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1 result

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|institutional structure · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|Council of the European Union
    an Stiúrthóireacht um Ghnóthaí Baile Reference Comhairle-GA
    Stiúrthóireacht 1 - Tearmann, Víosaí, Inimirce, Teorainneacha Reference Comhairle-GA
    Definition "ceann den dá stiúrthóireacht laistigh den Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Cheartas agus Gnóthaí Baile [ IATE:895300 ] in Ardrúnaíocht Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh" Reference Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar an mBéarla
    Comment "Is é an Stiúrthóireacht um Cheartas [ IATE:3524457 ] an stiúrthóireacht eile san Ard-Stiúrthóireacht."
    Direktion Inneres | Direktion 1 - Inneres | Direktion 1 - Asyl, Visa, Einwanderung, Grenzen, Schengen | Direktion I
    Definition "eine der beiden Direktionen der Generaldirektion Justiz und Inneres [ IATE:895300 ] des Generalsekretariats des Rates der Europäischen Union (neben der Direktion Justiz [ IATE:3524457 ])"
    Home Affairs Directorate | Directorate Home Affairs | Directorate for Home Affairs | Directorate 1 - Home Affairs | Directorate 1 - Asylum, Visas, Immigration, Borders, Schengen | Directorate for Asylum, Visas, Immigration, Borders and Schengen
    Definition "one of the two directorates within the Directorate-General for Justice and Home Affairs [ IATE:895300 ] at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union"
    Comment "The other directorate in this DG is the Justice Directorate [ IATE:3524457 ]"
    direction Affaires intérieures | Direction 1 - Affaires intérieures | Direction 1 - Asile, visas, immigration, frontières, Schengen
    Definition l'une des deux directions de la direction générale Justice et affaires intérieures - JAI au sein du Secrétariat général du Conseil de l'UE, l'autre étant la direction Justice
    Comment "Voir également: - direction générale Justice et affaires intérieures [ IATE:895300 ] - direction Justice [ IATE:3524457 ]"