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4 results

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|European Parliament · POLITICS|parliament|composition of parliament|political group
    An Grúpa do Choimeádaigh agus Leasaitheoirí na hEorpa Reference EP reference database Codict
    ECR Reference EP reference database Codict
    Fraktion der Europäischen Konservativen und Reformer | EKR
    European Conservatives and Reformists Group | ECR
    Groupe des Conservateurs et Réformistes européens | ECR
  2. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|pharmaceutical industry
    triail randamaithe faoi riail Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    randomisierte kontrollierte klinische Studie | Stichprobenversuch
    randomised controlled trial | randomized controlled trial | RCT
    Definition "clinical study1 in which a group of patients is allocated at random into an experimental group and a control group1clinical study [ IATE:3543172 ]" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:MedicineNet > randomized controlled trial definition, (7.8.2009) & Bandolier. Randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT), [10.2.2016]"
    Comment "One of these interventions is the standard of comparison or control. The control may be a standard practice, a placebo (""sugar pill""), or no intervention at all. Someone who takes part in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) is called a participant or subject. RCTs seek to measure and compare the outcomes after the participants receive the interventions. Because the outcomes are measured, RCTs are quantitative studies.'Randomised controlled trial' can be used for the control of the efficacy of a new drug but the term is mostly used for the control of the efficacy of a preventative measure.The terms ""RCT"" and randomised trial1 are sometimes used synonymously, but the methodologically sound practice is to reserve the ""RCT"" name only for trials that contain control groups, in which groups receiving the experimental treatment are compared with control groups receiving no treatment (a placebo-controlled study) or a previously tested treatment (a positive-control study). 1randomised trial [ IATE:1221271 ]"
    essai contrôlé randomisé | ECR
  3. EUROPEAN UNION · TRANSPORT|air and space transport
    taisclann lárnach faisnéise ar tharluithe san eitlíocht shibhialta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Aithnítear go bhféadfadh rannpháirtíocht EASA agus rannpháirtíocht údaráis inniúla na mBallstát i malartú agus in anailísiú faisnéise a chumhdaítear faoi Threoir 2003/42/CE a bheith chun tairbhe d’imscrúduithe sábháilteachta trí rochtain ar-líne ar an bhfaisnéis ábhartha a bhaineann le sábháilteacht agus atá sa taisclann lárnach faisnéise ar tharluithe san eitlíocht shibhialta.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 996/2010 maidir le tionóiscí agus teagmhais eitlíochta sibhialta a imscrúdú agus a chosc agus lena n-aisghairtear Treoir 94/56/CE, CELEX:32010R0996/GA"
    Zentralspeicher für Informationen über Ereignisse in der Zivilluftfahrt | Europäischer Zentralspeicher | ECR
    Definition von der Kommission verwalteter Speicher, in dem alle von den Mitgliedstaaten erfassten Ereignisse in der Zivilluftfahrtzusammengeführt werden Reference "KOM-Vorschlag für eine VO über die Meldung von Ereignissen in der Zivilluftfahrt, COM(2012)776 endg CELEX:52012PC0776/DE"
    Comment "wurde mit der VO 1321/2007 zur Festlegung von Durchführungsbestimmungen für die Zusammenführung der gemäß der RL 2003/42/EG ausgetauschten Informationen über Ereignisse in der Zivilluftfahrt in einem Zentralspeicher (ABl. L_294/2007, S.3 CELEX:32007R1321/DE ) geschaffen"
    European Central Repository | ECR | European Central Repository of information on civil aviation occurrences | central repository of information on civil aviation occurrences
    Definition repository of information on civil aviation occurrences set up at the European level in order to aggregate data Reference "based on: European Commission [24.02.2016]"
    Comment "Established by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1321/2007 laying down implementing rules for the integration into a central repository of information on civil aviation occurrences exchanged in accordance with Directive 2003/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council CELEX:32007R1321/EN ."