
A collection of legal terms extracted from the Rules of the Superior Courts. More information »

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    creidiúnaí fir4
    gu creidiúnaí, iol creidiúnaithe

    duine nó eintiteas a bhfuil fiach dlite dóibh

    Déanfaidh an páirtí a mbeidh an t-ordú á thabhairt ar aghaidh aige na fógráin d’éilitheoirí agus do chreidiúnaithe a ullmhú, agus cuirfear faoi bhráid an Scrúdaitheora iad lena bhformheas, agus, nuair a bheidh siad formheasta, síneoidh sé iad.

    The advertisements for claimants and creditors shall be prepared by the party prosecuting the order, and submitted to the Examiner for approval, and when approved shall be signed by him.

    • Dlí » Dlí Tráchtála Law » Commercial Law


    Measfar i ngach cás gur fiach cruthaithe agus admhaithe san fhéimheacht é fiach an chreidiúnaí achainígh a bheidh cruthaithe don bhreithniú, mura n-ordóidh an Chúirt a mhalairt.

    The debt of the petitioning creditor which has been proved for the adjudication shall in all cases be deemed to be a debt proved and admitted in the bankruptcy, unless the Court shall otherwise order.

    • Dlí » Dlí Maoine Law » Property Law


    ...agus, maidir le costais an chreidiúnaí breithiúnais, mura n-ordófar a mhalairt, déanfar iad a choinneáil as an airgead a bheidh gnóthaithe aige faoin ordú gairnisí, agus sin i dtosaíocht ar mhéid an fhéich bhreithiúnais.

    ...and as regards the costs of the judgment creditor, shall, unless otherwise directed, be retained out of the money recovered by him under the garnishee order, and in priority to the amount of the judgment debt.

    • Dlí » Gnás agus Nós Imeachta Law » Practice and Procedure


    Má admhaíonn an creidiúnaí forghníomhaithe teideal an éilitheora, agus go dtabharfaidh sé fógra mar a ordaítear sa riail seo, ní bheidh dlite uaidh don sirriam nó don oifigeach sin ach aon táillí agus caiteachais a bheidh tabhaithe sula mbeidh an fógra faighte ag admháil an éilimh.

    If the execution creditor admits the title of the claimant, and gives notice as directed by this rule, he shall only be liable to such sheriff or officer for any fees and expenses incurred prior to the receipt of the notice admitting the claim.

    • Dlí » Dlí Tráchtála Law » Commercial Law


    Déanfar cóip d’aon achainí a thíolacfar faoi riail 4(g) a sheirbheáil ar gach creidiúnaí urrúis de chuid na cuideachta laistigh de 4 lá tar éis a comhdaithe sa PhríomhOifig.

    A copy of any petition presented under rule 4(g) shall be served on every secured creditor of the company within 4 days after it has been filed in the Central Office.