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24 results

  1. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|epidemic
    an Plean Gníomhaíochta ERAvsCorona Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Sheol an Coimisiún Eorpach agus roinnt comhpháirtithe Ardán Sonraí Eorpach maidir le COVID-19 le gurbh fhéidir sonraí taighde atá ar fáil a bhailiú agus a chomhroinnt go tapa. Tá an t-ardán ina chuid den Phlean Gníomhaíochta ERAvsCorona agus is cloch mhíle eile é sna hiarrachtaí atá ar bun ag an Aontas chun tacú le taighdeoirí san Eoraip agus ar fud an domhain sa chomhrac i gcoinne na ráige den choróinvíreas.' Reference "'An Coimisiún Eorpach,' [30.9.2020]"
    Aktionsplan ERAvsCorona
    ERAvsCorona Action Plan
    Definition action plan covering 10 priority short-term actions based on close coordination, cooperation, data sharing and joint funding efforts between the European Commission and Member States to help researchers and EU Member States succeed in their fight against the coronavirus pandemic Reference "COM-EN, based on:Coronavirus: Commission launches data sharing platform for researchers (21.4.2020). European Commission press release IP/20/680. 20 April 2020."
    plan d'action de l'espace européen de la recherche contre le coronavirus | plan d’action ERAvsCorona
  2. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|medical science|epidemiology|disease vector
    géarshiondróm trom riospráide, coróinvíreas 2 Reference "Togra le haghaidh Cinneadh maidir leis an gCorrlach Teagmhais a shlógadh in 2020 chun cabhair éigeandála a sholáthar do na Ballstáit agus breis treisithe a dhéanamh ar an Sásra Aontais um Chosaint Shibhialta/rescEU mar fhreagairt ar an ráig COVID-19"
    Context 'I dtaca leis an ngéarshiondróm trom riospráide, coróinvíreas 2 (SARS-CoV-2), agus i dtaca leis an ngalar a bhaineann leis (COVID-19), tuairiscíonn an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Sláinte (EDS), agus an tuairisc sin arna bunú ar na saintréithe a bhaineann leo, gur éigeandáil sláinte poiblí arb ábhar imní 9 ar leibhéal idirnáisiúnta agus paindéim dhomhanda 10 iad, faoi seach.' Reference "Togra le haghaidh Cinneadh maidir leis an gCorrlach Teagmhais a shlógadh in 2020 chun cabhair éigeandála a sholáthar do na Ballstáit agus breis treisithe a dhéanamh ar an Sásra Aontais um Chosaint Shibhialta/rescEU mar fhreagairt ar an ráig COVID-19"
    géarshiondróm trom riospráide choróinvíreas 2 Reference Comhairle-GA
    coróinvíreas nua Reference "Suíomh gréasáin na Comhairle (13.3.2020)"
    Context """Dhearbhaigh an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Sláinte an Coróinvíreas nua (2019-nCoV) mar éigeandáil sláinte poiblí lena mbaineann ábhar imní idirnáisiúnta.""" Reference "Preasráiteas ó Rialtas na hÉireann (13.3.2020)"
    coróinvíreas nua 2019 Reference Comhairle-GA
    schweres akutes Atemwegssyndrom Coronavirus 2 | SARS-CoV-2 | Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 | Virus, das COVID-19 verursacht | neuartiges Coronavirus | 2019-nCoV | Covid-19
    Definition "zu der gleichen Gruppe Coronaviren wie das SARS-Coronavirus IATE:389626 und das MERS-Coronavirus IATE:3549541 (ß-Coronaviren) gehörendes neuartiges Virus, das wie andere Erreger von Atemwegserkrankungen zu Krankheitszeichen wie Husten, Schnupfen, Halskratzen und Fieber führen und bei einem Teil der Patienten mit einem schwereren Verlauf einhergehen und zu Atemproblemen und Lungenentzündung führen kann" Reference "Council-DE nach Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - > Informationen zum neuartigen Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (10.3.2020)"
    Comment Man nimmt an, dass der Vorläufer des SARS-CoV-2 von Wildtieren stammt. Derzeit wird davon ausgegangen, dass sich die ersten Patienten Anfang Dezember auf einem Markt in Wuhan angesteckt haben, der am 01.01.2020 geschlossen wurde.
    severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 | SARS-CoV-2 | virus responsible for COVID-19 | COVID-19 virus | 2019 novel coronavirus | 2019-nCoV | novel coronavirus | Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus | COVID-19 coronavirus
    Definition "virus in the coronavirus family, first reported from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China on 31 December 2019, which does not match any other known virus, and which causes COVID-19" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination and COM-EN, based on:World Health Organization (WHO). 'Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)' (10.2.2020)"
    Comment It was identified by the Chinese authorities on 7.1.2020
    coronavirus du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère 2 | SARS-CoV-2 | nouveau coronavirus 2019 | 2019-nCoV | nouveau coronavirus (2019-nCoV) | SRAS-CoV-2 | coronavirus de Wuhan
    Definition "nouveau coronavirus proche du virus du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS) et du virus du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS), qui a été découvert fin décembre dans la ville de Wuhan, province de Hubei en Chine" Reference "Vidal, Site des professionnels de santé, Coronavirus 2019-nCoV : le point sur la situation en France et dans le monde (11.2.2020)"
    Comment "COVID-19 est le nom choisi en février 2020 par l'OMS pour désigner la maladie causée par ce virus. Ce terme, qui au sens strict fait référence à la maladie, est toutefois souvent utilisé pour désigner le virus."
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
    SARS-CoV-2 | 2019-nCoV | Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
  3. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|health policy|organisation of health care|public health · FINANCE|financing and investment
    an Tascfhórsa um Thionscnamh Infheistíochta mar Fhreagairt ar an gCoróinvíreas Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Taskforce der Investitionsinitiative zur Bewältigung der Coronavirus-Krise | CRII-Taskforce
    Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Task Force | CRII Task Force
    Definition "task force created by the Commssion as a one-stop shop for practical and legal questions related to the implementation of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:COM/2020/143 final: Commission Communication - Coronavirus Response Using every available euro in every way possible to protect lives and livelihoods"
    task force «Initiative d’investissement en réaction au coronavirus»
    Definition "groupe de travail créé par la Commission et faisant office de guichet unique pour les questions pratiques et juridiques liées à la mise en œuvre de l'initiative d'investissement en réaction au coronavirus" Reference "COM-FR, d'après: COMMUNICATION DE LA COMMISSION Réaction face au coronavirus Utiliser chaque euro disponible par tous les moyens possibles pour protéger les vies et les moyens de subsistance (COM(2020) 143 final)"
  4. POLITICS · SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness|epidemic
    an Fhreagairt Dhomhanda ar an gCoróinvíreas Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'I mí na Bealtaine 2020 sheol an Coimisiún an Fhreagairt Dhomhanda ar an gCoróinvíreas – maratón gealltanas chun cistí a shlógadh ar mhaithe le taighde agus forbairt a dhéanamh ar thástálacha, córacha leighis agus vacsaíní.' Reference "'An Coimisiún Eorpach,' [14.4.2021]"
    weltweite Coronavirus-Krisenreaktion
    Definition weltweite Initiative zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung und der allgemeinen, gleichberechtigten Versorgung mit Impfstoffen, Therapeutika und Diagnostika zur Bekämpfung des Coronavirus Reference "Council-DE in Anlehnung an Europäische Union > Weltweite Corona-Krisenreaktion (19.3.2021)"
    Comment "weiter gefasst als die globale Reaktion der EU auf COVID-19 (19.3.2021)"
    Coronavirus Global Response
    Definition global collaboration of a number of world governments, the European Union and the WHO in the development, production and distribution of COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines Reference "Council PL, based on: Coronavirus Global Response event raises €7.4 billion for universal access to vaccines (29.5.2020) European Foundation Centre"
    Comment "The Coronavirus Global Response pledging event on 4 May raised €7.4 billion for the collaborative development and universal deployment of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines against coronavirus. Not to be confused with the EU-specific Global EU response to Covid-19."
    riposte mondiale au coronavirus
    Definition collaboration mondiale d'un certain nombre de gouvernements, de l’Union européenne et de l’OMS à des fins de développement, de production et de distribution de diagnostics, de traitements et de vaccins liés à la COVID-19 Reference "COM-FR, d'après Centre européen des fondations > Coronavirus Global Response event raises €7.4 billion for universal access to vaccines (19.11.2020) (en anglais uniquement)"