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3 results

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|EU relations · ECONOMICS · FINANCE
    éascú Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Lockerung | Verringerung | Erleichterung
    Comment DIV: kw;UPDATED: BB 20/10/2003
    easing | monetary easing
    Definition to ease: make something less serious or severe; make something happen more easily, facilitate; (of share prices, interest rates etc.) decrease in value or amount Reference The New Oxford Dictionary of English,1998
    assouplissement | allégement | atténuation | apaisement
    Comment SYN/ANT: autre contexte: apaisement (des tensions sociales); atténuation
  2. FINANCE|monetary economics|monetary policy · FINANCE|monetary economics|money market · FINANCE|financial institutions and credit|credit
    éascú creidmheasa Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    bogadh creidmheasa Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    credit easing | easing of credit
    Definition policy aimed at easing credit market conditions Reference "Reuters > Home > Business & Finance > Article > Fed focus turns to credit easing at policy meeting > 25.1.2009, (28.1.2009)"
    Comment "Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke outlined his plan of action in a speech at the London School of Economics on 13.1.2009. See also: quantitative easing [ IATE:3502238 ]"
    assouplissement du crédit | détente du crédit
    Definition mesures non conventionnelles qui reposent à la fois sur un assouplissement quantitatif et qualitatif Reference Conseil-FR
  3. ECONOMICS|economic policy · FINANCE|monetary economics|monetary policy
    éascú cainníochtúil Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    quantitative Lockerung | monetäre Lockerung
    Definition Ausdehnung der Geldmenge durch Ankauf von Wertpapieren (Schuldtiteln) durch die Zentralbank Reference Council-DE
    Comment "geldpolitische Maßnahme, die ergriffen wird, wenn der Leitzins bereits beinahe auf 0% gesunken ist, so dass weitere Liquidität auf diesem Wege nicht mehr bereit gestellt werden kann; XREF: ""Lockerung der Geldpolitik"" IATE:1125542 ; DIV: RSZ, 4.10.12, UPD: aih, 23.10.2012"
    quantitative easing | QE
    Definition introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank in order to increase the amount of credit available to borrowers Reference "COM-EN, based on:- ‘quantitative easing’. Oxford Dictionaries, [7.9.2018]- Lisa Smith. ‘Quantitative Easing: Does It Work?’. Investopedia, [7.9.2018]"
    Comment "An extreme form of monetary policy whereby the central bank creates money and uses this to engage in open market operations. The open market operations involve the purchase of bonds with cash which increases the stock of money held by financial institutions and enhances liquidity. The aim of quantitative easing is to stimulate the economy. It is employed when a conventional monetary expansion through a reduced interest rate cannot be used because the interest rate is close to, or equal to, zero.Reference: John Black, Nigar Hashimzade, and Gareth Myles. ‘quantitative easing’. A Dictionary of Economics. Oxford University Press, 2012, [4.5.2015]A form of monetary policy that is sometimes used to stimulate the economy when interest rates have already been reduced close to zero; it is regarded as a policy of last resort when there is a serious risk of deflation. Essentially, the central bank creates new money electronically by expanding its balance sheet and uses this to buy government bonds from financial institutions. The aim is to boost the amount of money in circulation and to increase the willingness of banks to lend. QE, which was introduced in the UK from March 2009, is regarded as a high-risk strategy because of the risk of hyperinflation. Economists disagree as to how far it differs from the older and discredited policy of simply printing extra money.Reference:- ‘quantitative easing’. A Dictionary of Finance and Banking, edited by Jonathan Law. Oxford University Press, 2014, [4.5.2015]- ‘quantitative easing’. A Dictionary of Accounting. Oxford University Press, 2010, "
    assouplissement quantitatif
    Definition politique monétaire dite non conventionnelle consistant, pour une banque centrale, à intervenir de façon massive, généralisée et prolongée sur les marchés financiers en achetant des actifs aux banques Reference "Site de la Banque de France > ABC de l’économie > L’éco en bref > Les politiques monétaires non conventionnelles (16.10.2019)"
    Comment "Cette politique est généralement appliquée lorsque les autres méthodes pour réguler la masse monétaire ont échoué (par exemple, lorsque le taux directeur, le taux d'escompte ou le taux interbancaire est près de ou égal à zéro pour cent).Pour une explication du fonctionnement de l'assouplissement quantitatif, voir cette infographie de la BCE: Comment fonctionne l'assouplissement quantitatif ? (16.10.2019)"