
A collection of miscellaneous terms compiled as part of the LEX project. More information »

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    • Gnó Business


    bainistigh br
    abr bainistiú, aidbhr bainistithe

    Leis an Ordú bunaítear urthrá, uiscí agus grinneall farraige Loch Aidhne, na hÉascaí agus Chrompán Bharlóige i gCo. Chorcaí mar Anaclann Dúlra a bhainisteofar i slí a chinnteoidh caomhnú an éiceachórais mara atá inti.

    The Order establishes the foreshore, waters and seabed of Lough Hyne, the Rapids and Barloge Creek in Co. Cork as a Nature Reserve to be managed in such a way as to ensure the conservation of the marine ecosystem which it constitutes.