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1 result

  1. FINANCE|taxation|tax system|tax return|tax rebate
    lacáiste cánach Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2016/1037 maidir le cosaint i gcoinne allmhairí ar tugadh fóirdheontas ina leith, ar allmhairí iad ó thíortha nach baill den Aontas Eorpach iad"
    Context '“loghadh” cánacha a aisíoc nó lacáiste cánacha' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2016/1037 maidir le cosaint i gcoinne allmhairí ar tugadh fóirdheontas ina leith, ar allmhairí iad ó thíortha nach baill den Aontas Eorpach iad"
    Steuerermäßigung | Steuervergünstigung
    Definition Betrag, den ein Steuerpflichtiger im Rahmen einer Steuererklärung geltend machen kann, um die Steuerlast zu senken Reference Council-DE nach Council-EN
    Comment "siehe auch:Steuerermäßigung (EN tax reduction)Steuerbefreiung (EN tax exemption)"
    tax rebate
    Definition claim that a taxpayer can make, when filing an income tax return, for an amount that can be deducted from their overall income tax burden Reference "Council-EN based on: - Canara HSBC > Tax University > Articles > Tax rebate vs tax refund (19.4.2022) in conjunction with- UK government website, How to claim a tax refund (6.7.2023)"
    Comment "1. The terms ""tax refund"" and ""tax rebate"" are sometimes used interchangeably, which may lead to confusion. However, for the purposes of this entry tax rebate is understood as one of the elements that give rise to a tax refund by the tax authority (government). Any tax refund is granted only after all deductions and possible rebates have been examined and calculated by the authority.2. Not to be confused with:- tax reduction (application of a lower rate of tax)- tax exemption (exemption from having to pay tax)- tax credits (which are applied to the tax burden after it has been calculated)."
    abattement sur l'impôt | dégrèvement fiscal
    Definition montant que le contribuable peut déduire dans sa déclaration de revenu pour diminuer son revenu net imposable Reference "Centre de traduction et de terminologie juridiques (CTTJ), Faculté de droit, Université de Moncton, Juridictionnaire, «dégrèvement / dégrever» (6.4.2022)"
    Comment "Ne pas confondre avec: - réduction fiscale (application d'un taux d'imposition inférieur) - exonération fiscale (décharge d'une obligation fiscale)"