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575 results

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · EUROPEAN UNION|European Union law|European treaties · LAW|organisation of the legal system|legal profession
    comhairleoir Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Comment "Ne pas confondre avec conseiller IATE:2204550"
  2. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · ECONOMICS · FINANCE
    an Chomhairle Gnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle: an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Context 'Tá an Chomhairle Gnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais freagrach as beartais an Aontais sna 3 phríomhréimse a leanas: an beartas eacnamaíoch, cúrsaí cánachais agus rialáil na seirbhísí airgeadais.' Reference "'an Chomhairle Eorpach,' [27.5.2020]"
    Comhairle Ecofin Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Language usage Ní theastaíonn ceannlitreacha agus tagairt á déanamh do Chomhairle Ecofin
    Comhairle na nGnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Tugann Comhairle na nGnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais sainordú go rialta don Choiste um Beartas Eacnamaíoch chun measúnú a dhéanamh ar inbhuanaitheacht fhadtéarmach agus ar cháilíocht an airgeadais phoiblí ar bhonn réamh-mheastachán daonra a chuireann Eurostat ar fáil.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1260/2013 maidir le staidreamh déimeagrafach Eorpach, CELEX:32013R1260/GA"
    Definition "foirmíocht de chuid na Comhairle [IATE:918143 ] a bhfuil freagracht uirthi ""as beartais an Aontais sna 3 phríomhréimse a leanas: an beartas eacnamaíoch, cúrsaí cánachais agus rialáil na seirbhísí airgeadais""" Reference Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar shuíomh greásáin na Comhairle
    Rat (Wirtschaft und Finanzen) | ECOFIN-Rat | Rat (ECOFIN) | Rat ECOFIN
    Definition Ratsformation, der die Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister der Mitgliedstaaten bzw., wenn Haushaltsfragen erörtert werden, die für den Haushalt zuständigen Minister angehören Reference "siehe Internetseite des Rates [25.02.13]"
    Comment UPD: CHO, 25.02.13
    Economic and Financial Affairs Council | financial questions | budget council | Ecofin Council | Ecofin
    Definition "Council configuration [ IATE:918143 ] composed of the economic and finance ministers of the Member States, as well as budget ministers when budgetary issues are discussed" Reference "Council-EN, based on:- Council's Rules of Procedure, Annex I CELEX:32006D0683/EN - Economic and Financial Affairs Council configuration (Ecofin), Council website, [26.8.2015]"
    Comment Covers EU policy in a number of areas including: economic policy coordination, economic surveillance, monitoring of Member States' budgetary policy and public finances, the euro (legal, practical and international aspects), financial markets and capital movements and economic relations with third countries. Also prepares and adopts, together with the European Parliament, the annual budget of the European Union.
    "Conseil ""Affaires économiques et financières""" | Conseil Ecofin | Conseil Questions économiques et financières
    Definition formation du Conseil qui réunit une fois par mois les ministres de l'économie et des finances des États membres, ainsi que les ministres compétents en matière de budget lorsque des questions budgétaires sont à l'ordre du jour Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après le site du Conseil, [6.7.2017]"
    Comment "Voir aussi affaires économiques et financières [IATE:796308 ] pour un sens plus large"
  3. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|cooperation policy · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|defence · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|European Union
    an Chomhairle um Ghnóthaí Ginearálta agus um Chaidreamh Eachtrach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    CGGCE Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Allgemeine Angelegenheiten und Außenbeziehungen) | Aussenbeziehungen | RAA | GAERC AGEX CAGRE
    Comment "durch den Vertrag von Lissabon wieder aufgeteilt in die beiden getrennten Formationen Rat (Allgemeine Angelegenheiten) IATE:3511174 und Rat (Auswärtige Angelegenheiten) IATE:933662 ; DIV: aka 21.12.09"
    General Affairs and External Relations Council | GAERC | GAEC
    Definition A former Council configuration.It covered the following two main areas of activity, for which it held separate meetings, dealing respectively with:(a) preparation for and follow-up to the European Council meetings, including the necessary coordination of all preparatory work, overall coordination of policies, institutional and administrative questions, horizontal dossiers which affected several of the European Union's policies and any dossier entrusted to it by the European Council, having regard to operating rules for the Economic and Monetary Union;(b) the whole of the European Union's external action, namely common foreign and security policy, European security and defence policy, foreign trade, development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Reference "Council's Rules of Procedure, Art. 2(2) and Annex I CELEX:32006D0683"
    Comment "No longer exists under the Treaty of Lisbon. See IATE:3511174 for General Affairs Council and IATE:933662 for Foreign Affairs Council."
    "Conseil ""Affaires générales et relations extérieures""" | CAGRE | CAGEX
    Definition Formation du Conseil consacrant des réunions distinctes aux affaires générales et aux relations extérieures (y inclus la PESD et la coopération au développement). Reference ---
    Comment "Depuis l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne, cette formation n'existe plus. Elle est remplacée parle Conseil des affaires générales [ IATE:3511174 ] et le Conseil des affaires étrangères [ IATE:933662 ]"
  4. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries
    an Chomhairle Talmhaíochta agus Iascaigh Reference "Suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    Context """Tagann Airí ó gach Ballstát an Aontais Eorpaigh le chéile sa Chomhairle Talmhaíochta agus Iascaigh""" Reference "Suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    an Chomhairle um Thalmhaíocht agus um Iascach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Le linn na gcruinnithe a bhí aici an 17 Samhain 2003 agus an 30 Bealtaine 2005, thug an Chomhairle um Thalmhaíocht agus um Iascach chun suntais freisin gur gá rialacha a ghlacadh a luaithe is féidir maidir leis an trádáil i bhfionnadh cat agus i bhfionnadh madraí agus i dtáirgí a bhfuil fionnadh den sórt sin iontu.' Reference "Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1523/2007 lena dtoirmisctear fionnadh cat agus fionnadh madraí agus táirgí a bhfuil fionnadh den sórt sin iontu a chur ar an margadh agus a allmhairiú isteach sa Chomhphobal nó a onnmhairiú amach as, CELEX:32007R1523/GA"
    Definition "foirmíocht de chuid na Comhairle (IATE:918143 ) a bhfuil freagracht uirthi as reachtaíocht a ghlacadh i roinnt réimsí a bhaineann le táirgeadh bia, forbairt na tuaithe agus bainistiú na n-iascach" Reference Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar shuíomh gréasáin na Comhairle
    Rat (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) | Agripeche Agrarrat
    Agriculture and Fisheries Council | Agrifisheries | AGRIFISH Council | AGRIFISH
    Definition One of the Council's configurations. It brings together once a month the Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries and the European Commissioners responsible for agriculture and rural development, fisheries and maritime affairs, as well as consumer health and protection. The content of the agricultural and fisheries policies essentially involves regulation of the markets, organising production and establishing the resources available, improving horizontal agricultural structures and rural development. Reference "Council's Rules of Procedure, annex I CELEX:32006D0683 ; Council website: Agriculture and Fisheries Council"
    Comment "See also ""Council configuration"" IATE:918143 ."
    "Conseil ""Agriculture et pêche""" | Conseil AGRIPECHE | AGRIPECHE
    Definition formation du Conseil qui réunit une fois par mois les ministres de l'agriculture et de la pêche, ainsi que le membre de la Commission européenne chargé de l'agriculture et du développement rural ou des affaires maritimes et de la pêche. Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après le site du Conseil,"
  5. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|competition · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|research and intellectual property|research · INDUSTRY|industrial structures and policy
    an Chomhairle Iomaíochais (an Margadh Inmheánach, an Tionsclaíocht, an Taighde agus an Spás) Reference suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle
    Context """Oibríonn an Chomhairle Iomaíochais chun feabhas a chur ar an iomaíochas agus chun cur leis an bhfás san Aontas Eorpach. Bíonn sí ag plé le ceithre ollréimse beartas: an margadh inmheánach, an tionsclaíocht, an taighde agus an nuálaíocht, agus an spás.""" Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    an Chomhairle Iomaíochais Reference ""
    Comhairle COMPET Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Language usage Doic inmheánacha de chuid na Comhairle amháin
    an Chomhairle Iomaíochais (Margadh Inmheánach, Tionsclaíocht agus Taighde) Reference Comhairle-GA
    Definition "foirmíocht de chuid Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh (IATE:91843 ) a oibríonn chun feabhas a chur ar an iomaíochas agus chun cur leis an bhfás san Aontas Eorpach. Bíonn sí ag plé le ceithre ollréimse beartas: an margadh inmheánach, an tionsclaíocht, an taighde agus an nuálaíocht, agus an spás." Reference suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle
    Rat (Wettbewerbsfähigkeit (Binnenmarkt, Industrie, Forschung und Raumfahrt)) | Wettbewerbsrat | Rat (Wettbewerbsfähigkeit (Binnenmarkt, Industrie und Forschung))
    Competitiveness Council (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space) | COMPET Council | COCOM | Competitiveness Council (Internal Market, Industry and Research)
    Definition configuration of the Council of the European Union which, depending on the items on the agenda, is composed of European Affairs Ministers, Industry Ministers, Research Ministers, etc. Reference "Decision of the Council ( General Affairs ) of 1 December 2009 establishing the list of Council configurations in addition to those referred to in the second and third subparagraphs of Article 16(6) of the Treaty on European Union (2009/878/EU) [consolidated version 13.01.2015]"
    Comment "Following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Council added ""Space"" to this Council configuration in September 2010. The configuration also includes tourism.See also ""Council configuration"" IATE:918143 ."
    "Conseil ""Compétitivité"" (marché intérieur, industrie, recherche et espace)" | "Conseil ""Compétitivité""" | "Conseil ""Compétitivité"" (marché intérieur, industrie et recherche)"
    Definition formation du Conseil qui réunit au moins quatre fois par an (en fonction des points inscrits à l'ordre du jour) l les ministres de tous les États membres chargés du commerce, de l'économie, de l'industrie, de la recherche et de l'innovation, et de l'espace, de même que les membres de la Commission européenne compétents Reference "site du Conseil, Le Conseil de l'UE, Formations du Conseil, Conseil ""Compétitivité"" (4.6.2019)"
    Comment "Afin de refléter les modifications apportées par le traité de Lisbonne aux traités précédents, le Conseil européen a décidé de modifier le nom de la formation ""compétitivité"" en vue d'y incorporer la politique spatiale."
  6. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|culture and religion
    Comhairle um Chultúr Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Kultur)
    Culture Council
    Definition "An old Council configuration, now incorporated into the EYC Council IATE:928350 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Culture"""
    Comment "Désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Education, jeunesse et culture"" [IATE:928350 ]."
  7. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|cooperation policy · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution
    an Chomhairle Forbraíochta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Entwicklung)
    Development Council
    Definition "An old configuration of the Council, now incorporated into the General Affairs and External Relations Council IATE:928344 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Développement"""
    Comment "Désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Affaires générales et relations extérieures"" [IATE:928344 ]."
  8. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|education
    an Chomhairle um Oideachas agus Gnóthaí Óige Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Bildung und Jugend)
    Education and Youth Affairs Council
    Definition "An old configuration of the Council, now integrated in the Education, Youth and Culture Council IATE:928350 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Education et jeunesse"""
    Comment "Désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Education, jeunesse et culture"" [IATE:928350 ]."
  9. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|culture and religion · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|education
    an Chomhairle um Oideachas, Cultúr agus an Óige Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    an Chomhairle Oideachais, Óige, Cultúir agus Spóirt Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    Context """Bíonn dlúthbhaint ag an gComhairle Oideachais, Óige, Cultúir agus Spóirt freisin le faireachán a dhéanamh ar an dul chun cinn a dhéantar faoi ghné an oideachais agus faoi ghné na hóige den straitéis Eoraip 2020...""" Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    Comhairle EYCS Reference Comhairle-GA
    Definition "foirmíocht de chuid na Comhairle (IATE:918143 ) arb é an ról atá aici creat a chur ar fáil don chomhar idir na Ballstáit i réimsí an oideachais, na hóige, an chultúir agus an spóirt" Reference Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar shuíomh gréasáin na Comhairle
    Rat (Bildung, Jugend, Kultur und Sport) | Rat (Bildung, Jugend und Kultur)
    Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council | EYCS Council | Education, Youth and Culture Council | EYC Council
    Definition One of the Council's configurations, in which education, culture, youth and communication Ministers meet around three or four times a year. Reference "Council website: (23.09.2010)"
    Comment "Following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Council added ""Sport"" to this Council configuration in September 2010. The configuration also includes audiovisual affairs.See also ""Council configuration"" IATE:918143 ."
    "Conseil ""Éducation, jeunesse, culture et sport""" | Conseil Éducation, jeunesse, culture et audiovisuel | Conseil EJCS | "Conseil ""Éducation, jeunesse et culture""" | Conseil EJC
    Definition formation du Conseil qui réunit environ trois ou quatre fois par an les ministres de l'éducation, de la culture, de la jeunesse et de la communication Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après le site web du Conseil, [25.5.2018]"
    Comment "y inclus l'audiovisuelAfin de refléter les modifications apportées par le traité de Lisbonne aux traités précédents, le Conseil européen a décidé de modifier le nom de la formation ""éducation, jeunesse et culture"" en vue d'y incorporer la politique du sport."
  10. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|social affairs · EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS|employment
    an Chomhairle um Fhostaíocht agus um Beartas Sóisialta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Beschäftigung und Sozialpolitik)
    Employment and Social Policy Council | ESP Council | Labour and Social Affairs
    Definition "An old configuration of the Council, now incorporated into the EPSCO Council IATE:928346 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Emploi et politique sociale""" | Conseil EPS | Travail et Affaires sociales
    Comment "Désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs"" [IATE:928346 ]."
  11. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · TRADE|consumption · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|social affairs · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health
    Comhairle EPSCO Reference Comhairle-GA
    an Chomhairle Fostaíochta, Beartais Shóisialta, Sláinte agus Gnóthaí Tomhaltóirí Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    Context """Tagann na hAirí atá freagrach as an mbeartas fostaíochta, gnóthaí sóisialta, sláinte agus tomhaltóirí ó Bhallstáit uile an Aontais le chéile le haghaidh na Comhairle Fostaíochta, Beartais Shóisialta, Sláinte agus Gnóthaí Tomhaltóirí.""" Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    Definition "foirmíocht de chuid na Comhairle (IATE:918143 ) a oibríonn ""chun na leibhéil fostaíochta a ardú agus chun feabhas a chur ar dhálaí maireachtála agus oibre, ar mhaithe le hardleibhéal sláinte dhaonna agus cosanta do thomhaltóirí a áirithiú san Aontas Eorpach""" Reference Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar shuíomh gréasáin na Comhairle
    Rat (Beschäftigung, Sozialpolitik, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz) | (EPSCO) EPSCO
    Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council | Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumers Council | EPSCO Council
    Definition one of the Council's configurations, composed of employment, social protection, consumer protection, health and equal opportunities ministers, who meet around four times a year Reference "Council's Rules of Procedure, Annex I CELEX:32006D0683 ;Council website: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council"
    Comment "See also ""Council configuration"" IATE:918143 ."
    "Conseil ""Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs""" | Conseil EPSCO
    Definition formation du Conseil qui réunit environ quatre fois par an les ministres de l'emploi, de la protection sociale, de la protection des consommateurs, de la santé et de l'égalité des chances Reference "site du Conseil,,-social-policy,-health-and-consumer-affairs?lang=fr"
  12. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · ENVIRONMENT
    an Chomhairle Comhshaoil Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context """Tá an Chomhairle Comhshaoil freagrach as beartas an Aontais Eorpaigh i réimse an chomhshaoil, agus cosaint an chomhshaoil, úsáid stuama acmhainní agus cosaint shláinte an duine san áireamh. Is cuid dá cúram iad freisin ceisteanna idirnáisiúnta comhshaoil, go mórmhór i réimse athrú na haeráide""" Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    Definition "foirmíocht de chuid na Comhairle [IATE:918143 ] a bhfuil freagracht uirthi ""as beartas an Aontais Eorpaigh i réimse an chomhshaoil" Reference "Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar shuíomh greásáin na Comhairle:"
    Rat (Umwelt)
    Environment Council | ENV
    Definition one of the Council's configurations, composed of environment ministers who meet about four times a year Reference "Council's Rules of Procedure, Annex I CELEX:32006D0683 ;Council website: Environment Council"
    Comment "See also ""Council configuration"" IATE:918143"
    "Conseil ""Environnement""" | Conseil ENV
    Definition formation du Conseil de l'Union européenne qui réunit environ quatre fois par an les ministres de l'environnement des États membres de l'UE Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après:- Décision du Conseil du 15 septembre 2006 portant adoption de son règlement intérieur (2006/683/CE, Euratom), version consolidée du 1.1.2009- site du Conseil de l'UE, Accueil > À propos des institutions > Le Conseil de l'UE > Formations du Conseil > Environnement (17.1.2022)"
  13. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · ENERGY · INDUSTRY|industrial structures and policy
    an Chomhairle Tionscail agus Fuinnimh Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Industrie und Energie)
    Industry and Energy Council
    Definition "An old Council configuration, now incorporated into the Competitiveness Council IATE:928347 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Industrie et énergie"""
    Comment "Industrie désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Compétitivité"" (marché intérieur, industrie et recherche) [IATE:928347 ]; énergie dans le Conseil ""Transports, télécommunications et énergie"" [IATE:928348 ]"
  14. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|European Union
    an Chomhairle Ceartais agus Gnóthaí Baile Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    Context """Is iad na hAirí Ceartais agus Gnóthaí Baile ó Bhallstáit uile an Aontais Eorpaigh atá sa Chomhairle Ceartais agus Gnóthaí Baile.""" Reference "suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle:"
    an Chomhairle CGB Reference Comhairle-GA
    Definition "foirmíocht de chuid na Comhairle (IATE:918143 ) a fhorbraíonn comhar agus comhbheartais i réimsí éagsúla trasteorann, agus é de chuspóir aici limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais ar fud an Aontais a bhunú" Reference Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar shuíomh gréasáin na Comhairle
    Rat (Justiz und Inneres) | JI | (JI)
    Justice and Home Affairs Council | JHA Council
    Definition one of the Council's configurations, bringing together Justice ministers and Interior ministers about once every two months Reference "- Council's Rules of Procedure, Annex I CELEX:32006D0683 - Council website: Justice and Home Affairs Council, Council of the EU > Configurations > Justice and Home Affairs Council configuration (JHA), [20.1.2016]"
    Comment "MISC: Including civil protection See also ""Council configuration"" IATE:918143 and ""JHA"" IATE:877981 ."
    "Conseil ""Justice et affaires intérieures""" | Conseil JAI
    Definition formation du Conseil de l'UE qui réunit environ tous les deux mois les ministres de la justice et les ministres de l'intérieur en vue de discuter du développement et de la mise en œuvre des actions de coopération et des politiques communes dans ce domaine Reference "cf. site du Conseil,"
    Comment y compris la protection civile
  15. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution
    Comhairle um Cheartas, um Ghnóthaí Baile agus um Chosaint Shibhialta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Justiz, Inneres und Katastrophenschutz)
    Justice, Home Affairs and Civil Protection Council
    Definition "Old Council configuration, now called simply ""Justice and Home Affairs Council"" IATE:933996 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    Comment "Replaced by the ""Justice and Home Affairs Council"" [IATE:933996 ]"
    "Conseil ""Justice, affaires intérieures et protection civile"""
    Comment "a été remplacé par le Conseil ""Justice et affaires intérieures"" [IATE:933996 ]"
  16. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · EUROPEAN UNION|European Union law|EU law · TRADE|consumption · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|social affairs|leisure
    Comhairle um an Margadh Inmheánach, um Ghnóthaí Tomhaltóirí agus um Thurasóireacht Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Binnenmarkt, Verbraucherfragen und Tourismus)
    Internal Market, Consumer Affairs and Tourism Council | IMCT Council | IMC
    Definition "An old Council configuration, now part of the Competitiveness Council IATE:928347 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Marché intérieur, consommateurs et tourisme""" | Conseil MICT
    Comment "marché intérieur et tourisme désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Compétitivité"" (marché intérieur, industrie et recherche) [IATE:928347 ]; consommateurs dans le Conseil ""Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs"" [IATE:928346 ]"
  17. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries
    an Chomhairle um Iascach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Fischerei)
    Fisheries Council
    Definition "An old configuration of the Council, now incorporated into the Agriculture and Fisheries Council IATE:928349 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Pêche"""
    Comment "a été emplacé par le Conseil ""Agriculture et pêche"" [IATE:796310 ]"
  18. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH|research and intellectual property|research
    an Chomhairle Taighde Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Forschung)
    Research Council
    Definition "An old Council configuration, now incorporated into the Competitiveness Council IATE:928347 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Recherche"""
    Comment "Désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Compétitivité"" (marché intérieur, industrie et recherche) [IATE:928347 ]"
  19. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|communications|communications systems · TRANSPORT
    an Chomhairle Iompair agus Teileachumarsáide Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rat (Verkehr und Telekommunikation)
    Transport and Telecommunications Council
    Definition "An old Council configuration, now part of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council IATE:928348 ." Reference COUNCIL-EN
    "Conseil ""Transport et télécommunications"""
    Comment "Désormais inclus dans le Conseil ""Transports, télécommunications et énergie"" [IATE:928348 ]"