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3 results

    • Gnó › Airgeadas Business › Finance


    eisiúint bain3
    gu eisiúna, iol eisiúintí

    (act of issuing)

    Ar thoghairm nó fógra foriarratais a eisiúint.

    On issuing a summons or notice of motion.

    • Meáin Media


    ceist bain2
    gu ceiste, ai ceisteanna, gi ceisteanna

    (matter, question)

    Déileáiltear in Airteagal 12 leis na ceanglais is infheidhme i gcás go rachaidh fiaclóir a bheidh bunaithe i gcleachtadh i mBallstát go dtí Ballstát eile chun seirbhís a chur ar fáil; ní ceist phraiticiúil í go bunúsach ach amháin i limistéir teorann áirithe ar mhórthír na hEorpa ach ní mór foráil a dhéanamh ar fhaitíos go dtarlódh sé anseo.

    Article 12 deals with the requirements applicable where a dentist who is established in practice in a Member State goes to another Member State to provide a service; it is essentially a practical issue only in certain border areas on the European mainland but provision must be made in case it should happen here.

    • Meáin Media
    • Litríocht Literature


    eisiúint bain3
    gu eisiúna, iol eisiúintí

    (one of a series published periodically, of document, etc.)

    ... luafaidh sé an fáth a measann an gearánaí gur ceart toirmeasc a chur sa Stát le heisiúintí an fhoilseacháin is ábhar don ghearán a dhíol agus a imdháil agus le heisiúintí an fhoilseacháin san am le theacht.

    ... state the reason why the complainant considers that the sale and distribution in the State of the issues of the publication which are the subject of the complaint and of future issues of the publication should be prohibited.