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  1. FINANCE · ENVIRONMENT|environmental policy
    an Ciste Carbóin don Eoraip Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    CFE Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Ciste Carbóin don Eoraip Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Carbon Fund for Europe | CFE
    Definition Der Carbon Fund for Europe (CFE) ist auf die Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union und die europäische Privatwirtschaft ausgerichtet. Der Fonds wird von der EIB und der Weltbank gemeinsam verwaltet. Der CFE erwirbt Emissionszertifikate, die durch geeignete Klimaschutzprojekte im Rahmen der Instrumente JI und CDM des Kyoto-Protokolls generiert werden und zum Emissionshandelssystem der Europäischen Union (EU ETS) zugelassen sind. Reference "EIB, ""Initiativen der Europäischen Investitionsbank zur Förderung des Emissionshandels"",,d.d2s"
    Carbon Fund for Europe | CFE
    Definition trust fund established by the World Bank, in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), in March 2007, as a vehicle for EU Member States and companies to acquire carbon credits and as a carbon credit sales outlet for projects prepared and financed by the World Bank or the EIB Reference "EIB Linguistic Services, based on: 1) EIB Press release, ""European Investment Bank and World Bank join forces to tackle climate change"", 20 March 2007, [1.10.2014] 2) EIB & World Bank, Carbon Fund for Europe, Questions and Answers, [1.10.2014] 3) EIB, Activity Report 2006, [1.10.2014]"
    Comment The World Bank and the EIB have established the Carbon Fund for Europe (CFE) as a vehicle for EU Member States and companies to acquire carbon credits and as a carbon credit sales outlet for projects prepared and financed by the World Bank or the EIB. The fund acquires greenhouse gas emission reductions through the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) from climate-friendly investment projects from either bank's portfolio as well as self-standing projects. In addition, the CFE can invest up to 20% of its capital in green investment schemes.
    Fonds carbone pour l’Europe | FCE
    Comment "Le Fonds carbone pour l’Europe, géré conjointement par la Banque mondiale et la BEI, [...] a pour objectif d’aider les entreprises et les pays européens participant au système communautaire d'échange de quotas d’émission à faire face à leurs obligations vis-à-vis du Protocole de Kyoto (Banque européenne d'investissement, Conférence de presse annuelle, Fiche thématique n° 15, 28 février 2008, [8.4.2011]"