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6 results

  1. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · ENVIRONMENT|natural environment|natural resources · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries
    an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIascaireacht agus Caomhnú Beo-acmhainní i Muir Bhailt agus sna Beilteanna Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Coinbhinsiún Gdansk Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Konvention über die Fischerei und den Schutz der lebenden Ressourcen in der Ostsee und den Belten | Danziger Konvention
    Comment "XREF: Geändert durch das Protokoll vom 11.11.1982.;MISC: Gdansk, 13.09.1973. Die EG ist mit Beschluss vom 20. Dezember 2004 aus der Konvention ausgetreten CELEX:32004D0890/de"
    Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts | Gdansk Convention
    Comment "The European Community withdrew from the Convention in 2004 - see Council Decision 2004/890/EC on the withdrawal by the European Community from the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and Belts, CELEX:32004D0890"
    Convention sur la pêche et la conservation des ressources vivantes dans la mer Baltique et les Belts | Convention de Gdansk
    Comment "Signature: 1973.09.13 Gdansk La CE s'est retirée de cette convention. Cf. Décision 2004/890/CE: CELEX:32004D0890/FR XREF: Convention d'Helsinki"
  2. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|social affairs · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries
    an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cóiríocht ar Bord Soithí Iascaireachta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Übereinkommen über die Quartierräume von Fischereifahrzeugen
    Comment CONTEXT: Kontext: Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (IAO).;MISC: Genf, 21.06.1966.
    Convention concerning Accommodation on board Fishing Vessels | Accommodation of Crews (Fishermen) Convention, 1966
    Comment Date of adoption:21:06:1966; Date of coming into force: 06:11:1968 - C126
    Convention concernant le logement à bord des bateaux de pêche | Convention sur le logement à bord des bateaux de pêche, 1966
    Comment MISC: Signature: 1966.06.21 Genève - ILO-126
  3. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|EU relations · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries
    an Coinbhinsiún um Stiúradh Oibríochtaí Iascaireachta san Atlantach Thuaidh Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Übereinkommen über das Verhalten beim Fischfang im Nordatlantik
    Comment MISC: London, 01.06.1967.
    Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
    Convention sur l'exercice de la pêche dans l'Atlantique Nord
    Comment MISC: Signature: 1967.06.01 London
  4. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · ENVIRONMENT|natural environment|natural resources · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries
    an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIascaireacht agus Caomhnú Beo-acmhainní na Mórmhara Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Übereinkommen über die Fischerei und die Erhaltung der lebenden Schätze der Hohen See
    Comment MISC: Genf, 29.04.1958.
    Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas
    Convention sur la pêche et la conservation des ressources biologiques de la haute mer
    Comment Signature: le le 29.4.1958 à Genève. Entrée en vigueur: le 20.3.1966.
  5. INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS|United Nations|UN specialised agency|International Maritime Organisation · EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS|employment|vocational training|in-service training · TRANSPORT|organisation of transport|organisation of transport|transport staff|crew · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international instrument|international convention · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries|fisheries structure|fishing fleet|fishing vessel · TRANSPORT|transport policy|transport policy|transport safety|maritime safety · EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS|employment|employment policy|EU employment policy|recognition of vocational training qualifications
    an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Caighdeáin Oiliúna, Deimhniúcháin agus Faire do Phearsanra Soithí Iascaireachta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    STCW-F Reference "An Chomhairle Iompair, Teileachumarsáide agus Fuinnimh, 3 Nollaig 2014,' Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh, an Chomhairle Eorpach, [25.8.2023] Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Internationales Übereinkommen über Normen für die Ausbildung, die Erteilung von Befähigungszeugnissen und den Wachdienst für Personal an Bord von Fischereifahrzeugen | STCW-F
    International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel | STCW-F | International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel, of the International Maritime Organization
    Definition binding treaty that sets certification and minimum training requirements for crews of seagoing fishing vessels with the aim to promote the safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment, taking into account the unique nature of the fishing industry and the fishing working environment Reference "International Maritime Organization > Our Work > Human Element > International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel (STCW-F), 1995 (20.3.2023)"
    Comment This Convention generally applies to personnel of seagoing fishing vessels and, in particular, to skippers and officers in the deck department of fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over, and officers in the engine department of fishing vessels of powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more.Adoption: 7 July 1995; Entry into force: 29 September 2012
    convention internationale sur les normes de formation du personnel des navires de pêche, de délivrance des brevets et de veille | STCW-F
    Definition "instrument contraignant de l'Organisation maritime internationale établissant des exigences en matière de certification et de formation de base pour le personnel des navires de pêche aux fins de la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer et de la protection du milieu marin" Reference "COM-FR, d'après:- Site de l'Organisation maritime internationale > Qui nous sommes > Conventions > Convention internationale sur les normes de formation du personnel des navires de pêche, de délivrance des brevets et de veille (STCW-F) (20.4.2023)- International Maritime Organization > Our Work > Human Element > International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel (STCW-F), 1995 (20.4.2023)"
    Comment Adoptée le 7 juillet 1995 et entrée en vigueur le 29 septembre 2012.
  6. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international agreement · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|fisheries
    Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhdháil d'Ionadaithe na Stát ar Páirtithe iad sa Choinbhinsiún um Iascaireacht agus Caomhnú Beo-Acmhainní i Muir Bhailt agus sna Beilteanna Danmhargacha Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Protokoll über die Konferenz der Vertreter der vertragschliessenden Staaten der Konvention über die Fischerei und den Schutz der lebenden Ressourcen in der Ostsee und den Belten
    Comment MISC: Warschau, 11.11.1982.
    Protocol to the Conference of the Representatives of the States Parties to the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
    Comment MISC: Warsaw, 11.11.1982.
    Protocole de la conférence des représentants des Etats parties à la Convention sur la pêche et la conservation des ressources vivantes de la mer Baltique et des Belts