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68 results in 17 documents

  1. #1161603

    (b) i rith tréimhse nach tréimhse ama shamhraidh, idir a haon déag a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach agus leathuair tar éis a dó dhéag a chlog maidin an lae ina dhiaidh sin, nó

    ( b ) during a period which is not a period of summer time, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the evening on any week-day and half-past twelve o'clock in the morning on the following day, or

    Number 21 of 1962: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1962

  2. #1161605

    (bI) más i gcontae-bhuirg Bhaile Átha Cliath nó Chorcaí atá an t-áitreabh, idir leathuair tar éis a dó a chlog agus leathuair tar éis a trí a chlog san iarnóin, aon dálach, nó

    (b1) if the premises are situate in the county borough of Dublin or Cork, between the hours of half-past two o'clock and half-past three o'clock in the afternoon, on any week-day, or

    Number 21 of 1962: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1962

  3. #1331111

    (6) Soláthróidh an ceann comhairimh páipéir ainmniúcháin le linn gnáthuaire oifige i cibé áit nó áiteanna a bheidh ainmnithe san Fhógra Toghcháin gach dálach ar feadh na tréimhse a thosóidh le foilsiú an fhógra sin agus a chríochnóidh ar 12 a chlog, meán lae, ar an dáta is déanaí chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh agus soláthróidh sé páipéar nó páipéir ainmniúcháin in aisce d'aon duine a iarrfaidh sin, ach ní bheidh sé d'oibleagáid i dtoghchán Tionóil páipéar arna sholáthar ag an gceann comhairimh de bhun na Rialach seo a úsáid más san fhoirm fhorordaithe don pháipéar ainmniúcháin a úsáidtear sa toghchán.

    (6) The returning officer shall provide nomination papers during the usual office hours at such place or places as are named in the Notice of Election on each week-day, during the period beginning on the publication of that notice and ending at 12 noon on the latest date for receiving nominations and he shall supply a nomination paper or papers free of charge to any person applying therefor, but the use of a paper supplied by the returning officer pursuant to this Rule shall not be obligatory at an Assembly election, provided that the nomination paper used at the election is in the prescribed form.

    Number 30 of 1977: EUROPEAN ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS ACT, 1977

  4. #1409985

    —(1) I dtoghchán Tionóil déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, le linn na ngnáth-uaireanta oifige agus ag cibé áit nó áiteanna a bheidh ainmnithe san Fhógra Toghcháin, ar gach dálach le linn na tréimhse a thosóidh le foilsiú an fhógra sin agus a chríochnóidh ar 12 a chlog meán lae ar an dáta is déanaí chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh, foirmeacha a chur ar fáil lena n-úsáid mar liostaí iarrthóirí ionaid agus soláthróidh sé foirm nó foirmeacha den sórt sin in aisce d'aon duine a iarrfaidh sin ach ní bheidh sé d'oibleagáid i dtoghchán den sórt sin foirm arna soláthar ag an gceann comhairimh de bhun an ailt seo a úsáid:

    —(1) At an Assembly election the returning officer shall, during the usual office hours and at such place or places as are named in the Notice of Election, on each week-day during the period beginning on the publication of that notice and ending at 12 noon on the latest date for receiving nominations, provide forms for use as replacement candidates' lists, and he shall supply such a form or forms free of charge to any person applying therefor, but the use at such an election of a form supplied by the returning officer pursuant to this section shall not be obligatory:

    Number 6 of 1984: EUROPEAN ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS ACT, 1984

  5. #1467796

    (a) i rith tréimhse ama samhraidh, idir leathuair tar éis a haon déag a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach agus leathuair tar éis a dó dhéag a chlog ar maidin an lá dár gcionn, ná

    ( a ) during a period of summer time, between the hours of half-past eleven o'clock in the evening on any weekday and half-past twelve o'clock in the morning on the following day, or

    Number 16 of 1988: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1988

  6. #1467798

    (b) i rith tréimhse nach tréimhse ama samhraidh, idir a haon déag a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach agus leathuair tar éis a dó dhéag a chlog ar maidin an lá dár gcionn, ná

    ( b ) during a period which is not a period of summer time, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the evening on any weekday and half-past twelve o'clock in the morning on the following day, or

    Number 16 of 1988: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1988

  7. #1467833

    (a) i rith tréimhse ama samhraidh, idir leathuair tar éis a haon déag a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach agus leathuair tar éis a dó dhéag a chlog ar maidin an lá dár gcionn, ná

    ( a ) during a period of summer time, between the hours of half-past eleven o'clock in the evening on any weekday and half-past twelve o'clock in the morning on the following day, or

    Number 16 of 1988: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1988

  8. #1704596

    Seirbheáil a dhéanfar i ndiaidh a cúig a chlog san iarnóin aon dálach ach amháin an Satharn, measfar, chun críche aon tréimhse ama i ndiaidh na seirbheála sin a ríomh, í a bheith déanta an lá dár gcionn.

    Service effected after five o'clock in the afternoon on any weekday except Saturday shall, for the purpose of computing any period of time subsequent to such service, be deemed to have been effected on the following day.

    S.I. No. 15 of 1986: The Rules of the Superior Courts

  9. #233034

    BÍODH SEO INA FHÓGRA go bhfuil ar intinn ag ................. as ............ sealbhóir ar-cheadúnais i leith an áitribh ........... i ........... sa cheantar cúirte agus sa dúiche réamhráite, ar áitreabh é sin atá i gcomharsanacht áite ina mbíonn uimhir an-mhór daoine ag gabháil don trádáil nó gairm dhleathach arb é atá inti ............ iarratas a dhéanamh chun na Cúirte i ................ an lá de 19 , ar .m., ar ORDÚ DÍOLÚINE GINEARÁLTA ag díolmhú an Iarratasóra ó fhorálacha an Achta Deocha Meisciúla, 1927, maidir le tráthanna toirmiscthe i leith an áitribh sin gach dálach idir agus a chlog.

    TAKE NOTICE that...........................................................................................................of.......................................................................................................................................................the holder of an on-licence in respect of the premises...................................................................,situate court area and district aforesaid,which said premises are situated in the vicinity of a place at which a considerable number of persons are following the lawful trade or calling of.....................................................................intends to apply to the Court at............................................................on the day of 19 at .m. for a GENERAL EXEMPTION ORDER exempting the Applicant from the provisions of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1927 , relating to prohibited hours in respect of the said premises on every weekday between the hours of and

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  10. #804419

    (i) idir leathuair tar éis a dó a chlog agus leathuair tar éis a trí a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach, go bhféadfidh sealbhóir ar cheadúnas iomlán a ghabhann le háitreabh atá suidhte i gcontae-bhuirg orduithe (i dteanta no d'éamais íocaíochta) do ghlaca san áitreabh san tríd an bpost, tré thelegraf, no tré thelefon ach ní har aon tslí eile, ar dhigh mheisciúil le hól lasmuich den áitreabh agus le seachada ag an sealbhóir sin ag áit chomhnaithe an té ordóidh amhlaidh í no ag stáisiún bóthair iarainn ach ní hag aon áit eile agus go bhféadfa sé an deoch mheisciúil a hordófar amhlaidh do sheachada amhlaidh ach, an té ordóidh an deoch mheisciúil sin amhlaidh, nách foláir gan é bheith, chun crícheanna aon ailt eile den Acht so, ina dhuine 'na bhféadfar go dleathach deoch mheisciúil do dhíol leis no do thabhairt do san áitreabh san idir na huaire sin ar na laetheanta san, agus

    (i) that between the hours of half-past two o'clock and half-past three o'clock in the afternoon on any week day the holder of an on-licence attached to premises situate in a county borough may receive on such premises orders (accompanied or not accompanied by payment) by post, telegraph, or telephone but not otherwise for intoxicating liquor to be consumed off the premises and to be delivered by such holder at the residence of the person so ordering the same or at a railway station but not otherwise and may so deliver the intoxicating liquor so ordered, but the person so ordering such intoxicating liquor shall not for the purposes of any other section of this Act be a person to whom intoxicating liquor may be lawfully sold or supplied on such premises between the said hours on the said days, and

    Number 15 of 1927: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1927

  11. #804421

    (ii) idir leathuair tar éis a dó a chlog agus leathuair tar eis a trí a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach, go bhféadfidh sealbhóir ar cheadúnas theoranta a ghabhann le háitreabh atá suidhte i gcontaebhuirg orduithe o bhéal no ar aon tslí eile (i dteanta no d'éamais íocaíochta) do ghlaca san áitreabh san ar dhigh mheisciúil le hól lasmuich den áitreabh agus le seachada ag an sealbhóir sin ag áit chomhnaithe an té ordóidh í no ag stáisiún bóthair iarainn ach ní hag aon áit eile agus go bhéadfa sé an deoch mheisciúil a hordófar amhlaidh do sheachada amhlaidh agus go bhféadfa sé an t-áitreabh san d'oscailt agus do chimeád ar oscailt chun orduithe den tsórt san do ghlaca agus go bhféadfa sé deocha meisciúla do thaisbeáint san áitreabh san chun a ndíolta ar orduithe den tsórt san.

    (ii) that between the hours of half-past two o'clock and half-past three o'clock in the afternoon on any week day the holder of an off-licence attached to premises situate in a county borough may receive verbally or otherwise on such premises orders (accompanied or not accompanied by payment) for intoxicating liquor to be consumed off the premises and to be delivered by such holder at the residence of the person ordering the same or at a railway station but not otherwise and may so deliver the intoxicating liquor so ordered and may open and keep open the said premises for the purpose of receiving such orders and may expose on such premises intoxicating liquor for sale on such orders.

    Number 15 of 1927: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1927

  12. #969352

    (i) idir leathuair tar éis a dó a chlog agus leathuair tar éis a trí a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach. féadfaidh sealbhóir ar cheadúnas iomlán a ghabhann le háitreabh atá suidhte i gcontae-bhuirg orduithe (i dteanta no d'éamais íocaíochta) do ghlacadh san áitreabh san leis an bpost no le telegraf no telefón ach ní har shlí eile ar dheoch mheisciúil le hól lasmuich den áitreabh agus le seachadadh ag an sealbhóir sin ag áit chomhnaithe an té ordóidh amhlaidh í no ag stáisiún iarnróid ach ní hag áit eile agus féadfa sé an deoch mheisciúil a hordófar amhlaidh do sheachadadh amhlaidh, ach an té ordóidh an deoch mheisciúil sin amhlaidh ní bheidh sé, chun crícheanna aon ailt eile den Acht so, ina dhuine a bhféadfar go dleathach deoch mheisciúil do dhíol leis no do thabhairt dó san áitreabh san idir na huaire sin ar na laetheanta san, agus

    (i) that between the hours of half-past two o'clock and half-past three o'clock in the afternoon on any week-day the holder of an on-licence attached to premises situate in a county borough may receive on such premises orders (accompanied or not accompanied by payment) by post, telegraph, or telephone but not otherwise for intoxicating liquor to be consumed off the premises and to be delivered by such holder at the residence of the person so ordering the same or at a railway station but not otherwise and may so deliver the intoxicating liquor so ordered, but the person so ordering such intoxicating liquor shall not for the purposes of any other section of this Act be a person to whom intoxicating liquor may be lawfully sold or supplied on such premises between the said hours on the said days, and

    Number 7 of 1943: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1943

  13. #969354

    (ii) idir leathuair tar éis a dó a chlog agus leathuair tar éis a trí a chlog tráthnóna aon dálach, féadfaidh sealbhóir ar cheadúnas theoranta a ghabhann le háitreabh atá suidhte i gcontae-bhuirg orduithe o bhéal no ar shlí eile (i dteanta no d'éamais íocaíochta) do ghlacadh san áitreabh san ar dheoch mheisciúil le hól lasmuich den áitreabh agus le seachadadh ag an sealbhóir sin ag áit chomhnaithe an té ordóidh í no ag stáisiún iarnróid ach ní hag aon áit eile agus féadfa sé an deoch mheisciúil a hordófar amhlaidh do sheachadadh amhlaidh agus féadfa sé an t-áitreabh san d'oscailt agus do choimeád ar oscailt chun orduithe den tsórt san do ghlacadh agus féadfa sé deocha meisciúla do thaisbeáint san áitreabh san chun a ndíolta ar orduithe den tsórt san.

    (ii) that between the hours of half-past two o'clock and half-past three o'clock in the afternoon on any week-day the holder of an off-licence attached to premises situate in a county borough may receive verbally or otherwise on such premises orders (accompanied or not accompanied by payment) for intoxicating liquor to be consumed off the premises and to be delivered by such holder at the residence of the person ordering the same or at a railway station but not otherwise and may so deliver the intoxicating liquor so ordered and may open and keep open the said premises for the purpose of receiving such orders and may expose on such premises intoxicating liquor for sale on such orders.

    Number 7 of 1943: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1943

  14. #1049545

    —Má tharlann, maidir le haon tseachtain áirithe, nár chuir oibrí talmhaíochta isteach ceathracha is cúig uaire a chloig oibre i rith na gcúig dálach roimh an lá ar a bhfuil an leath-lá saoire le tabhairt faoin Acht seo, ní bheidh sé i dteideal leath-lae shaoire an tseachtain sin ach, chun críocha an ailt seo, má tugadh lá saoire faoi Acht 1950 nó leath-lá saoire faoin Acht seo don oibrí ar aon lá de na cúig dálaigh sin, nó más lá saoire Eaglaise aon lá de na cúig dálaigh sin agus nár oibrigh an t-oibrí an lá sin nó gur lú ná naoi n-uaire a chloig oibre a chuir sé isteach an lá sin, ansin, measfar naoi n-uaire a chloig oibre a bheith curtha isteach aige an lá sin.

    —Where, as respects any particular week, an agricultural worker does not complete forty-five hours of work during the five week-days preceding the day on which the half-holiday is to be allowed under this Act, he shall not be entitled to a half-holiday in that week, but for the purposes of this section, if the worker is allowed on any of those five week-days a holiday under the Act of 1950 or a half-holiday under this Act, or if any of those five weekdays is a Church holiday and the worker either does not work on that day or completes less than nine hours of work thereon, he shall be regarded as having completed nine hours of work on that day.


  15. #1128503

    (a) go bhféadfaidh sealbhóir ar-cheadúnais a ghabhann le háitreabh atá i gcontae-bhuirg orduithe (i dteannta nó d'éagmais íocaíochta), a ghlacadh, idir leathuair tar éis a dó agus leathuair tar éis a trí a chlog san iarnóin aon dálach, san áitreabh sin tríd an bpost, trí theileagraf nó trí theileafón ach ní ar aon tslí eile ar dheoch mheisciúil le n-ól lasmuigh den áitreabh agus le seachadadh ag an sealbhóir ag áit chónaithe an té a ordóidh amhlaidh í nó ag stáisiún iarnróid ach ní in aon áit eile agus féadfaidh sé an deoch mheisciúil a ordófar amhlaidh a sheachadadh amhlaidh, ach an duine a ordóidh an deoch mheisciúil sin amhlaidh ní bheidh sé, chun críocha aon ailt eile den Acht seo, ina dhuine a bhféadfar go dleathach deoch mheisciúil a dhíol leis ná a thabhairt dó san áitreabh idir na huaire sin na laethanta sin, agus

    ( a ) that between the hours of half-past two o'clock and half-past three o'clock in the afternoon on any week-day the holder of an on-licence attached to premises situate in a county borough may receive on the premises orders (accompanied or not accompanied by payment) by post, telegraph or telephone but not otherwise for intoxicating liquor to be consumed off the premises and to be delivered by the holder at the residence of the person so ordering the same or at a railway station but not otherwise and may so deliver the intoxicating liquor so ordered, but the person so ordering the intoxicating liquor shall not for the purposes of any other section of this Act be a person to whom intoxicating liquor may be lawfully sold or supplied on the premises between the said hours on the said days, and

    Number 18 of 1960: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1960

  16. #1128505

    (b) féadfaidh sealbhóir eis-cheadúnais a ghabhann le háitreabh atá i gcontae-bhuirg orduithe ó bhéal nó ar shlí eile (i dteannta nó d'éagmais íocaíochta) a ghlacadh, idir leathuair tar éis a dó a chlog agus leathuair tar éis a trí a chlog san iarnóin aon dálach, san áitreabh sin ar dheoch mheisciúil le n-ól lasmuigh den áitreabh agus le seachadadh ag an sealbhóir sin ag áit chónaithe an duine a ordóidh í nó ag stáisiún iarnróid ach ní in aon áit eile agus féadfaidh sé an deoch mheisciúil a ordófar amhlaidh a sheachadadh amhlaidh agus féadfaidh sé an t-áitreabh sin a oscailt agus a choimeád ar oscailt chun orduithe den sórt sin a ghlacadh agus féadfaidh sé deochanna meisciúla a thaispeáint san áitreabh chun a ndíolta ar orduithe den sórt sin.”

    ( b ) that between the hours of half-past two o'clock and half-past three o'clock in the afternoon on any week-day the holder of an off-licence attached to premises situate in a county borough may receive verbally or otherwise on such premises orders (accompanied or not accompanied by payment) for intoxicating liquor to be consumed off the premises and to be delivered by the holder at the residence of the person ordering the same or at a railway station but not otherwise and may so deliver the intoxicating liquor so ordered and may open and keep open the said premises for the purpose of receiving such orders and may expose on the premises intoxicating liquor for sale on such orders."

    Number 18 of 1960: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1960

  17. #1525682

    —Leasaítear leis seo alt 14 d'Acht 1988, i bhfo-alt (1)— [EN] (a) trí “,nó aon Domhnach arb é an 23ú nó an 24ú lá de Nollaig é aon bhliain áirithe” a chur isteach i mír (i) i ndiaidh “aon dálach”, agus [EN] (b) trí “seachas Domhnach lena mbaineann mír (i) den fho-alt seo” a chur isteach i mír (ii) i ndiaidh “aon Domhnach”. [EN] Gearrtheideal, comhlua agus forléiriú. 7. —(1) Féadfar an tAcht Deochanna Meisciúla, 1995 , a ghairm den Acht seo. [EN] (2) (a) Féadfar na hAchtanna Ceadúnúcháin, 1833 go 1995, a ghairm de na hAchtanna Ceadúnúcháin, 1833 go 1994, agus den Acht seo, seachas alt 5 (2), le chéile, agus forléireofar le chéile iad mar aon ní amháin. [EN]

    1988, No. 16

    Number 33 of 1995: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1995

  18. #1525679

    1962, Uimh. 21 An tAcht Deochanna Meisciúla, 1988 1988, Uimh. 16 Achtanna Clárú na gClubanna, 1904 go 1988 Uimhir 33 de 1995 AN tACHT DEOCHANNA MEISCIÚLA, 1995 [An tiontú oifigiúil] ACHT DO LEASÚ AGUS DO LEATHNÚ NA nACHTANNA CEADÚNÚCHÁIN, 1833 GO 1994, DO LEASÚ ACHTANNA CLÁRÚ NA gCLUBANNA, 1904 GO 1988, AGUS DO DHÉANAMH SOCRÚ I dTAOBH NITHE COMHGHAOLMHARA. [21 Nollaig, 1995] ACHTAÍTEAR AG AN OIREACHTAS MAR A LEANAS: [EN] Mínithe. 1. —San Acht seo— [EN] ciallaíonn “Acht 1927” an tAcht Deocha Meisciúla, 1927 ; [EN] ciallaíonn “Acht 1988” an tAcht Deochanna Meisciúla, 1988 . [EN] Leasú ar alt 2 (tráthanna toirmiscthe i gcoitinne) d'Acht 1927. 2. —Leasaítear leis seo alt 2 (a cuireadh isteach le halt 25 d'Acht 1988) d'Acht 1927 tríd an gcoinníoll seo a leanas a chur isteach i bhfo-alt (1): [EN] “Ar choinníoll, más rud é aon bhliain áirithe gur Domhnach é an 23ú nó an 24ú lá de Nollaig, ansin, maidir leis na forálacha den fho-alt seo a bhaineann le dálach i rith tréimhse nach tréimhse ama samhraidh, go mbeidh feidhm acu maidir le Domhnach den sórt sin amhail is dá mba dhálach den sórt sin é.”. [EN] Leasú ar alt 3 (trádáil mheasctha) d'Acht 1927. 3.

    Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1962

    Number 33 of 1995: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT, 1995