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4 results

  1. ECONOMICS · FINANCE · FINANCE|free movement of capital|financial market · BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|business organisation
    tairgeoir Reference "'Tuarascáil Bhliantúil an Rialtóra Airgeadais 2006', an Rialtóir Airgeadais, [10.1.2017] ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Anbieter | Bieter
    Comment Term defined --
    offeror | offerer
    Definition any natural or legal person governed by public or private law making a takeover bid Reference "Council-CENTERM, based on Directive 2004/25/EC on takeover bids, Article 2(c), CELEX:32004L0025"
    Comment "Not to be confused with offeror in the sense of securities offeror IATE:3573004"
    offrant | initiateur | initiateur de l'offre
    Definition toute personne physique ou morale, de droit public ou privé, qui fait une offre Reference "Directive 2004/25/CE concernant les offres publiques d'acquisition, art. 2, point c), CELEX:32004L0025/FR [11.12.2017]"
    Comment "Voir IATE:offre publique d'achat; UPDATED: nen 20/06/2003"
  2. FINANCE|free movement of capital
    tairgeoir urrús Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    tairgeoir Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'I gcás ina bhfuil urrúis ráthaithe ag Ballstát, beidh eisitheoir, tairgeoir nó duine atá ag iarraidh go ligfí urrúis isteach chun a dtrádála ar mhargadh rialáilte, le linn dó réamheolaire a tharraingt suas i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 4, i dteideal faisnéis a bhaineann leis an mBallstát sin a fhágáil ar lár.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2017/1129 maidir leis an réamheolaire atá le foilsiú nuair a thairgtear urrúis don phobal nó nuair a ligtear isteach iad chun a dtrádála ar mhargadh rialáilte, agus lena n-aisghairtear Treoir 2003/71/CE."
    Anbieter von Wertpapieren | Anbieter
    Definition "eine Rechtspersönlichkeit oder natürliche Person, die Wertpapiere ( IATE:754316 ) öffentlich anbietet" Reference "Verordnung (EU) 2017/1129 über den Prospekt, der beim öffentlichen Angebot von Wertpapieren oder bei deren Zulassung zum Handel an einem geregelten Markt zu veröffentlichen ist und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 2003/71/EG, Art.2 Buchst.i CELEX:32017R1129/DE"
    offeror of securities | offeror | securities offeror | person making an offer
    Definition "legal entity or individual which offers securities to the public" Reference "Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market, art. 2(i) (definitions) CELEX:32017R1129/EN"
    Comment "Not to be confused with offeror when it denotes a natural or legal person making a takeover bid.Also not to be confused with 'issuer', which is the entity which initially issued the securities to finance its operations. 'Offerors' sell securities which they themselves did not issue; they may, for example, be financial intermediaries which have been authorised to offer an issuer's securities to the public. For the purposes of the Prospectus Regulation, one entity may be both an issuer and an offeror."
    offreur de valeurs mobilières | offreur
    Definition personne morale ou physique qui offre des valeurs mobilières au public Reference "Règlement (UE) 2017/1129 concernant le prospectus à publier en cas d’offre au public de valeurs mobilières ou en vue de l’admission de valeurs mobilières à la négociation sur un marché réglementé, et abrogeant la directive 2003/71/CE, art. 2, point i), CELEX:32017R1129/FR [11.12.2017]"
    Comment "Voir IATE:754316 ""valeur mobilière"""