, ar chothromaíocht gheografach agus ar earcaíocht agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais;

    Welcomes the efforts made in staff policy to promote teleworking and healthy life and continues to encourage the Agency to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework that addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1810 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European GNSS Agency (now the European Union Agency for the Space Programme – EUSPA) for the financial year 2020

  45. #2628661

    ag spreagadh na ngníomhaireachtaí dul i mbun forbairt ar chreat beartais fadtéarmach um acmhainní daonna lena dtugtar aghaidh ar chothromaíocht oibre is saoil, treoir agus forbairt gairme ar feadh an tsaoil, cothromaíocht inscne, teilea-obair, cothromaíocht gheografach, agus earcú agus lánpháirtiú daoine faoi mhíchumais; á chur i bhfios go láidir go bhfuil éifeacht thábhachtach ag láimhdeachas laistigh d’fhoirne ghníomhaireachtaí an Aontais agus á iarraidh go ndéanfar beartais acmhainní daonna agus shóisialta a chur chun feidhme chun í a leigheas;

    Encourages the agencies to pursue the development of a long-term human resources policy framework which addresses work-life balance, lifelong guidance and career development, gender balance, teleworking, geographical balance and recruitment and integration of people with disabilities; underlines the important effect of turnover within the staff of the Union agencies, calls for the implementation of human and social policies to remedy it;

    Resolution (EU) 2022/1812 of the European Parliament of 4 May 2022 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2020: performance, financial management and control

  46. #3048720

    Ag tabhairt dá haire go raibh an Lárionad i mbun a nós imeachta inmheánach maidir le coinbhleachtaí leasa don fhoireann a chur chun feidhme in 2021, agus go gcomhoibríonn an t-oifigeach um chomhlíonadh agus acmhainní daonna chun an nós imeachta sin a chur chun feidhme; á iarraidh ar an Lárionad tuairisciú maidir leis na forbairtí ina leith sin;

    Notes that, in 2021, the Centre was in the process of implementing its internal procedure on conflicts of interest for staff, and that the compliance officer and human resources section collaborate on implementing that procedure; calls on the Centre to report on the developments in this regard;

    Resolution (EU) 2023/1869 of the European Parliament of 10 May 2023 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for the financial year 2021

  47. #3049406

    ag tabhairt dá haire gur eisíodh trí mholadh an-tábhachtacha agus ceithre mholadh thábhachtacha i dtuarascáil iniúchóireachta na Seirbhíse um Iniúchóireacht Inmheánach (IAS) maidir le bainistiú acmhainní daonna agus eitic in 2019; ag tabhairt dá haire, cé gur chuir IAS deireadh le ceithre mholadh, gur fhan trí mholadh thábhachtacha ar oscailt ag deireadh 2021 agus nár cuireadh chun feidhme go hiomlán iad laistigh den tréimhse ama a socraíodh; á iarraidh ar an nGníomhaireacht aon fhorbairtí ina leith sin a thuairisciú don údarás um urscaoileadh;

    Notes that the internal audit service’s (IAS) audit report on human resources management and ethics issued three very important and four important recommendations in 2019; notes that, although four recommendations were closed by the IAS, three important recommendations remained open at the end of 2021 and were not fully implemented within the set time frame; calls on the Agency to report any developments in that regard to the discharge authority;

    Resolution (EU) 2023/1905 of the European Parliament of 10 May 2023 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) for the financial year 2021

  48. #3050480

    ag tabhairt dá haire gur cúis imní don Chúirt é nach ndearna an Coimisiún measúnú ar riachtanais acmhainní breise Chomhghnóthas KDT chun an córas CMFC atá beartaithe a chur chun feidhme ná nár áiríodh iad i meastacháin acmhainní foirne tosaigh Chomhghnóthas KDT chun an clár Fís Eorpach a chur chun feidhme; ag aontú leis an gCúirt go bhféadfadh an easpa pleanála sin i dtabhairt isteach chóras CMFC in éineacht leis an staid foirne, agus an easpa uirlisí TF agus tacaíochta tionchar diúltach a imirt ar chur chun feidhme chláir Chomhghnóthas KDT agus ar bhaint amach ranníocaíochtaí na gcomhaltaí eile agus, i gcás nach mór CMFC a bhainistiú de láimh, go mbeidh sé sin dian ó thaobh acmhainní daonna; ag iarraidh ar Chomhghnóthas KDT agus ar an gCoimisiún tuarascáil a thabhairt don údarás um urscaoileadh maidir le forbairtí breise.

    Notes the Court’s concern with the fact that the KDT Joint Undertaking’s additional resource needs for implementing the planned CMFC system was neither assessed by the Commission nor included in the KDT Joint Undertaking’s initial staff resource estimates for the implementation of the Horizon Europe programme; agrees with the Court that this lack of planning in the introduction of the CMFC system combined with the staff situation, and the lack of IT tools and support may negatively affect the implementation of the KDT Joint Undertaking’s programmes and the achievement of the other members’ contributions and that if the CMFC must be managed manually, this will be human resource intensive; calls on the KDT Joint undertaking and Commission to report back to the discharge authority on further developments.

    Resolution (EU) 2023/1954 of the European Parliament of 10 May 2023 with observations forming an integral part of the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) (before 30 November 2021 the ECSEL Joint Undertaking) for the financial year 2021

  49. #295602

    (c) tíortha eile a ainmneofar le cinneadh ón mBord Rialaithe ar bhonn togra a bheidh á thacú ag dhá thrian dá chomhaltaí agus ar bhonn thuairim an Choimisiúin agus a chumhdófar le hionstraim Chomhphobail nó le comhaontú idirnáisiúnta lena n-áirítear comhpháirt forbartha caipitil dhaonna, agus a mhéid is féidir leis na hacmhainní a bheidh ar fáil.

    (c) other countries designated by decision of the Governing Board on the basis of a proposal supported by two-thirds of its members and a Commission opinion, and covered by a Community instrument or international agreement that includes an element of human capital development, and as far as available resources allow.

    Regulation (EC) No 1339/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 establishing a European Training Foundation

  50. #637904

    Tá an togra comhsheasmhach le, agus is cuspóir dó cur leo, le spriocanna comhbheartais eachtraigh agus straitéise forbartha an AE do dhea-rialachas, bainistíocht inbhuanaithe agus forfheidhmiú dlí i ndáil le saothrú na n‑acmhainní nádúrtha i limistéir ina bhfuil coinbhleacht, limistéir ard‑riosca a tháirgeann mianraí, chomh maith le fiontair an AE agus ar bheartais chorparáideacha um fhreagracht shóisialta, a mholann do chuideachtaí aon tionchar diúltach a d'fhéadfadh a bheith acu ar an tsochaí a mhaolú, agus dá bhrí sin, aird a thabhairt ar aon sáruithe féideartha ar chearta an duine.

    The proposal is consistent with, and aims at contributing to the EU foreign policy goals and development strategy of better governance, sustainable management and law enforcement in relation to the exploitation of natural resources in mineral-producing conflict-affected and high-risk areas as well as to EU enterprises and corporate social responsibility policies, which recommend companies to mitigate any potential negative impacts that they might have on society, and therefore pay attention to any potential human rights violations.

    Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL setting up a Union system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas /* COM/2014/0111 final - 2014/0059 (COD) */