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3 results

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|Council of the European Union
    imeacht ar imeall na Comhairle Reference "Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar 752582"
    Veranstaltung am Rande der Ratstagung
    event in the margins of the Council | side event in the margins of the Council
    Definition "event that is held outside the formal framework of a meeting of the Council of the European Union, but which is related to that meeting" Reference Council-EN
    événement en marge de la session du Conseil | événement en marge du Conseil
    Definition événement organisé en dehors du cadre formel d'une session du Conseil mais en rapport avec ladite session Reference Conseil-FR
  2. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|Council of the European Union
    ar imeall na Comhairle Reference "An Chomhairle Eorpach > Cruinnithe > An Chomhairle Eorpach, 15/12/2016> Cruinniú neamhfhoirmiúil de na 27 gceannaire, [10.5.2017]"
    am Rande der Ratstagung | am Rande der Tagung des Rates
    in the margins of the Council | meeting in parallel with the Council | meeting at the same time as the Council | on the occasion of the Council | in the margin of the Council meetings
    Definition "relating to a meeting or event held before, during or just after a meeting of the Council of the European Union" Reference Council-EN
    en marge du Conseil | en marge de la session du Conseil
    Definition "expression qualifiant une réunion ou un événement se tenant juste avant, pendant ou juste après une session du Conseil de l'Union européenne" Reference Conseil-FR