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22 results in 9 documents

  1. #2148067

    99 % ar a laghad, measúnacht íosta (IR NMR MS)

    At least 99 % minimum assay (IR NMR MS)

    Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1916 of 3 November 2021 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the inclusion of 4-amino-5-(3-(isopropylamino)-2,2-dimethyl-3oxopropoxy)-2-methylquinoline-3-carboxylic acid in the Union list of flavourings (Text with EEA relevance)

  2. #2473189

    Sainaitheantas: Conformáil de réir NMR (athshondas maighnéadach núicléach)

    Identification: Conforms by NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1160 of 5 July 2022 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 as regards the conditions of use and the specifications of the novel food nicotinamide riboside chloride (Text with EEA relevance)

  3. #2694339

    Sa tuairim eolaíoch uaidh, mheas an tÚdarás nach bhféadfadh sé teacht ar a chonclúidí maidir le sábháilteacht 3-FL gan na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha ar bhailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus na torthaí maidir le haitheantas 3-FL agus na seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar thréithchineál táirgthe 3-FL géinmhodhnaithe; deimhniú deascaidh thréithchineál táirgthe ghéinmhodhnaithe 3-fúcaishiollachtóis; an córas qPCR agus an tuarascáil bhailíochtaithe modha maidir le tréithchineál táirgthe géinmhodhnaithe 3-FL; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le 3-FL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le 3-FL; staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-F; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-FL.

    In its scientific opinion, the Authority considered that it could not have reached its conclusions on the safety of the 3-FL without the scientific studies and data on the MS, NMR and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3-FL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description of the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the certificate of deposition of the genetically modified 3-fucosyllactose production strain; the qPCR system and method validation report for the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 3-FL; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3-FL; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 3-FL; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 3-FL.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/52 of 4 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3-Fucosyllactose produced by a derivative strain of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  4. #2694343

    Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha ar bhailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus na torthaí maidir le haitheantas 3-FL agus na seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar thréithchineál táirgthe 3-FL géinmhodhnaithe; deimhniú deascaidh an tréithchineáil táirgthe ghéinmhodhnaithe 3-FL; an córas qPCR agus an tuarascáil bhailíochtaithe modha maidir le tréithchineál táirgthe géinmhodhnaithe 3-FL; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le 3-FL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le 3-FL; staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-F; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-FL, ba cheart iad a chosaint i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 27(1) de Rialachán (AE) 2015/2283.

    Therefore, the scientific studies and data on MS, NMR and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3-FL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description of the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the certificate of deposition of the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the qPCR system and method validation report for the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 3-FL; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3-FL; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in the rat with 3-FL; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in the rat with 3-FL, should be protected in accordance with Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/52 of 4 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3-Fucosyllactose produced by a derivative strain of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  5. #2749702

    Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir agus na sonraí ar thástálacha athshondais mhaighnéadaigh núicléach (“NMR”) chun aitheantas 2′-FL a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar na hanailísí ar sheicheamh géiniteach an tréithchineáil táirgthe ghéinmhodhnaithe 2′-FL; torthaí na n-anailísí chun neamhláithreacht cealla inmharthana den tréithchineál díorthach de Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 a dheimhniú; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le 2′-FL, an tástáil saofa crómasóim in vitro le 2′-FL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le 2′-FL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i limficít dhaonna le 2′-FL; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 2′-FL, ba cheart iad a chosaint i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 27(1) de Rialachán (AE) 2015/2283.

    Therefore, the studies and data on the nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) tests for the determination of the identity of 2′-FL; the genetic sequence analyses description of the genetically modified 2′-FL production strain; the results of analyses to confirm the absence of viable cells of the derivative strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 2′-FL, the in vitro chromosome aberration test with 2′-FL; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 2′-FL; the in vitro human lymphocyte micronucleus test with 2′-FL; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 2′-FL, should be protected in accordance with Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/859 of 25 April 2023 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 as regards the specifications of the novel food 2’-Fucosyllactose (microbial source) to authorise its production by a derivative strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 (Text with EEA relevance)

  6. #3007802

    Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir eolaíocha agus na sonraí maidir le HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, speictriméadracht NMR, agus bailíochtú modhanna HPAEC-PAD agus na torthaí maidir le haitheantas 3-FL a chinneadh; an tuairisc mhionsonraithe ar thréithchineál táirgthe 3-FL géinmhodhnaithe; an tuairisc mhionsonraithe ar an bpróiseas táirgthe; an anailís mhionsonraithe ar chomhdhéanamh agus torthaí tástála cobhsaíochta; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le 3-FL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le 3-FL; staidéar raoin dáileoige 14 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-F; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-FL, ba cheart iad a chosaint i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 27(1) de Rialachán (AE) 2015/2283.

    Therefore, the scientific studies and data on the HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, NMR spectroscopy, and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3-FL; the detailed description of the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the detailed description of the production process; the detailed composition analysis and stability test results; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 3-FL; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3-FL; the 14-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 3-FL; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 3-FL, should be protected in accordance with Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2210 of 20 October 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3-Fucosyllactose produced by a derivative strain of Escherichia coli K-12 DH1 as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470

  7. #2157834

    Ina theannta sin, an 1 Deireadh Fómhair 2019, d’iarr an t-iarratasóir ar an gCoimisiún go gcosnófaí sonraí dílseánaigh i gcás roinnt staidéar a cuireadh isteach mar thaca leis an iarratas, eadhon na sonraí tréithrithe mionsonraithe maidir le tréithchineál baictéarach an táirgthe; próiseas táirgthe an bhia núíosaigh; na hanailísí ar na baisceanna éagsúla 3-FL; na tuarascálacha anailíseacha maidir le tréithriú 3-FL trí athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (“NMR”) agus an 3-FL atá i mbainne an duine go nádúrtha; na tuarascálacha maidir le cobhsaíocht 3-L; na tuarascálacha measúnachta maidir le hiontógáil 3-FL; tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin; tástáil mhicreanúicléis in vitro ar lucha; tástáil mhicreanúicléis in vitro ar chealla ubhagáin an hamstair Shínigh; tástáil in vitro saobhadh crómasóim i gcealla mamach, tástáil a rinneadh ar limficítí daonna; tástáil géarthocsaineachta béil ar fhrancaigh; staidéar tocsaineachta béil 90 lá ar fhrancaigh, lena n-áirítear anailís séirim agus fuail; staidéar tocsaineachta béil 6 lá ar bhainbh; agus staidéar 3 seachtaine tocsaineachta béil ar bhainbh nuabheirthe.

    On 1 October 2019, the applicant also made a request to the Commission for the protection of proprietary data for a number of studies submitted in support of the application, namely, the detailed characterisation data on the production bacterial strain; the novel food production process; the analyses of the various 3-FL batches; the analytical reports on the characterisation via nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) of 3-FL and of the 3-FL naturally present in human milk; the 3-FL stability reports; the 3-FL intake assessment reports; a bacterial reverse mutation test; an in vitro mouse micronucleus test; an in vitro micronucleus test with Chinese hamster ovary cells; an in vitro mammalian cell chromosomal aberration test in human lymphocytes; an acute oral toxicity test in rats; a 90-day oral toxicity study in the rat including serum and urine analysis; a 6-day oral toxicity study in piglets; and a 3-week oral toxicity study in neonatal piglets.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2029 of 19 November 2021 authorising the placing on the market of 3-Fucosyllactose (3-FL) as a novel food under Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  8. #2157839

    Sa tuairim eolaíoch ón Údarás, mheas sé nach bhféadfadh sé teacht ar a chuid conclúidí maidir le sábháilteacht 3-FL gan na sonraí ó na sonraí tréithrithe mionsonraithe maidir le tréithchineál baictéarach an táirgthe; próiseas táirgthe an bhia núíosaigh; na hanailísí ar na baisceanna éagsúla 3-FL; na tuarascálacha anailíseacha maidir le tréithriú 3-FL trí athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (“NMR”) agus an 3-FL atá i mbainne an duine go nádúrtha; na tuarascálacha maidir le cobhsaíocht 3-L; na tuarascálacha measúnachta maidir le hiontógáil 3-FL; tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin; tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro ar lucha; tástáil mhicreanúicléis in vitro ar chealla ubhagáin an hamstair Shínigh; tástáil in vitro saobhadh crómasóim i gcealla mamach, tástáil a rinneadh ar limficítí daonna; tástáil géarthocsaineachta béil ar fhrancaigh; staidéar tocsaineachta béil 90 lá ar fhrancaigh, lena n-áirítear anailís séirim agus fuail; staidéar tocsaineachta béil 6 lá ar bhainbh; agus staidéar 3 seachtaine tocsaineachta béil ar bhainbh nuabheirthe.

    In its scientific opinion, the Authority considered that it could not have reached its conclusions on the safety of the 3-FL without the data from the detailed characterisation data on the production bacterial strain; the novel food production process; the analyses of the various 3-FL batches; the analytical reports on the characterisation via NMR of 3-FL and of the 3-FL naturally present in human milk; the 3-FL stability reports; the 3-FL intake assessment reports; a bacterial reverse mutation test; an in vitro mouse micronucleus test; an in vitro micronucleus test with Chinese hamster ovary cells; an in vitro mammalian cell chromosomal aberration test in human lymphocytes; an acute oral toxicity test in rats; a 90-day oral toxicity study in the rat including serum and urine analysis; a 6-day oral toxicity study in piglets; and a 3-week oral toxicity study in neonatal piglets.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2029 of 19 November 2021 authorising the placing on the market of 3-Fucosyllactose (3-FL) as a novel food under Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  9. #2157840

    Tar éis dó tuairim eolaíoch an Údaráis a fháil, d’iarr an Coimisiún ar an iarratasóir soiléiriú breise a thabhairt maidir leis an réasúnú a cuireadh ar fáil i dtaca lena éileamh dílseánaigh ar na sonraí ó na sonraí tréithrithe mionsonraithe maidir le tréithchineál baictéarach an táirgthe; próiseas táirgthe an bhia núíosaigh; na hanailísí ar na baisceanna éagsúla 3-FL; na tuarascálacha anailíseacha maidir le tréithriú 3-FL trí athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (‘NMR’) agus an 3-FL atá i mbainne an duine go nádúrtha; na tuarascálacha maidir le cobhsaíocht 3-L; na tuarascálacha measúnachta maidir le hiontógáil 3-FL; tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin; tástáil mhicreanúicléis in vitro i lucha; tástáil mhicreanúicléis in vitro ar chealla ubhagáin an hamstair Shínigh; tástáil in vitro saobhadh crómasóim i gcealla mamach, tástáil a rinneadh ar limficítí daonna; tástáil géarthocsaineachta béil ar fhrancaigh; staidéar tocsaineachta béil 90 lá ar fhrancaigh, lena n-áirítear anailís séirim agus fuail; staidéar tocsaineachta béil 6 lá ar bhainbh; agus staidéar tocsaineachta béil 3 seachtaine ar bhainbh nuabheirthe.

    Following the receipt of the Authority’s scientific opinion, the Commission requested the applicant to further clarify the justification provided with regard to their proprietary claim over the data from the detailed characterisation data on the production bacterial strain; the novel food production process; the analyses of the various 3-FL batches; the analytical reports on the characterisation via NMR of 3-FL and of the 3-FL naturally present in human milk; the 3-FL stability reports; the 3-FL intake assessment reports; a bacterial reverse mutation test; an in vitro mouse micronucleus test; an in vitro micronucleus test with Chinese hamster ovary cells; an in vitro mammalian cell chromosomal aberration test in human lymphocytes; an acute oral toxicity test in rats; a 90-day oral toxicity study in the rat including serum and urine analysis; a 6-day oral toxicity study in piglets; and a 3-week oral toxicity study in neonatal piglets.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2029 of 19 November 2021 authorising the placing on the market of 3-Fucosyllactose (3-FL) as a novel food under Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  10. #2694121

    An 22 Bealtaine 2020 chuir an t-iarratasóir iarraidh faoi bhráid an Choimisiún go gcosnófaí na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha dílseánaigh arna gcur isteach mar thaca leis ar iarratas, is é sin, bailíochtú modha mais-speictriméadrachta (“MS”), athshondais mhaighnéadaigh núicléach (“NMR”) agus crómatagrafaíochta ainianmhalartúcháin ardfheidhmíochta le haimpéarméadrach bíogach braite (“HPAEC-PAD”) agus na torthaí a bhaineann le haitheantas LNT agus seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite (lachta-N-trí-ós II (“LNT2”), para-lachta-N-heicsea-ós (“pLNH”), lachtós, agus glúcós/galachtós) atá ann sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; tuairisc ar thréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus lachta-N-neoiteatra-óis (“LNnT”); deimhnithe deascaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus LNnT; córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama (“qPCR”) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh tréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha LNT agus LNnT; tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le LNT; tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le LNT; staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT; agus staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT.

    On 22 May 2020, the applicant also made a request to the Commission for the protection for the protection of proprietary scientific studies and data submitted in support of the application, namely, mass spectrometry (‘MS’), nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) and a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (‘HPAEC-PAD’) method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of LNT and of the carbohydrate by-products (lacto-N-triose II (‘LNT2’), para-lacto-N-hexaose (‘pLNH’), lactose, and glucose/galactose) present in the novel food; a description of the genetically modified LNT and lacto-N-neotetraose (‘LNnT’) production and optional degradation strains; certificates of deposition of genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (‘qPCR’) system and method validation reports for the genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; a bacterial reverse mutation test with LNT; an in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with LNT; a 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with LNT;, and a 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with LNT.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/7 of 3 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of Lacto-N-tetraose produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  11. #2694126

    Sa tuairim eolaíoch uaidh, thug an tÚdarás dá aire freisin go raibh a chonclúid i ndáil le sábháilteacht an bhia núíosaigh bunaithe ar na staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha agus na staidéir ar bhailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus ar na torthaí a bhaineann le haitheantas LNT agus seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite LNT2, pLNH, lachtóis, agus glúcóis/galachtóis atá ann sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; ar an tuairisc ar thréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus LNnT; ar dheimhnithe deascaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus LNnT; ar an gcóras qPCR agus ar thuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh tréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha LNT agus LNnT; ar an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le LNT; ar an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le LNT; ar an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT; agus ar an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT, nithe nach bhféadfadh sé measúnú a dhéanamh ar an mbia núíosach ná teacht ar a chonclúid dá n-uireasa.

    In its scientific opinion, the Authority also noted that its conclusion on the safety of the novel food was based on the scientific studies and data on MS, NMR and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of LNT and of the carbohydrate by-products LNT2, pLNH, lactose, and glucose/galactose present in the novel food; the description of the genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the certificates of deposition of genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the qPCR system and method validation reports for the genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with LNT; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with LNT; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rat with LNT; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with LNT, without which it could not have assessed the novel food and reached its conclusion.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/7 of 3 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of Lacto-N-tetraose produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  12. #2694128

    Dhearbhaigh an t-iarratasóir go raibh cearta dílseánaigh agus eisiacha tagartha aige ar na staidéir agus na sonraí ar bhailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus na torthaí a bhaineann le haitheantas LNT agus seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite LNT2, pLNH, lachtóis, agus glúcóis/galachtóis atá ann sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; ar an tuairisc ar thréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus LNnT; ar dheimhnithe deascaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus LNnT; ar an gcóras qPCR agus ar thuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh tréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha LNT agus LNnT; ar an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin e LNT; ar an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le LNT; ar an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT; agus ar an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT, agus dhearbhaigh siad go bhfuil na cearta sin aige faoin dlí náisiúnta tráth a chuir siad an t-iarratas isteach agus nach féidir le tríú páirtithe na sonraí agus na staidéir sin a úsáid ná tagairt a dhéanamh dóibh.

    The applicant declared that they held proprietary and exclusive rights of reference to the scientific studies and data on MS, NMR and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of LNT and of the carbohydrate by-products LNT2, pLNH, lactose, and glucose/galactose present in the novel food; the description of the genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the certificates of deposition of genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the qPCR system and method validation reports for the genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with LNT; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with LNT; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in the rat with LNT; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in the rat with LNT, under national law at the time they submitted the application and that third parties cannot use or refer to those data and studies.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/7 of 3 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of Lacto-N-tetraose produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  13. #2694130

    Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha ar bhailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus na torthaí a bhaineann le haitheantas LNT agus seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite LNT2, pLNH, lachtóis, agus glúcóis/galachtóis atá ann sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar thréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus LNnT; deimhnithe deascaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha géinmhodhnaithe LNT agus LNnT; an córas qPCR agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh tréithchineálacha táirgthe agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha LNT agus LNnT; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le LNT; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le LNT; an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT; agus an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le LNT, ba cheart iad sin a chosaint i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 27(1) de Rialachán (AE) 2015/2283.

    Therefore, the scientific studies and data on MS, NMR and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of LNT and of the carbohydrate by-products LNT2, pLNH, lactose, and glucose/galactose present in the novel food; the description of the genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the certificates of deposition of genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the qPCR system and method validation reports for the genetically modified LNT and LNnT production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with LNT; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with LNT; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in the rat with LNT; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in the rat with LNT, should be protected in accordance with Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/7 of 3 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of Lacto-N-tetraose produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  14. #2694341

    Dhearbhaigh an t-iarratasóir go raibh cearta dílseánaigh agus eisiacha aige chun tagairt a dhéanamh do na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha i dtaca le bailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus leis na torthaí maidir le haitheantas 3-FL agus na seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar thréithchineál táirgthe 3-FL géinmhodhnaithe; deimhniú deascaidh an tréithchineáil táirgthe ghéinmhodhnaithe 3-FL; an córas qPCR agus an tuarascáil bhailíochtaithe modha maidir le tréithchineál táirgthe géinmhodhnaithe 3-FL; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le 3-FL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le 3-FL; staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-F; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le 3-FL, faoin dlí náisiúnta an tráth a chuir sé an t-iarratas isteach, agus nach féidir le tríú páirtithe rochtain dhlíthiúil a fháil ar na sonraí ná na staidéir sin, iad a úsáid ná tagairt a dhéanamh dóibh.

    The applicant declared that they held proprietary and exclusive rights of reference to the scientific studies and data on MS, NMR and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3-FL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description of the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the certificate of deposition of the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the qPCR system and method validation report for the genetically modified 3-FL production strain; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 3-FL; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3-FL; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 3-FL; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 3-FL, under national law at the time they submitted the application, and that third parties cannot lawfully access, use or refer to those data and studies.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/52 of 4 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3-Fucosyllactose produced by a derivative strain of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  15. #2705493

    An 13 Bealtaine 2020, chuir an t-iarratasóir iarraidh faoi bhráid an Choimisiúin freisin go gcosnófaí staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha dílseánaigh arna gcur isteach mar thaca leis an iarratas, is iad sin, mais-speictriméadracht (“MS”), athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (“NMR”) agus crómatagrafaíocht mhalartaithe anian ardfheidhmíochta le bailíochtú mhodh an bhrath amperoiméadrachta bhíogaigh (“HPAEC-PAD”) agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 3′-SL agus fotháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; tuairisc ar tháirgeadh salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama (“qPCR”) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh tréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha; tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 3′-SL; tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 3′-SL; staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; agus, an staidéar cliniciúil maidir le naíonáin lánaibí chun meastóireacht a dhéanamh ar an gcobhsaíocht chothaitheach agus an infhulaingtheacht a bhaineann le bainne foirmle do naíonáin ina bhfuil meascán d’olagaishiúicrídí bainne atá comhionann leo sin a fhaightear i mbainne daonna.

    On 13 May 2020, the applicant also made a request to the Commission for the protection of proprietary scientific studies and data submitted in support of the application, namely, mass spectrometry (‘MS’), nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) and a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (‘HPAEC-PAD’) method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; a description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (‘qPCR’) system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; a bacterial reverse mutation test with 3′-SL sodium salt; an in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3′-SL sodium salt; a 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; a 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; and, the clinical study with term infants to evaluate the nutritional suitability and tolerability of an infant formula containing a mixture of human identical milk oligosaccharides.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/113 of 16 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  16. #2705498

    Ina thuairim eolaíoch uaidh, mheas an tÚdarás nach bhféadfadh sé teacht ar a chonclúidí maidir le sábháilteacht salainn sóidiam 3′-SL gan na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha maidir le bailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 3′-SL agus na seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar tháirgeadh salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas qPCR agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh táirgeadh salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 3’-SL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 3′-SL; an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; agus, an staidéar cliniciúil maidir le naíonáin lánaibí chun meastóireacht a dhéanamh ar an gcobhsaíocht chothaitheach agus an infhulaingtheacht a bhaineann le bainne foirmle do naíonáin ina bhfuil meascán d’olagaishiúicrídí bainne atá comhionann leo sin a fhaightear i mbainne daonna.

    In its scientific opinion, the Authority considered that it could not have reached its conclusions on the safety of the 3′-SL sodium salt without the scientific studies and data on the MS, NMR, and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the qPCR system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 3′-SL sodium salt; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3′-SL sodium salt; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; and, the clinical study with term infants to evaluate the nutritional suitability and tolerability of an infant formula containing a mixture of human identical milk oligosaccharides.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/113 of 16 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  17. #2705500

    Dhearbhaigh an t-iarratasóir go raibh cearta dílseánaigh agus eisiacha aige chun tagairt a dhéanamh do na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha i dtaca le bailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus leis na torthaí maidir le haitheantas 3′-S agus na seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar tháirgeadh salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas qPCR agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh táirgeadh salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 3′-SL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 3′-SL; an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; agus, an staidéar cliniciúil maidir le naíonáin lánaibí chun meastóireacht a dhéanamh ar an gcobhsaíocht chothaitheach agus an infhulaingtheacht a bhaineann le bainne foirmle do naíonáin ina bhfuil meascán d’olagaishiúicrídí bainne atá comhionann leo sin a fhaightear i mbainne daonna, faoin dlí náisiúnta an tráth a chuir sé an t-iarratas isteach, agus nach féidir le tríú páirtithe rochtain dhlíthiúil a fháil ar na sonraí ná na staidéir sin, iad a úsáid ná tagairt a dhéanamh dóibh.

    The applicant declared that they held proprietary and exclusive rights of reference to the scientific studies and data on the MS, NMR, and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the qPCR system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 3′-SL sodium salt; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3′-SL sodium salt; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; and, the clinical study with term infants to evaluate the nutritional suitability and tolerability of an infant formula containing a mixture of human identical milk oligosaccharides, under national law at the time they submitted the application and that third parties cannot lawfully access, use or refer to those data and studies.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/113 of 16 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  18. #2705502

    Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir agus na sonraí eolaíocha ar bhailíochtú modha MS, NMR agus HPAEC-PAD agus na torthaí maidir le haitheantas 3′-SL agus na seachtháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar tháirgeadh salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas qPCR agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh táirgeadh salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 3′-SL agus tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin roghnacha; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 3′-SL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 3′-SL; an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 3′SL; agus, an staidéar cliniciúil maidir le naíonáin lánaibí chun meastóireacht a dhéanamh ar an gcobhsaíocht chothaitheach agus an infhulaingtheacht a bhaineann le bainne foirmle do naíonáin ina bhfuil meascán d’olagaishiúicrídí bainne atá comhionann leo sin a fhaightear i mbainne daonna, ba cheart iad a chosaint i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 27(1) de Rialachán (AE) 2015/2283.

    Therefore, the scientific studies and data on the MS, NMR, and HPAEC-PAD method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 3′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the qPCR system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 3′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 3′-SL sodium salt; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 3′-SL sodium salt; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 3′-SL sodium salt; and, the clinical study with term infants to evaluate the nutritional suitability and tolerability of an infant formula containing a mixture of human identical milk oligosaccharides, should be protected in accordance with Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/113 of 16 January 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 3'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  19. #2810652

    An 15 Bealtaine 2020, chuir an t-iarratasóir iarraidh faoi bhráid an Choimisiúin freisin go gcosnófaí staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha dílseánaigh, is iad sin, mais-speictriméadracht (‘MS’), athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (‘NMR’) agus crómatagrafaíocht mhalartaithe anian ardfheidhmíochta le bailíochtú mhodh an bhraite aimpéarméadraigh bhíogaigh (‘HPAEC-PAD’) agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 6′-SL agus fotháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; tuairisc ar na tréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus ar na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach, agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama (‘qPCR’) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach; tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 6′SL; agus staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 6′SL, arna chur isteach mar thaca leis an iarratas.

    On 15 May 2020, the applicant also made a request to the Commission for the protection of proprietary scientific studies and data, namely, mass spectrometry (‘MS’), nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) and a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (‘HPAEC-PAD’) method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 6′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; a description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (‘qPCR’) system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; a bacterial reverse mutation test with 6′-SL sodium salt; an in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 6′-SL sodium salt; a 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt; and, a 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt, submitted in support of the application.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/948 of 12 May 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 6'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  20. #2810657

    Sa tuairim eolaíoch uaidh, thug an tÚdarás dá aire go raibh an chonclúid uaidh i ndáil le sábháilteacht an bhia núíosaigh bunaithe ar staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha ón mais-speictriméadracht (‘MS’), ón athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (‘NMR’) agus ón gcrómatagrafaíocht mhalartaithe anian ardfheidhmíochta le bailíochtú mhodh an bhraite aimpéarméadraigh bhíogaigh (‘HPAEC-PAD’) agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 6′-SL agus na fotháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar na tréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach, agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama (‘qPCR’) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 6′SL; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salainn sóidiam 6′-SL, atá ann i gcomhad an iarratasóra agus nach bhféadfadh sé measúnú a dhéanamh ar an mbia núíosach ná teacht ar a chonclúid dá uireasa.

    In its scientific opinion, the Authority noted that its conclusion on the safety of the novel food was based on scientific studies and data from the mass spectrometry (‘MS’), nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) and a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (‘HPAEC-PAD’) method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 6′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (‘qPCR’) system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 6′-SL sodium salt; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 6′-SL sodium salt; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt, contained in the applicant’s file, without which it could not have assessed the novel food and reached its conclusion.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/948 of 12 May 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 6'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  21. #2810659

    Dhearbhaigh an t-iarratasóir go raibh cearta dílseánaigh agus eisiacha aige chun tagairt a dhéanamh do na staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha dílseánaigh arna gcur isteach mar thaca leis an iarratas, is iad sin, mais-speictriméadracht (‘MS’), athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (‘NMR’) agus crómatagrafaíocht mhalartaithe anian ardfheidhmíochta le bailíochtú mhodh an bhraite aimpéarméadraigh bhíogaigh (‘HPAEC-PAD’) agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 6′-SL agus fotháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar na tréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach, agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama (‘qPCR’) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 6′SL; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salainn sóidiam 6′-SL, faoin dlí náisiúnta an tráth a chuir sé an t-iarratas isteach, agus nach féidir le tríú páirtithe rochtain dhlíthiúil a fháil ar na sonraí ná na staidéir sin, iad a úsáid ná tagairt a dhéanamh dóibh.

    The applicant declared that they held proprietary and exclusive rights of reference to the scientific studies and data submitted in support of the application, namely, mass spectrometry (‘MS’), nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) and a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (‘HPAEC-PAD’) method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 6′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (‘qPCR’) system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 6′-SL sodium salt; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 6′-SL sodium salt; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt, under national law at the time they submitted the application and that third parties cannot lawfully access, use or refer to those data and studies.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/948 of 12 May 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 6'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)

  22. #2810661

    Dá bhrí sin, na staidéir agus sonraí eolaíocha dílseánaigh arna gcur isteach mar thaca leis an iarratas, is iad sin, mais-speictriméadracht (‘MS’), athshondas maighnéadach núicléach (‘NMR’) agus crómatagrafaíocht mhalartaithe anian ardfheidhmíochta le bailíochtú mhodh an bhraite aimpéarméadraigh bhíogaigh (‘HPAEC-PAD’) agus na torthaí chun aitheantas 6′-SL agus fotháirgí carbaihiodráite atá sa bhia núíosach a chinneadh; an tuairisc ar na tréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na tréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach, agus na deimhnithe deascaidh a bhaineann leo; an córas um imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise cainníochtúil fíor-ama (‘qPCR’) agus tuarascálacha maidir le bailíochtú modha le haghaidh na dtréithchineálacha táirgthe salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL agus na dtréithchineálacha díghrádúcháin salainn sóidiam ghéinmhodhnaithe 6′-SL atá roghnach; an tástáil bhaictéarach ais-sócháin le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; an tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach le salann sóidiam 6′-SL; an staidéar raoin dáileoige 7 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 6′SL; agus, an staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht bhéil i bhfrancaigh le salann sóidiam 6′-SL, ba cheart iad a chosaint i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 27(1) de Rialachán (AE) 2015/2283.

    Therefore, the scientific studies and data submitted in support of the application, namely, mass spectrometry (‘MS’), nuclear magnetic resonance (‘NMR’) and a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (‘HPAEC-PAD’) method validation and the results for the determination of the identity of 6′-SL and of the carbohydrate by-products present in the novel food; the description and certificates of deposition of the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (‘qPCR’) system and method validation reports for the genetically modified 6′-SL sodium salt production and optional degradation strains; the bacterial reverse mutation test with 6′-SL sodium salt; the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test with 6′-SL sodium salt; the 7-day dose range finding oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt; and, the 90-day oral toxicity study in rats with 6′-SL sodium salt, should be protected in accordance with Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/948 of 12 May 2023 authorising the placing on the market of 6'-Sialyllactose sodium salt produced by derivative strains of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (Text with EEA relevance)