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5 results

  1. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|anatomy
    broinn Reference "Vacsaíní chun do pháiste a chosaint - HPV, MenACWY agus Tdap. Eolas do thuismitheoirí páistí a bheidh ag tosú ar an meánscoil in 2021,' Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte, [23.11.2022] Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Context 'Leasaítear leis seo alt 47 den Phríomh-Acht tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur in ionad míre (a) d'fho-alt (1): “(a) le gach galar acu seo a leanas a bhíos ar ainmhithe, is é sin le rá: ... aon mhorgacht sa bhroinn maraon le eas-ordú colna lena ngabhann ardú teasa nó a bhfuil ionghar ag teacht as...' Reference "An tAcht Bainne agus Déiríthe (Leasú), 1956, [23.11.2022]"
    útaras Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Is é an ceirbheacs an áit a dtéann barr na faighne chuig an útaras (broinn).' Reference "'Maidir le do scagthástáil ceirbheacs saor in aisce,' an Clár Náisiúnta Scagthástála Ceirbheacs, [23.11.2022]"
    uterus | womb
    Definition main female hormone-responsive, secondary sex organ of the reproductive system in humans and most other mammals Reference "Wikipedia > Uterus (27.5.2022)"
  2. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    ailse corpus uteri Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ailse útarais Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Gebärmutterkörperkrebs | Korpuskarzinom
    Definition "eine Form des Gebärmutterkrebses IATE:1716055" Reference ---
    Comment "häufigste Krebserkrankung der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane, oft gleichgesetzt mit Gebärmutterschleimhautkrebs (Endometriumkarzinom) IATE:338856"
    uterine body cancer | endometrial cancer | cancer of the corpus uteri
    Definition "a type of uterine cancer ( IATE:1716055 ) that starts in the uterine body" Reference Council-EN
    Comment "The terms endometrial cancer ( IATE:338856 ) and cancer of the corpus uteri/uterine body cancer are used interchangeably in everyday language as 90-95% of uterine body cancer cases can in fact be classified as endometrial."
    cancer du corps de l'utérus | cancer de l'endomètre | cancer du corps utérin
    Definition "un type de cancer de l'utérus ( IATE:1716055 ) qui prend son origine dans le corps de l'utérus" Reference Council-FR
    Comment "Les termes ""cancer du corps de l'utérus"" et ""cancer de l'endomètre"" ( IATE:338856 ) sont utilisés dans le language courant comme synonymes parce que 90 - 95 % des cancers du corps de l'utérus sont des cancers de l'endomètre.Un cancer de l'utérus ( IATE:1716055 ) peut surgir aussi au niveau du col utérin, voir ""cancer du col de l'utérus"" ( IATE:1532179 )."
  3. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    ailse ceirbheacs Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ailse i mbéal na broinne Reference "RTÉ > Nuacht > Físeán Deireanach >> Raidió na Gaeltachta > Bhí slua mór i dTrá Lí in agóid faoi scagthástálacha ailse, , [2.8.2018]"
    Kollumkarzinom | Gebärmutterhalskrebs | Zervixkarzinom
    Definition Plattenepithel oder Adeno-Ca, das exophytisch oder endophytisch von der Plattenepithel-Zylinderepithel-Grenze der Cervix uteri nach außen oder in den Halskanal hineinwächst Reference Reallex Med
    Comment "s.a. Univ.klinik Bonn, Patienteninfo. Zervixkarzinom (21.12.10)"
    cervical cancer | cancer of the cervix uteri
    Definition cancer that forms in the cervix, the lower, narrow end of the uterus Reference "CDC, Cervical Cancer [16.6.2009]"
    Comment "For more information, see also: American Cancer Society. What Is Cervical Cancer? [16.6.2009]"
    cancer du col de l'utérus | cancer du col utérin
    Definition cancer qui prend naissance dans les cellules qui tapissent la partie inférieure et étroite de l'utérus - le col de l'utérus Reference "PasseportSabté.Net. Cancer du col de l'utérus [18.1.2011]"
    Comment "Un cancer de l'utérus [ IATE:1716055 ] peut surgir à deux endroits bien distincts: sur le col [ IATE:1532179 ] ou dans le corps [ IATE:1686453 ]."
    cancer colli uteri | carcinoma cervicis uteri
  4. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    ceirbheacs Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Zervix | Gebärmutterhals
    Definition unterer Teil der Gebärmutter Reference "Lexikon der Schwangerschaft > Gebärmutterhals, (19.4.2016)"
    Comment reicht bis in die Scheide hinein und besitzt eine kleine Öffnung, den Muttermund
    cervix uteri | cervix | neck of uterus
    Definition the lower end of the uterus Reference "MedlinePlus [14.2.2011]"
    Comment It is located at the top of the vagina and is about one inch long. The cervical canal passes through the cervix, allowing blood from a menstrual period and a baby (foetus) to pass from the womb (uterus) into the vagina
    col utérin | col de l'utérus
  5. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science
    paraimeitriam Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Parametrium | Retinaculum uteri
    Definition das im basalen Teil des Ligamentum latum uteri zwischen den dort auseinanderweichenden Peritonealblaettern gelegene verdichtete Beckenbindegewebe beidseitig vom Uterus bis zur seitlichen Beckenwand, in dem Uterusgefaesse und Ureteren verlaufen Reference Reallex Med
    Definition "endopelvic fascia below mesometrium1sup>1 mesometrium [ IATE:1534901 ]" Reference "Thomas R Gest, Ben Pansky. Lippincott Concise Illustrated Anatomy. 2012. ISBN/ISSN: 9781609130282, [27.8.2014]"