
A collection of miscellaneous terms compiled as part of the LEX project. More information »

3 results

    • Cócaireacht Cookery
    • Lónadóireacht Catering


    craiceann fir1
    gu craicinn, iol craicne

    Craiceann criostalaithe nó gearrtha agus slite (síoróipithe).

    Candied peel or cut and drained (syruped) peel.

    • Talmhaíocht, Iascaireacht Agriculture, Fishing
    • Ginearálta General


    seithe bain4
    gu seithe, iol seithí
    craiceann fir1
    gu craicinn, iol craicne

    Déanamh hataí fionnaidh nuair a dhéantar iad i bhfochair nó i dteannta monarú ball éadaigh, ruganna nó earraí eile den sórt sin d'fhionnadh nó de chraicne fionnadóra.

    The making of fur hats where made in association with or in conjunction with the manufacture of furs or furriers' skins into garments, rugs or similar articles.

    • Faisean Fashion
    • Teicneolaíocht, Tionsclaíocht, Ceirdeanna › Tionscal Teicstíle, Tionscal Éadaigh, Tionscal Leathair, Tionscal na mBróg Technology, Industry, Trades › Textile Industry, Clothing Industry, Leather Industry, Shoe Industry
