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73 results in 23 documents

  1. #1171555

    (i) déanfaidh Cléireach Dháil Éireann, ar chruthúnas chun a shástachta a bheith aige faoin mbás, an eascaire a ghairm ar ais agus eiseoidh sé ina hionad chuig an gceann comhairimh eascaire (dá ngairtear an eascaire nua sa mhír seo) a fhoclófar ar dhóigh go n-ordóidh sí dó toghchán a chur á dhéanamh do lánlíon na gcomhaltaí de Dháil Éireann don dáilcheantar, agus nuair a eiseoidh sé an eascaire nua sin cuirfidh sé fógra chun an Aire san am céanna gur eisíodh í;

    (i) the Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall, upon being satisfied of the fact of the death, recall the writ and issue in lieu thereof to the returning officer a writ (in this paragraph referred to as the new writ) so worded that it directs him to cause an election to be held of the full number of members of Dáil Éireann for the constituency and he shall, at the same time as he issues the new writ, notify the Minister of its issue;

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  2. #284686

    eascaire toghairme writ of summons

    Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13November 2007 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service of documents), and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No1348/2000

  3. #227810

    Eascaire aisig

    Writ of restitution

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  4. #236217

    Eascaire aisig, O.47, r.12

    Writ of restitution, O47, r.12

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  5. #1171088

    (3) Má tharlaíonn aon uair go mbeidh dhá fholúntas nó níos mó in ionadaíocht aon dáilcheantair sa Dáil agus go n-ordófar do Chléireach Dháil Éireann ar an lá céanna eascairí a chur amach chun comhaltaí a thoghadh chun gach ceann nó níos mó ná ceann amháin de na folúntais a líonadh, ní chuirfidh Cléireach Dháil Éireann ach an t-aon eascaire amháin amach chuig an gceann comhairimh don dáilcheantar agus ordóidh sé dó leis an eascaire aon toghchán amháin a chur á dhéanamh chun na folúntais go léir a luafar san eascaire a líonadh in ionadaíocht an dáilcheantair, agus dá réir sin cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh aon toghchán amháin á dhéanamh chun comhaltaí den Dáil a thoghadh chun na folúntais go léir a luafar san eascaire a líonadh.

    (3) If at any time there are two or more vacancies in the representation of any constituency in the Dáil and the Clerk of Dáil Éireann is directed on the same day to issue writs for the election of members to fill all or more than one of the vacancies, the Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall issue only one writ to the returning officer for the constituency and shall by the writ direct him to hold one election to fill all the vacancies mentioned in the writ in the representation of the constituency, and the returning officer shall accordingly hold one election only for the election of members of the Dáil to fill all the vacancies mentioned in the writ.

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  6. #1173152


    i gContae .....................................................

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  7. #1173173

    Eascaire chun comhaltaí a thoghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann.

    Eascaire chun comhaltaí a thoghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann.

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  8. #1173179

    Fuair mé an eascaire seo istigh—

    Fuair mé an eascaire seo istigh—

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  9. #1173211



    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  10. #1173224

    Eascaire chun comhalta a thoghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann.

    A writ for the election of a member to serve in Dáil Éireann.

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  11. #1173228

    [EN] Fuair mé an eascaire seo istigh—

    an ................................

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  12. #1394791

    An Reacht um an Eascaire Comhchomhairliúcháin.

    Statute of the Writ of Consultation.

    Number 11 of 1983: STATUTE LAW REVISION ACT, 1983

  13. #1537196

    (ii) i gcás corrthoghcháin Dála, dáta eisiúna an eascaire, agus

    (ii) in the case of a Dáil bye-election, on the date of the issue of the writ, and

    Number 4 of 1998: ELECTORAL (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1998

  14. #1592828

    ...nuair a bheidh an freagra faighte aige ar Eascaire

    ...shall have come into his hands

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  15. #1594167

    eascaire fioscrúcháin

    a writ of inquiry

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  16. #1602940

    Cóip den Eascaire Toghcháin do Dháilcheantar Chorcaí Thoir Thuaidh agus an Freagra formhuinithe uirthi

    copy of Writ of Election for the Constituency of North-East Cork and Return endorsed thereon

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  17. #1602941

    Cóip den Eascaire Toghcháin do Dháil-cheantar na Gaillimhe Thoir Thuaidh agus an Freagra formhuinithe uirthi

    copy of Writ of Election for the Constituency of North-East Galway and Return endorsed thereon

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  18. #1602942

    Cóip den Eascaire Toghchaín do Dháil-cheantar na Gaillimhe Thiar agus an Freagra formhuinithe uirthi

    Copy of Writ of Election for the Constituency of West Galway and Return endorsed thereon

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  19. #1602943

    cóip den Eascaire Toghcháin do Dháil-cheantar Mhaigh Eo Thiar agus an Freagra formhuinithe uirthi

    copy of writ of Election for the Constituency of West Mayo and return endorsed thereon

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  20. #1617446

    eascaire a chur amach

    issue a writ

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  21. #1631097

    Freagra ar an Eascaire corrthoghcháin agus comhalta nua a chur in aithne

    return to Bye election writ and introduction of new member

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  22. #1640026

    eascaire nó próis eile a fhorghníomhú

    the execution of a writ or other process

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  23. #1648567

    Eascaire i gcóir an Chláir

    Writ for Clare

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  24. #1648568

    eascaire toghcháin

    writ of election

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  25. #1897060

    eascaire toghairme ☐

    writ of summons ☐

    Regulation (EU) 2020/1784 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2020 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service of documents) (recast)

  26. #1067332

    —Féadfaidh aon pháirtí in eadráin faoi chomhaontú eadrána agra a dhéanamh i leith orduithe faoi ghné eascaire subpoena ad testificandum nó eascaire subpoena duces tecum, ach ní cuirfear faoi deara d'aon duine faoi aon ordú den tsórt sin aon doiciméad a thabhairt ar aird nach bhféadfaí a chur faoi deara dhó é a thabhairt aird ar chaingean a bheith á thriail.

    —Any party to a reference under an arbitration agreement may sue out an order in the nature of a writ of subpoena ad testificandum or of a writ of subpoena duces tecum, but no person shall be compelled under any such order to produce any document which he could not be compelled to produce on the trial of an action.

    Number 26 of 1954: ARBITRATION ACT, 1954

  27. #1171086

    (2) Nuair a tharlóidh folúntas i gcomhaltas na Dála toisc duine a scor de bheith ina chomhalta ar dhóigh seachas de chionn an Dáil a lánscor, déanfaidh Cathaoirleach Dháil Éireann (nó mura feidir leis, toisc é a bheith breoite nó as láthair nó ar chúis eile, a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh, déanfaidh Leas-Chathaoirleach Dháil Éireann), a luaithe a ordóidh an Dáil dó é, ordú a thabhairt do Chléireach Dháil Éireann eascaire a chur amach chuig an gceann comhairimh don dáilcheantar ar tharla an folúntas ina ionadaíocht á ordú don cheann comhairimh toghchán a chur á dhéanamh do chomhalta den Dáil chun an folúntas a luafar san eascaire a líonadh.

    (2) Where a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Dáil by a person ceasing to be a member otherwise than in consequence of a dissolution, the Chairman of Dáil Éireann (or, where he is unable through illness, absence or other cause to fulfil his duties, the Deputy Chairman of Dáil Éireann) shall, as soon as he is directed by the Dáil so to do, direct the Clerk of Dáil Éireann to issue a writ to the returning officer for the constituency in the representation of which the vacancy has occurred directing the returning officer to cause an election to be held of a member of the Dáil to fill the vacancy mentioned in the writ.

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  28. #1171104

    (6) Is san fhoirm a shonraítear i gCuid I den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a bheidh eascaire a chuirfear amach faoin alt seo, agus cuirfear chun bealaigh í leis an bpost cláraithe chuig an gceann comhairimh agus cuirfear ar aghaidh í saor in aisce leis an bpost is luaithe a fhónfaidh, agus déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, tar éis dó an eascaire a fháil, admháil a thabhairt láithreach, trí theileagram, go bhfuair sé í.

    (6) A writ issued under this section shall be in the appropriate form specified in Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act, shall be dispatched by registered post to the returning officer and shall be transmitted free of charge by the earliest practicable post, and the returning officer, immediately after receiving the writ, shall acknowledge by telegram its receipt.

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  29. #1067336

    —Féadfaidh an chúirt a ordú go n-eiseofar ordú faoi ghné eascaire habeas corpus ad testificandum chun príosúnach a thabhairt i láthair lena cheistiú os comhair eadránaí nó moltóra.

    —The Court may order that an order in the nature of a writ of habeas corpus ad testificandum shall issue to bring up a prisoner for examination before an arbitrator or umpire.

    Number 26 of 1954: ARBITRATION ACT, 1954

  30. #1151427

    An breitheamh don chuaird ina bhfuil an talamh a ndearnadh an eascaire, an t-ordú nó an ciontú ina leith.

    The judge of the circuit where the land in relation to which the precept, order or conviction was mace is situate.

    Number 39 of 1961: COURTS (SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS) ACT, 1961

  31. #1171553

    (b) má fhaigheann an Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig bás tar éis an eascaire a eisiúint agus roimh thosú na vótaíochta sa dáilcheantar—

    ( b ) if the outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann dies after the issue of the writ and before the commencement of the poll in the constituency—

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  32. #1173150


    of .....................................

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  33. #1173198

    AGUS DE BHRÍ gur ordaigh Cathaoirleach Dháil Éireann dom go cuí eascaire a chur amach chun comhalta a thoghadh do Dháil Éireann chun an folúntas réambráite a líonadh:

    AGUS DE BHRÍ gur ordaigh Cathaoirleach Dháil Éireann dom go to cuí eascaire a chur amach chun comhalta a thoghadh do Dháil Éireann chun an folúntas réamhráite a líonadh:

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  34. #1173209



    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963

  35. #1184705

    (7) San alt seo, folaíonn “earraí” gach airnéis phearsanta agus folaíonn “sirriam” aon oifigeach a gcuirfear de dhualgas air eascaire nó próis eile a fhorghníomhú.

    (7) In this section, "goods" includes all chattels personal and "sheriff" includes any officer charged with the execution of a writ or other process.

    Number 33 of 1963: COMPANIES ACT, 1963

  36. #1184715

    (4) San alt seo folaíonn “earraí” gach airnéis phearsanta agus folaíonn “sirriam” aon oifigeach a gcuirfear de dhualgas air eascaire nó próis eile a fhorghníomhú.

    (4) In this section, "goods" includes all chattels personal and "sheriff" includes any officer charged with the execution of a writ or other process.

    Number 33 of 1963: COMPANIES ACT, 1963

  37. #1209354

    c. 1. Eascaire duair. An chaibidil iomlán.

    c. 1.

    Number 27 of 1965: SUCCESSION ACT, 1965

  38. #1284837

    (c) más in Albain a tionscnaíodh na himeachtaí, cóip den eascaire, den toghairm nó den doiciméad tionscnaimh eile, mar aon le cóip den bharántas i gcóir seirbheála agus cóip den lua;

    ( c ) where the proceedings were instituted in Scotland, a copy of the writ, summons or other originating document, together with a copy of the warrant for service and a copy of the citation;

    Number 16 of 1974: MAINTENANCE ORDERS ACT, 1974

  39. #1602939

    Cóip den Eascaire Toghcháin do Dháil-cheantar Bhaile Átha Cliath Thiar Theas agus an Freagra formhuinithe uirthi

    copy of Writ of Election for the Constituency of Dublin South-West and Return endorsed thereon

    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  40. #1604045

    Dáil Éireann. Eascaire do Dháilcheantar na Mí a Chur amach (15 Feabhra 2005).


    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  41. #1604046

    Dáil Éireann. Eascaire do Dháilcheantar Thiobraid Árann Theas a Chur amach (31 Bealtaine, 2001).


    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  42. #1617454

    Eascaire do Dháilcheantar Cheatharlach-Cill Chainnigh a chur amach (29 Aibreán 2015). (D)


    Order of Business (Dáil Éireann/Seanad Éireann)

  43. #2916730

    Is éard is admhálacha fillte fógartha ann (postforkyndelse sa Danmhairgis) litreacha ina bhfuil eascaire nó doiciméad eile atá le seirbheáil ar an bhfaighteoir.

    Proclaim return receipts (postforkyndelse in Danish) are letters containing a writ or other document to be served on the recipient.

    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2388 of 10 August 2022 on the state aid SA.57991 – 2021/C (ex 2021/NN) implemented by Denmark for USO compensation to Post Danmark A/S for 2020 (notified under document C(2022) 5706)

  44. #284571

    1. I gcás nárbh fholáir eascaire toghairme nó doiciméad coibhéiseach a tharchur chuig Ballstát eile chun críche seirbheála faoi fhorálacha an Rialacháin seo agus nár tháinig an cosantóir i láthair, ní thabharfar breithiúnas go dtí go mbeidh sé suite:

    1. Where a writ of summons or an equivalent document has had to be transmitted to another Member State for the purpose of service under the provisions of this Regulation and the defendant has not appeared, judgment shall not be given until it is established that:

    Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13November 2007 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service of documents), and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No1348/2000

  45. #284581

    4. Nuair ba ghá eascaire toghairme nó doiciméad coibhéiseach a tharchur chuig Ballstát eile chun críche seirbheála faoi fhorálacha an Rialacháin seo agus nuair atá breithiúnas taifeadta i gcoinne cosantóir nár láithrigh, beidh de chumhacht ag an mbreitheamh faoiseamh a thabhairt don chosantóir ó éifeachtaí dhul in éag na tréimhse chun achomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinne an bhreithiúnais má chomhlíontar na coinníollacha seo a leanas:

    4. When a writ of summons or an equivalent document has had to be transmitted to another Member State for the purpose of service under the provisions of this Regulation and a judgment has been entered against a defendant who has not appeared, the judge shall have the power to relieve the defendant from the effects of the expiry of the time for appeal from the judgment if the following conditions are fulfilled:

    Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13November 2007 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service of documents), and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No1348/2000

  46. #332825

    Chun críocha an Choinbhinsiúin seo, ciallaíonn ‘breithiúnas’ aon bhreithiúnas arna thabhairt ag cúirt nó binse de chuid Stáit atá faoi cheangal ag an gCoinbhinsiún seo, cibé ainm a thugtar ar an mbreithiúnas, lena n-áirítear foraithne, ordú, breith, nó eascaire fhorghníomhaithe, mar aon le cinneadh ar chostais nó ar chaiteachais ag oifigeach den chúirt.

    For the purposes of this Convention, ‘judgment’ means any judgment given by a court or tribunal of a State bound by this Convention, whatever the judgment may be called, including a decree, order, decision or writ of execution, as well as the determination of costs or expenses by an officer of the court.

    Convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (2007)

  47. #227811

    Aon uair a bheidh foraithne sheilbhe i leith neamhíoc cíosa forghníomhaithe, féadfaidh an Chúirt eascaire aisig a dhámhachtain ar iarratas an chosantóra nó ar iarratas aon duine eile a bhfuil leas sonrach aige nó aici sa chonradh tionóntachta agus, ar an méid atá dlite i leith cíosa, riaráistí cíosa agus costas a íoc leis an ngearánaí nó a thaisceadh leis an gCléireach, laistigh de shé mhí tar éis an fhoraithne a fhor-O.47, r.12 ghníomhú, sa tslí a fhoráiltear le hailt 70 agus 71 den Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act, Ireland, 1860.

    Whenever a decree for possession for non-payment of rent shall have been executed, the Court may award a writ of restitution on the application of the defendant or any other person having a specific interest in the contract of tenancy, and on the payment to the plaintiff or the lodgment with the Clerk of the amount due for rent, arrears of rent and costs within six months after the execution of the decree, in the manner provided by sections 70 and 71 of the Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act, Ireland, 1860.

    S.I. No. 93 of 1997: The District Court Rules

  48. #533230

    ciallaíonn "breithiúnas" aon bhreithiúnas a thugann cúirt nó binse de chuid Ballstáit, cibé ainm a thugtar ar an mbreithiúnas, lena n-áirítear foraithne, ordú, breith nó eascaire ar fhorghníomhú, mar aon le breith ar chostais nó ar chaiteachas arna mbreith ag oifigeach den chúirt.

    "judgment" means any judgment given by a court or tribunal of a Member State, whatever the judgment may be called, including a decree, order, decision or writ of execution, as well as a decision on the determination of costs or expenses by an officer of the court.

    Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters

  49. #1041658

    (3) Beidh ag gach gníomhaire a ceapfar faoin alt seo lán-chumhacht, in ainm agus thar ceann a phríomhaí, páirt a ghlacadh in aon fhiosrúchán nó gníomhú ar aon fhiosrúchán nó aon ghearán, achomharc, caingean, eascaire, agra nó imeacht eile a thabhairt ar aghaidh, nó cur ina choinne, nó é a chosaint nó freastal ar aon chruinniú agus vótáil agus páirt a ghlacadh ann nó aon ghníomh eile a dhéanamh nó d'fhulang chun críocha an Achta seo.

    (3) Every agent appointed under this section shall have full power, in the name and on behalf of his principal, to take part in or act upon any inquiry, or prosecute, oppose or defend any complaint, appeal, action, writ, suit or other proceeding or to attend, vote at and take part in any meeting or do or sugar any other act for the purposes of this Act.

    Number 5 of 1952: FOYLE FISHERIES ACT, 1952

  50. #1171084

    —(1) Nuair a lánscoirfear an Dáil, déanfaidh Cléireach Dháil Éireann, díreach tar éis an Forógra ag lánscor na Dála a eisiúint, eascaire a chur amach chuig gach ceann comhairimh do dháilcheantar á ordú dó toghchán a chur á dhéanamh do líon iomlán na gcomhaltaí den Dáil atá le fónamh sa Dáil don dáilcheantar sin.

    —(1) Where the Dáil is dissolved, the Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall, immediately upon the issue of the Proclamation dissolving the Dáil, issue a writ to each returning officer for a constituency directing him to cause an election to be held of the full number of members of the Dáil to serve in the Dáil for that constituency.

    Number 19 of 1963: ELECTORAL ACT, 1963