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5 results

    • Gnó › Airgeadas Business › Finance


    iasacht arna dhéanamh ag cumann foirgníochta chun a chur ar chumas an iasachtaí teach a sholáthar agus a áitiú mar a ghnátháit chónaithe

    a loan made by a building society to enable the borrower to provide a house and occupy it as his normal place of residence

    • Gnó Business


    Measfar gurb é is ciall le "oibrí baile" oibrí a oibríonn ina baile féin nó in áit ar bith eile nach bhfuil faoi stiúradh ná faoi riaradh a fostóra.

    The term "homeworker" shall be deemed to mean a worker who works in her own home or any other place not under the control of management of her employer.

    • Iompar Transport
    • Turasóireacht Tourism


    teach soghluaiste
    gu tí shoghluaiste, iol tithe soghluaiste

    Leis an Ordú seo is féidir aisíoc a dhéanamh, faoi réir coinníollacha áirithe, ar chuid den cháin bhreisluacha a íocadh i leith carbháin, teaghaise soghluaiste nó déanmhais dá samhail a cheannaigh duine mar ionad cónaithe nó, i gcás údaráis áitiúil, a cuireadh ar fáil lena ligean mar ionad cónaithe.

    This Order enables repayment to be made, subject to certain conditions, of portion of the value-added tax paid in relation to a caravan, a mobile home or similar structure, which has been purchased by a person as a residence or, in the case of a local authority, provided for letting as a residence.

    • Leigheas Medicine


    An duine atá i bhfeighil forais, mar atá, óstán, club, teach aíochta, brú, teach iostais, teach lóistín, scoil chónaithe, coláiste, clochar, mainistir, beairic, príosún, ospidéal, teachlach contae, teach banaltrais, nó aon bhunaíocht eile d'aon saghas.

    The person in charge of an institution, such as a hotel, club, guest house, hostel, boarding house, lodging house, boarding school, college, convent, monastery, barrack, prison, hospital, county home, nursing home, or other establishment of any kind.