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1 result

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|deepening of the European Union · POLITICS|political framework|State|rule of law
    sásra an smachta reachta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Rechtsstaatlichkeitsmechanismus | EU-Mechanismus zur Wahrung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit
    Definition vorgeschlagener Peer-Review- Mechanismus, mittels dessen die Umsetzung, Sicherstellung und Stärkung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in den Mitgliedstaaten geprüft werden würden Reference "Council-DE, gestützt auf EU2019FI - de - Programm und Prioritäten - Hintergründe - Stärkung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit (14.9.2020)"
    European rule of law mechanism | rule of law mechanism
    Definition proposed peer review mechanism which would enable monitoring of how the rule of law is implemented, secured and strengthened in the Member States Reference "Council-FR, based on: Finland's Presidency of the Council of the EU > Priorities and programme > Backgrounders > Strengthening the rule of law (27.2.2020)"
    Comment In his 2013 State of the Union Address, President Barroso announced that in 2014 the Commission would present a Communication on a future rule of law mechanism for Europe. In September 2013, Vice-President Reding drew up a blueprint for such a future rule of law mechanism, proposing a two-step approach of steps that can be already taken on the basis of the existing EU Treaties, and further steps which would require Treaty change.
    mécanisme européen de protection de l'état de droit | mécanisme de protection de l'état de droit
    Definition mécanisme d'évaluation par les pairs qui permettrait d'évaluer des efforts des États membres concernant la mise en œuvre, la préservation et le renforcement de l'état de droit Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après le site de la présidence finlandaise du Conseil de l'UE, ""Renforcement de l'état de droit"" (27.2.2020)"