
A collection of legal terms extracted from the Rules of the Superior Courts. More information »

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    • Dlí » Gnás agus Nós Imeachta Law » Practice and Procedure


    imeachtaí cúirte a chur siar go dtí tráth sonraithe

    Féadfaidh an Breitheamh, más dóigh leis é a bheith fóirsteanach ar mhaithe leis an gceartas, triail a chur siar nó a chur ar atráth go ceann cibé tréimhse ama, agus ar cibé téarmaí, más ann, is cuí leis.

    The Judge may, if he thinks it expedient for the interests of justice, postpone or adjourn a trial for such time, and upon such terms, if any, as he shall think fit.