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2 results

  1. TRADE · TRADE|trade policy|import policy
    bearta réamhfhaireachais Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Chun an clásal coimirce déthaobhach agus an sásra cobhsaíochta do bhananaí dá bhforáiltear sa Chomhaontú a chur chun feidhme, éilítear coinníollacha comhionanna maidir le bearta coimirce sealadacha agus bearta coimirce cinntitheacha a ghlacadh, maidir le bearta réamhfhaireachais a fhorchur, maidir le himscrúdú a fhoirceannadh gan bearta a dhéanamh agus maidir le fionraí shealadach na dleachta custaim fabhraí arna bunú faoin sásra cobhsaíochta do bhananaí atá comhaontaithe leis an gColóim agus le Peiriú.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 19/2013 lena gcuirtear chun feidhme clásal coimirce déthaobhach agus sásra cobhsaíochta do bhananaí an Chomhaontaithe Trádála idir an tAontas Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt amháin, agus an Cholóim agus Peiriú, den pháirt eile, CELEX:32013R0019/GA"
    réamhfhaireachas an Aontais Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'I gcás ina gcuirfear réamhfhaireachas an Aontais i bhfeidhm, is faoi réir doiciméad faireachais a thíolacadh a chomhlíonann critéir aonfhoirmeacha ba cheart na táirgí lena mbaineann a scaoileadh chun saorchúrsaíochta.' Reference "Rialachán (AE) 2015/478 maidir le comhrialacha d'allmhairí, CELEX:32015R0478/GA"
    vorherige Überwachung durch die Union | Mechanismus der vorherigen Überwachung | Maßnahmen zur vorherigen Überwachung
    prior Union surveillance | prior surveillance mechanism | prior surveillance system | prior surveillance measures | prior surveillance regime
    Definition set of measures, which the European Commission can impose when the interests of the European Union so require or when there is a trend in third country product imports that could cause injury to European Union producers, requiring third country product imports to have a surveillance document meeting uniform criteria Reference " COM-EN, based on: Regulation (EU) 2015/478 on common rules for imports "
    Comment Prior surveillance is usually imposed when an increase in imports is likely to occur, but has not started yet.
    surveillance préalable de l'Union | mécanisme de surveillance préalable | système de surveillance préalable | mesures de surveillance préalable
    Definition ensemble de mesures que la Commission européenne peut imposer si les intérêts de l'Union l'exigent ou lorsque l'évolution des importations d'un produit originaire d'un pays tiers menace de causer un dommage aux producteurs de l'Union et qui requiert la présentation d'un document de surveillance répondant à des critères uniformes Reference "COM-FR, d'après: Règlement (UE) 2015/478 relatif au régime commun applicable aux importations"
  2. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|Council of the European Union · POLITICS|politics and public safety|public safety · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|institutional structure
    Sachverständigengruppe für Abwehrmaßnahmen gegen technische Überwachung
    Definition "Untergruppe des Sicherheitsausschusses mit Zuständigkeit für Abwehrmaßnahmen in Bezug auf technische Überwachung" Reference Council-DE
    Comment "Der Sicherheitsausschuss hat folgende weitere Untergruppen:- Informationssicherung- Sicherheits-Akkreditierungsgremium"
    Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures Expert Group | CSC-TSCM Expert Group | CSC Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures Expert Group
    Definition technical expert sub-area established by the Council Security Committee (CSC) in September 2022 that deals with any matter referred to it by the CSC or any of its sub-formations and examines any issues related to technical surveillance counter-measures Reference "Council-EN, based on:Council document ST 12075/22: Terms of Reference of the Council Security Committee - Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures Expert Group"
    Comment "Composed of representatives of Member States' technical surveillance counter-measures services and attended by representatives of the European External Action Service and the European Commission.Other subgroups of the Security Committee are:- Security Accreditation Board (SAB)- Information Assurance"
    comité de sécurité (Groupe d'experts sur les contre-mesures de surveillance technique) | comité de sécurité (CMST)
    Definition "sous-groupe du comité de sécurité, groupe de travail du Conseil institué par la décision 2013/488/UE" Reference Council-FR
    Comment "autres sous-groupe du comité de sécurité:- Comité d'homologation de sécurité- Assurance de l'information"