EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|European Parliament · INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|cooperation policy|cooperation policy · POLITICS|parliament|interparliamentary relations
- An Mheitheal ad hoc um chomhaontuithe comhlachais Reference ---
- ga
- An mheitheal ad hoc um chomhaontuithe comhlachais Reference ---
- ga
- Ad hoc Working Group on Association Agreements
- en
- Definition "working group of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment, Education, Culture and Civil Society of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly [ IATE:3504543 ]" Reference "EP-Terminology Coordination, based on:EuroNest Parliamentary Assembly [25.7.2018]"
- Groupe de travail ad hoc sur les accords d'association
- fr
- Definition groupe de travail de la commission des affaires sociales, de l’emploi, de l'éducation, de la culture et de la société civile de l'Assemblée parlementaire Euronest (NEST) [26.7.2018] Reference ---