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5 results

  1. INDUSTRY|chemistry|chemical compound
    hidreacarbón aramatach Reference "Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1099/2008 maidir le staidreamh i dtaca le fuinneamh, CELEX:32008R1099/GA ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoff
    aromatic hydrocarbon | hydrocarbons | aryl hydrocarbon | aromatic compound | arene
    Definition "any of a large class of unsaturated chemical compounds characterized by one or more planar rings of atoms joined by covalent bonds [IATE:1552759 ] of two different kinds" Reference "COM-EN, based on: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Aromatic compoundchemical compound. Francis A. Carey, [13.2.2018]"
    Comment "The term 'aromatic' was assigned before the physical mechanism determining aromaticity was discovered, and was derived from the fact that many of the compounds have a sweet scent. The configuration of six carbon atoms in aromatic compounds is known as a benzene ring, after the simplest possible such hydrocarbon, benzene [ IATE:1566036 ]. Aromatic hydrocarbons can be monocyclic (MAH) or polycyclic (PAH)."
    hydrocarbure aromatique
    Definition hydrocarbure cyclique comportant au moins un cycle benzénique Reference Manuila,A.,et al.,Dictionnaire français de médecine et de biologie,1972,Masson,Paris
  2. INDUSTRY|chemistry|chemical compound
    hidreacarbón aramatach Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 374/2014 maidir le dleachtanna custaim ar earraí de thionscnamh na hÚcráine a laghdú nó a dhíchur, CELEX:32014R0374/GA ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    naftailéin Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 374/2014 maidir le dleachtanna custaim ar earraí de thionscnamh na hÚcráine a laghdú nó a dhíchur, CELEX:32014R0374/GA ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Definition solad criostalta gan dath agus boladh géar uaidh Reference Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath (DCU), bunaithe ar: 'naftailéin'. Hussey, M. Fréamh an Eolais. Coiscéim: Baile Átha Cliath, 2011.
    Nephthalin | Naphthalenum | Naftalen | Naftalin
    Definition ClOH8;glaenzende, farblose Kristallblaettchen mit Steinkohlenteer-aehnlichem Geruch und brennend-wuerzigem Geschmack; Vorkommen in Erdoel und Steinkohlenteer; Anwendung frueher innerlich als Darmantiseptikum und Anthelminthikum Reference Reallex Med
    Definition "white, volatile, solid polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon1 with a strong mothball odour and molecular formula2 C10H81polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon [ IATE:1274531 ]2molecular formula [ IATE:1546266 ]" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:PubChem. Naphthalene. Compound Summary for CID 931, [2.2.2016]"
    naphtalène | C10H8 | naphtaline
  3. ENERGY|oil industry|petrochemicals|petroleum product|mineral oil
    hidreacarbóin aramatacha ola mianraí Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    MOAH Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons | MOAH
    Definition "mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons derived from mineral oils" Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on: Dirk W. Lachenmeier, Gerd Mildau, Anke Rullmann, Gerhard Marx, Stephan G. Walch, Andrea Hartwig, Thomas Kuballa. 'Evaluation of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in pure mineral hydrocarbon-based cosmetics and cosmetic raw materials using 1H NMR spectroscopy' (6.5.2021). F1000Res. 2017; 6: 682."
    Comment MOAH is a potential public health hazard because it may include carcinogenic polycyclic compounds.
  4. INDUSTRY|chemistry|chemical compound
    HIA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    hidreacarbón il-timthriallach aramatach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    PAK | mehrkernige aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe | polyzyklischer Kohlenwasserstoff | p.a.KW | policyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe | polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe | PCK | polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoff
    PAH | PAHs | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons | PCAH | polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon | polyaromatic hydrocarbon
    Definition "subgroup of the aromatic hydrocarbons [ IATE:1479896 ] group which consist of fused aromatic rings and do not contain heteroatoms or carry substituents" Reference "COM-EN, based on:Wikipedia > Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. [29.4.2011]"
    HPA | hydrocarbure polynucléaire aromatique | hydrocarbure aromatique polycyclique | hydrocarbure polycyclique aromatique | HAP
    Definition groupe de molécules formées de plusieurs cycles aromatiques à 5 ou 6 carbones accolés selon divers arrangements Reference Maystre,L.,Déchets urbains.Nature et caractérisation,1994,Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes,Lausanne,p.170