
A collection of legal and legislative terms in Irish extracted from the European Union’s multilingual terminology database. More information »

CJEU|LAW|Law on aliens
fanacht a fhadú Reference ---
Verlängerung des Aufenthaltsrechts | Verlängerung eines Schengen-Visums | Verlängerung des Aufenthalts
extension of stay | extension of stay as a general visitor
Definition Extension of permission to stay in a state beyond the 6 months accorded to a general visitor. Reference "[UK Border Agency Immigration Rules, Paragraph 44 ] [Definition constructed from the article cited]"
Comment The right of a qualifying EEA national( a qualified person) to reside in UK for so long as he/she remains a qualified person is referred to in the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006 (Regulation 14) as an ‘Extended right of residence’
prolongation du droit de séjour | prolongation de séjour | prolongation du séjour