
A collection of miscellaneous terms compiled as part of the LEX project. More information »

2 results

    • Spóirt Sports
    • Matamaitic Mathematics
    • Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Computers, Computer Science
    • Gnó Business


    ionadú fir
    gu ionadaithe, iol ionaduithe
    cur fir1 in ionad
    gu cuir

    (act of replacing)

    ...trí "sé phunt déag" a chur in ionad "ocht bpunt" (a cuireadh isteach leis na Rialacháin um Breitheanna Coigríche (Leasú), 1980 (I.R. Uimh. 94 de 1980) i Rialachán 7.

    ...the substitution of “sixteen pounds” for “eight pounds” (inserted by Regulation 4 of the Foreign Births (Amendment) Regulations, 1980 ( S.I. No. 94 of 1980 )) in Regulation 7.

    • Spóirt Sports


    malairt bain2
    gu malairte, iol malairtí

    (somebody or something that replaces)

    Ní malairt ar fhoráil den Acht aon cheann d'fhorálacha na Rialachán seo.

    None of the provisions of these Regulations is in substitution for a provision of the Act.