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1 result

  1. EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|information technology and data processing · EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS|communications|communications systems · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|European Union|area of freedom, security and justice
    haiceáil Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Hacking | Hacken | Computerhacking
    Definition eine Form des aktiven, unerlaubten Eindringens in Computersoftware und Datenbestände Reference "vgl. Bundeszentrale f. polit. Bildung (DE), ""Cyber-Terror"": Risiken im Informationszeitalter (10.12.2020)"
    Comment """die gefährlicheren Varianten haben zum Ziel, Informationen zu erlangen, zu manipulieren oder zu zerstören bis hin zum Funktionszusammenbruch von Großsystemen"" (bpb)XREF: HackerOberbegriff: Cyberkriminalität"
    hacking | cracking | malicious hacking
    Definition act of breaking into a computer system without authorisation and generally for malicious purposes Reference "Council-EN, based on Council-FR and Wikipedia hacker definition controversy (4.12.2020)"
    Comment "In the context of cybercrime, hacking is an umbrella term that applies to a variety of human activities that interfere with the proper operation of computer systems and networks. Most legal systems, however, do not use the term hacking due to its ambiguity. A list of more specific hacking behaviours is criminalised instead.Reference: 'Youth Pathways into Cybercrime', October 2016 Europol > Publications and Documents [29.01.2019]In view of the primary, negative connotations of the term ""hacking"" (see Language Usage note below) it should not to be confused with ""ethical hacking"" [ IATE:283961 ].Hacking uses various techniques and methods including: phishing IATE:933881 ; rootkits IATE:2242278 ; Trojan horse IATE:795390 ; computer viruses IATE:898254 ; computer worms IATE:919096 ; and keyloggers IATE:3516463 ."
    piratage | piratage informatique | attaque pirate
    Definition accès à un système informatique sans autorisation, le plus souvent dans un but malveillant (accéder à des informations confidentielles ou encore altérer ou endommager les systèmes et les données qu'elles peuvent comporter) Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après le site de la Sûreté du Québec, ""Prévention"" (9.12.2020)"
    Comment "Différentes formes et techniques: le hameçonnage, le rootkit, l'ingénierie sociale, les chevaux de Troie, les virus, les vers, les enregistreurs de frappe, etc."