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7 results

  1. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|cooperation policy · TRADE|trade policy|public contract
    ICB Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    tairiscint iomaíoch idirnáisiúnta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    internationale öffentliche Ausschreibung | internationale Ausschreibung
    Definition international offene Ausschreibung, die ausländischen Herstellern oder Händlern die unmittelbare Teilnahme an dem Ausschreibungsverfahren erlaubt Reference "Manalex, das große Manager-Lexion (30.7.2012)"
    Comment DIV: RSZ 20.2.07; UPD: aih, 30.7.2012
    international competitive bidding | international tendering | ICB
    Definition bidding and procurement process the World Bank requires of any borrower that obtains goods, work and non-consulting services with financing provided by the World Bank Reference "Council-EN, based on:Investopedia > international competitive bidding (25.8.2022)"
    Comment For details see the World Bank guidelines below.
    appel à la concurrence internationale | ACI | appel d'offres international | AOI
    Definition mode d'acquisition qui requiert la publicité et la notification à la communauté internationale Reference "Site de la Banque africaine de développement, ""Règles de procédure pour l'acquisition des biens et travaux"", janvier 2000,'acquisition%20des%20Biens%20et%20Travaux.pdf [4.2.2016]"
  2. BUSINESS AND COMPETITION|legal form of organisations|organisation|cooperative · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international organisation
    Comhghuaillíocht Idirnáisiúnta Comhair Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ICA Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Internationaler Genossenschaftsbund | IGB | ACI
    Definition Unabhängige, nichtstaatliche Organisation, die Genossenschaften aus aller Welt in sich vereint und vertritt. Der IGB wurde 1895 in London gegründet. Zu seinen Mitgliedern zählen nationale und internationale Genossenschaftsorganisationen in sämtlichen Tätigkeitsbereichen einschliesslich Landwirtschaft, Bankwesen, Energiesektor, Industrie, Versicherungen, Fischerei, Wohnungsbau, Tourismus sowie Verbrauchergenossenschaften. Reference "< >"
    Comment DIV: HYM 14/07/2004
    International Cooperative Alliance | International Co-operative Alliance | ICA
    Definition non-governmental organization founded in 1895 uniting, representing and serving cooperatives worldwide, providing a global voice and forum for knowledge, expertise and coordinated action for and about cooperatives Reference "COM-Terminology Coordination, based on:International Cooperative Alliance > About us > International Cooperative Alliance (11.1.2022)"
    Alliance coopérative internationale | Association internationale des Coopératives | ACI | AIC | A.C.I.
  3. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|international affairs|international organisation · TRANSPORT|air and space transport|air transport
    Comhairle Idirnáisiúnta na nAerfort Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    ACI Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Airports Council International | ACI | Airports Association Council International | AACI
    Definition internationale Interessenvertretung der Verkehrsflughäfen Reference Council-DE
    Comment "Sitz der Dachorganisation: Genf; fünf Regionalbüros,darunter ACI Europe in Brüssel <24.1.11> ; DIV: st 24.1.11"
    Airports Council International | ACI | Airports Association Council International | AACI
    Definition non-profit organisation whose prime purpose is to advance the interests of airports and to promote professional excellence in airport management and operations Reference "Airports Council International > About Us > Overview > Mission, Objectives, Structure > Structure, [11.10.2016]"
    Comment "The decision to create ACI, which incorporated Airport Operators Council International (AOCI) and International Civil Airports Association (ICAA) and succeeded Airport Associations Coordinating Council (AACC), was taken in 1989. The Constitution of ACI was approved by AOCI and ICAA memberships in the autumn of 1990 and came into effect on 1 January 1991.Reference: Airports Council International > About Us > Overview > History of Airports Council International, [11.10.2016]"
    Conseil international des aéroports | ACI | Airports Association Council International | AACI
    Definition organisation sans but lucratif dont le principal objectif est de promouvoir la coopération entre ses membres et avec d'autres partenaires du domaine de l'aviation, notamment les organisations gouvernementales, les entreprises de transport aérien et les constructeurs Reference "Site de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (OACI), (21.1.2011)"
  4. SOCIAL QUESTIONS|construction and town planning · SCIENCE|natural and applied sciences|physical sciences
    innéacs tiúchana gníomhaíochta Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Definition Screening-Instrument für Baumaterialien, die radioaktive Strahlung emittieren Reference "Council-DE nach RL 2013/59/EURATOM zur Festlegung grundlegender Sicherheitsnormen für den Schutz vor den Gefahren einer Exposition gegenüber ionisierender Strahlung, Anhang VIII, ABl. L_13/2014, S.1 CELEX:32013L0059/DE"
    Comment "Der Aktivitätskonzentrationsindex I ergibt sich aus folgender Formel:I = CRa226/300 Bq/kg + CTh232/200 Bq/kg+ CK40/3000 Bq/kg,wobei CRa226, CTh232 und CK40 den Aktivitätskonzentrationen in Bq/kg der jeweiligen Radionuklide im Baumaterial entsprechen.XREF: Aktivität IATE:1368279 , Aktivitätskonzentration IATE:1368282<><><><><><>"
    activity concentration index | ACI
    Definition screening tool for identifying building materials of potential concern owing to their radiation content Reference "European Commission Services considerations with regard to natural radiation sources in Basic Safety Standards Directive, 16.01.2009 [23.5.2013]"
    Comment The typical formula used for evaluating the radiation level is: I = CRa226/300 Bq/kg + CTh232/200 Bq/kg + CK40/3000 Bq/kg where CRa226 , CTh232 and CK40 are the activity concentrations in Bq/kg of the corresponding radionuclides in the building material. For practical purposes, the measurement of Th-232 can be replaced by that of Ra-228 which is more readily measured.
    indice de concentration d'activité
    Definition indice directement relié à la dose de rayonnement gamma, ajoutée à l'exposition habituelle à l'extérieur du bâtiment, dans un bâtiment construit avec un matériau de construction donné Reference "Conseil-FR, d'après Directive 2013/59/Euratom du Conseil fixant les normes de base relatives à la protection sanitaire contre les dangers résultant de l'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants, annexe VIII, CELEX:32013L0059/fr"
    Comment L'indice de concentration d'activité I peut être obtenu en appliquant la formule suivante:I = CRa226/300 Bq/kg + CTh232/200 Bq/kg + CK40/3000 Bq/kgoù CRa226, CTh232 et CK40 sont les concentrations d'activité en Bq/kg des radionucléides correspondants dans le matériau de construction.
  5. TRADE|trade policy
    ionstraim frith-chomhéigin Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Instrument gegen Zwangsmaßnahmen | Mechanismus zur Bekämpfung von Zwangsmaßnahmen
    anti-coercion instrument | anti-coercion mechanism | ACI
    Definition proposed mechanism to allow the EU to protect trade interests when a WTO member blocks a binding ruling by hindering the multilateral dispute settlement system of the WTO Reference "COM-HU based on: European Commission > Trade > News > EU strengthens trade enforcement arsenal with revamped regulation (24.8.2022)"
    instrument anticoercitif | instrument anticoercition | mécanisme de lutte contre la coercition
  6. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|European Parliament · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|institutional structure
    An tAonad um Earcú Ateangairí Comhdhála Cúnta Reference EP reference database Codict
    Referat Einstellung von als Hilfskräfte beschäftigten Konferenzdolmetschern
    Unit for the Recruitment of Auxiliary Conference Interpreters
    Unité du recrutement des auxiliaires interprètes de conférence