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3 results

  1. TRANSPORT|maritime and inland waterway transport|maritime transport
    glantonna cláraithe Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Nettoregistertonne | NRT
    Definition "Raummaß der ""Geldverdienenden Räume"" eines Schiffes = Laderäume oder Passagierunterkünfte(BRT abzüglich Maschinenräume, Steuerstand, Mannschaftsunterkünfte, ...)" Reference "Seefahrtschule > Schiffsmaße, (22.8.2018)"
    net register ton | net registered ton | NRT
    Definition unit of mass equal to the total cubic footage after deductions, where 1 register ton is equal to 100 cubic feet Reference "Codes for units of measure used in international trade (Revision 6), (UN/ECE CEFACT Trade Facilitation Recommendation No.20), [8.8.2018]"
    Comment "Refer International Convention on tonnage measurement of Ships. A unit that measures a ships ability to carry cargo. In large terms NRT equals GRT minus the volume of the machine hold, accommodation for the crew, water ballast tanks, etc. In some countries this unit is used to calculate canal- and port dues. Reference: ""Terminology in shipping"", Strand Shipping, [8.8.2018]"
    tonneau de jauge nette | tjn
    Comment "Un tonneau exprime un volume de 2,83 m3. La jauge brute est faite du volume intérieur du navire, la jauge nette des seuls volumes utiles soit à la marchandise, soit au passager.C'est la Convention sur l'adoption d'un système uniforme de jaugeage des navires, signée à Oslo en 1947, qui a généralisé ce système. Cependant, ce dernier n'ayant pas eu l'effet escompté, une autre convention, la Convention internationale sur le jaugeage des navires, signée à Londres en 1969, a instauré une nouvelle unité (UMS) (voir jauge brute [IATE:1594067 ].Source: COM-FR, d'après:1. Article de Bernard Dujardin, Vice-président de l'Institut Français de la Mer, «Une politique de jauge», La Revue Maritime n° 482, juillet 2008, [25.9.2018]2. Site Carnet Maritime > Accueil > Savoirs – Le tonnage brut d'un navire (2010), [25.9.2018]Voir aussi:- tonneau [IATE:1085453 ]- tonneau de jauge brute [IATE:1716922 ]- jauge brute [IATE:1594067 ]- jauge nette [IATE:1594066 ]"
  2. TRANSPORT|maritime and inland waterway transport|maritime transport
    glantonnáiste cláraithe Reference "'Safety on the water - Reachtaíocht,', [22.7.2019] ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    NRT Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Nettoregistertonnen | NRT
    Definition amtlich registriertes Volumen eines Handelsschiffes Reference Mehrsprachiges Glossar für den Katastrophenschutz 1990, Arbeitsgruppe Europäische Kommission/Mitgliedstaaten
    net registered tonnage | net register tonnage | NRT
    Definition ship's cargo volume capacity expressed in register tons1 Reference "1 register ton [ IATE:1085453 ] ""Net register tonnage"", Wikipedia, [9.8.2018]"
    Comment "Under the existing rules, nrt is supposed to represent cargo volume capacity of the ship and is obtained by deducting certain non-revenue-earning spaces from the grt. Reference: Stopford M., Maritime Economics, Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003, p. 524, [9.8.2018] Gross and net register tonnages were replaced by gross tonnage [ IATE:1594067 ] and net tonnage [ IATE:1594066 ], respectively, when the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships on 23 June 1969. The new tonnage regulations entered into force for all new ships on 18 July 1982, but existing vessels were given a migration period of 12 years to ensure that ships were given reasonable economic safeguards, since port and other dues are charged according to ship's tonnage. Since 18 July 1994 the gross and net tonnages, dimensionless indices calculated from the total moulded volume of the ship and its cargo spaces by mathematical formulae, have been the only official measures of the ship's tonnage. Reference: ""Net register tonnage"", Wikipedia, [9.8.2018]"
    jauge nette en tonneaux
    Definition volume d'un navire utile soit à la marchandise, soit au passager, exprimé en tonneau Reference "COM-FR, d'après l'article de Bernard Dujardin, Vice-président de l'Institut Français de la Mer, «Une politique de jauge», La Revue Maritime n° 482, juillet 2008, [24.9.2018]"
    Comment "Voir aussi:- tonneau [IATE:1085453 ]- tonneau de jauge brute [IATE:1716922 ]- tonneau de jauge nette [IATE:135275 ]- jauge brute en tonneaux [IATE:1378194 ]- jauge nette [IATE:1594066 ]- jauge brute [IATE:1594067 ]"
  3. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|health|pharmaceutical industry
    teiripe athchurtha nicitín Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    NRT Reference "Faofa ag an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    nicotine replacement therapy | NRT
    Definition treatment for smokers that want to stop smoking that uses products which supply low doses of nicotine into the bloodstream without smoking Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based Nicotine Replacement Therapy, [26.2.2015]"
    Comment There are nicotine gums, patches, inhalers, tablets, lozenges, and sprays