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4 results

  1. LAW · POLITICS|parliament|parliament|national parliament
    Daon-Chomhdháil Náisiúnta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Thug baill Daon-Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Síne cuairt ar Bhaile Átha Cliath i Meán Fómhair 2016 chun an chaoi a chaomhnaíonn Cathair Bhaile Átha Cliath a hoidhreacht chultúrtha agus na seirbhísí bainteach le cultúr a chuirimid ar fáil dár gcuid saoránach a chloisteáil.' Reference "Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath Tuarascáil Bhliantúil agus Cuntais Bhliantúla"
    NPC Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Nationaler Volkskongress | NVK
    Definition formell das Parlament der Volksrepublik China Reference "Wikipedia, Nationaler Volkskongress (30.4.2021)"
    Comment "Der NVK besteht aus rund 3.000 Abgeordneten, allerdings tagen davon nur etwa 150 Abgeordnete, welche den ständigen Ausschuss des Volkskongresses bilden, das ganze Jahr über. Die übrigen Mitglieder tagen nur ca. 2 Wochen pro Jahr und üben somit eine hauptsächlich symbolische Funktion aus.Der Nationale Volkskongress verabschiedet die Gesetze; Diskussionen finden dort aber nicht statt; Gegenstimmen gegen Gesetzentwürfe sind selten."
    National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China | National People's Congress | NPC
    Definition "highest organ of state power, which exercises the legislative power of the State, and whose permanent body is the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress" Reference "The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China > Constitution (19.5.2022)"
    Comment The National People's Congress (NPC) is composed of deputies elected from the provinces, autonomous regions, cities directly under central government jurisdiction, special administrative regions and armed forces. All ethnic minorities should have an appropriate number of deputies.The election of deputies to the NPC is presided over by the NPC Standing Committee. The number of deputies and the procedures for their election are prescribed by law.Each NPC has a term of five years. It exercises the following functions and powers: (1) amending the Constitution;(2) overseeing the enforcement of the Constitution;(3) enacting and amending criminal, civil, state institutional and other basic laws;(4) electing the president and the vice president of the People’s Republic of China;(5) deciding, based on nomination by the president of the People’s Republic of China, on the successful candidate for the premier of the State Council; deciding, based on nominations by the premier of the State Council, on the successful candidates for vice premiers, state councilors, ministers of ministries, ministers of commissions, the auditor general and the secretary general of the State Council;(6) electing the chairperson of the Central Military Commission and deciding, based on nominations by the chairperson of the Central Military Commission, on the successful candidates for other members of the Central Military Commission;(7) electing the chairperson of the National Commission of Supervision;(8) electing the president of the Supreme People’s Court;(9) electing the procurator general of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate;(10) reviewing and approving the plan for national economic and social development and the report on its implementation;(11) reviewing and approving the state budget and the report on its implementation;(12) changing or revoking inappropriate decisions of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee;(13) approving the establishment of provinces, autonomous regions and cities directly under central government jurisdiction;(14) deciding on the establishment of special administrative regions and the systems to be instituted there;(15) deciding on issues concerning war and peace; and (16) other functions and powers that the highest state organ of power should exercise.
    Congrès national du peuple | Congrès national populaire | Congrès national du peuple chinois | CNP | Assemblée populaire nationale | Assemblée nationale populaire | ANP | Assemblée nationale du peuple
    Definition organe législatif, officiellement le plus élevé, de la République populaire de Chine Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après:- Wikipedia > article Assemblée nationale populaire (30.4.2021)- Site du journal Le Monde > International > Article de François Bougon du 1.3.2013 L'Assemblée nationale populaire, baromètre politique en Chine (30.4.2021)"
    Comment "1. De nombreuses traductions se cotoient. Les formes avec ""Congrès..."" sont plus proches de l'original en chinois, tandis que les formes avec ""Assemblée... "" semblent un peu plus courantes, par exemple dans la presse francophone. 2. Le Congrès national des représentants du peuple de la République populaire de Chine (forme longue officielle) se réunit une fois par an pour une session d’une dizaine de jours, sur convocation de son Comité permanent. Les députés, au nombre de 3 000 environ, sont élus pour 5 ans au suffrage plusieurs fois indirect."
  2. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|illness
    Galar Niemann-Pick de chineál C Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Niemann-Pick-Krankheit Typ C
    Niemann-Pick Disease type C | NPC
    Definition lipid storage disease that can present in infants, children, or adults Reference "Marc Patterson. Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, [21.5.2013]"
    Comment "NPC Patients are not able to metabolise cholesterol and other lipids properly within the cell. Consequently, excessive amounts of cholesterol accumulate within the liver and spleen and excessive amounts of other lipids accumulate in the brain. NPC causes a secondary reduction of acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) activity, which led all three types to be considered forms of the same disease. This enzyme is found in special compartments within cells called lysosomes and is required to metabolize a lipid called sphingomyelin. If ASM is absent or not functioning properly, sphingomyelin cannot be metabolised properly and is accumulated within the cell, eventually causing cell death and the malfunction of major organ systems.See also:- Niemann-Pick Disease (broader) [ IATE:1489534 ]"
    maladie de Niemann-Pick de type C
    Definition maladie génétique autosomique récessive avec atteinte neuro-viscérale caractérisée par l'altération du transport des lipides dans les cellules Reference "Actelion > Accueil > Professionnels de santé > Maladie Niemann-Pick C, [13.12.2013]"
    Comment Cette altération du transport des lipides entraîne l’accumulation de cholestérol dans le foie et la rate ainsi que l’accumulation de sphingolipides dans les neurones.
  3. SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|life sciences|biology
    coimpléasc póireanna núicléacha Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    NPC Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    nuclear pore complex | NPC
    Definition "large complex of proteins that spans the nuclear envelope and mediates transport of all macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Strambio-De-Castillia, C., Niepel, M. & Rout, M., 'The nuclear pore complex: bridging nuclear transport and gene regulation' (15.4.2021), Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 11, 490–501 (2010)."
    Comment The structure of the NPC — a cylindrical ring-like structure lined with nucleoporins capable of binding to transport factors — governs its transport function.
  4. POLITICS|parliament|composition of parliament · POLITICS|parliament|parliament|national parliament
    Buanchoiste Dhaon-Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Síne Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Ständiger Ausschuss des Nationalen Volkskongresses | Ständiger Ausschuss des NVK
    Definition "höchstes Organ des Nationalen Volkskongresses (NVK) der Volksrepublik China" Reference "Council-DE, gestützt auf China Internet Information Center (CIIC): Der NVK und sein Ständiger Ausschuss (30.4.2021)"
    Standing Committee of the National People's Congress | National People's Congress Standing Committee | NPC Standing Committee | Standing Committee | NPCSC | SCNPC
    Definition "standing committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the national legislature of the People's Republic of China, which has the same term of office as the NPC and exercises its functions and powers until a new Standing Committee is elected by the next NPC" Reference "National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China > Standing Committee (20.4.2021)"
    Comment The Standing Committee is composed of a chairperson, vice chairpersons, a secretary general, and members. There should be an appropriate number of ethnic minority deputies who sit as members on the Standing Committee. The NPC elects, and has the power to remove from office, the members of the Standing Committee. Members of the Standing Committee are not allowed to hold office in an administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory or procuratorial organ of the state. The chairperson and vice chairpersons of the Standing Committee serve no more than two consecutive terms. The Standing Committee exercises the following functions and powers: (1) interpreting the Constitution and overseeing its enforcement; (2) enacting and amending laws other than those that should be enacted by the NPC; (3) when the NPC is out of session, partially supplementing and amending laws enacted by the NPC but without conflicting with the basic principles of those laws; (4) interpreting laws; (5) when the NPC is out of session, reviewing and approving partial adjustments to the plan for national economic and social development and the state budget that are made in the course of implementation; (6) overseeing the work of the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the National Commission of Supervision, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate; (7) revoking administrative regulations, decisions and orders formulated by the State Council that are in conflict with the Constitution or laws; (8) revoking local regulations and resolutions formulated by the state organs of power in provinces, autonomous regions and cities directly under central government jurisdiction that are in conflict with the Constitution, laws, or administrative regulations; (9) when the NPC is out of session, deciding, based on nominations by the premier of the State Council, on successful candidates for ministers of ministries, ministers of commissions, the auditor general and the secretary general of the State Council; (10) when the NPC is out of session, deciding, based on nominations by the chairperson of the Central Military Commission, on successful candidates for other members of the Central Military Commission; (11) appointing or removing, based on recommendations by the chairperson of the National Commission of Supervision, vice chairpersons and members of the National Commission of Supervision; (12) appointing or removing, based on recommendations by the president of the Supreme People’s Court, vice presidents, judges and Adjudicatory Committee members of the Supreme People’s Court, and the president of the Military Court; (13) appointing or removing, based on recommendations by the procurator general of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, deputy procurators general, procurators and Procuratorial Committee members of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, and the chief procurator of the Military Procuratorate; and approving the appointment or removal of chief procurators of the people’s procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions and cities directly under central government jurisdiction; (14) deciding on the appointment or removal of plenipotentiary representatives abroad; (15) deciding on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign countries; (16) stipulating systems of titles and ranks for military and diplomatic personnel and other field-specific title and ranking systems; (17) stipulating national medals and titles of honor and deciding on their conferment; (18) deciding on the granting of special pardons; (19) when the NPC is out of session, in the event of an armed attack on the country or in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defense against aggression, deciding on declaring a state of war; (20) deciding on national or local mobilization; (21) deciding on entering a state of emergency nationwide or in particular provinces, autonomous regions or cities directly under central government jurisdiction; and(22) other functions and powers accorded to it by the NPC.Amendments to the Constitution must be proposed by the Standing Committee or by one-fifth or more of NPC deputies and be adopted by a vote of at least two-thirds of deputies. Laws and other proposals are adopted by a majority vote of deputies.The Standing Committee is responsible to the National People’s Congress and reports to the Congress on its work.
    Comité permanent du Congrès national du peuple | CPCNP | Comité permanent du CNP | Comité permanent de l'Assemblée nationale populaire | Comité permanent de l'ANP
    Definition "comité d’environ 150 membres du Congrès national du peuple (CNP) de la République populaire de Chine, qui se réunit entre les sessions plénières du CNP; le comité permanent a l’autorité constitutionnelle de modifier la législation à l’intérieur des limites fixées par le CNP" Reference "Wikipedia > article Comité permanent de l'Assemblée nationale populaire (30.4.2021)"