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1 result

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|deepening of the European Union|EU activity|EU action|EU programme
    Clár Pharlaimint na hEorpa do Cheannairí Polaitiúla Óga Reference Comhairle-GA
    EP-Programm für junge Spitzenpolitiker
    Comment "Website (EN): EP - Young Political Leaders Programme (16.6.2020)"
    European Parliament Young Political Leaders Programme | EP Young Political Leaders Programme | Young Political Leaders Programme
    Definition "instrument for dialogue devised by the European Parliament and endorsed by the European Parliament's Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG) in April 2015, whose primary objective is to target young political activists, including political party representatives, civil society actors and young business leaders in the European Neighbourhood countries, priority countries agreed under the European Parliament's Comprehensive Democracy Support Approach (CDSA), and ad hoc countries requiring assistance in the area of parliamentary conflict prevention and democracy support" Reference "Council PL based on European Parliament, European Parliament Young Political Leaders Programme"
    Comment The European Parliament Young Political Leaders Programme expands on existing activities conducted by the Parliament, such as the Annual Fora for Young Leaders from the European Neighbourhood (Maghreb, Middle East, Eastern Partnership), and the Young Political Leaders initiative for the Sudan, in order to develop a more coherent and harmonised approach to engaging in peaceful dialogue with young leaders from third countries. It also aims to contribute to long-term confidence building and reconciliation in these countries.
    programme des jeunes dirigeants politiques du Parlement européen | programme des jeunes dirigeants politiques
    Definition "instrument de dialogue mis au point en 2015 par le groupe de soutien à la démocratie et de coordination des élections, qui est centré sur les jeunes dirigeants (députés, représentants de partis politiques ou acteurs de la société civile actifs sur la scène politique), lesquels proviennent de pays du voisinage européen (Maghreb, Moyen-Orient et pays du partenariat oriental), de pays prioritaires désignés dans le cadre de la stratégie globale de soutien à la démocratie du Parlement européen ainsi que de régions ayant subi des conflits de longue durée" Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après Parlement européen > Le soutien à la démocratie dans le monde (11.9.2020), brochure 2018"