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1 result

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|European Union · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|European Commission · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|deepening of the European Union|EU activity|EU policy
    an prionsabal 'ceann amháin isteach, ceann amháin amach' Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Cuirfidh mé an prionsabal ‘ceann amháin isteach, ceann amháin amach’ i bhfeidhm ... rud a chiallaíonn gur cheart go mbeadh laghdú coibhéiseach in áit eile do gach togra reachtach le hualach nua d’úsáideoirí.' Reference "'Gealltanais a tugadh ag éisteachtaí na gCoimisinéirí ainmnithe,' Parlaimint na hEorpa, [27.2.2020]"
    Definition Grundsatz, nach dem für jede neue Regelung eine andere aufzuheben ist, um Bürokratie zu verringern Reference "COM-DE gestützt auf die Pressemitteilung der Europäischen Kommission vom 10.9.2019: Kommission von der Leyen: Eine Union, die mehr erreichen will (9.12.2019)"
    ‘One In, One Out’ principle | one in and out principle | one-in, one-out methodology | one-in, one-out principle | ‘One-in, one-out' principle | One In, One Out principle | one in, one out | one in one out | ‘one-in, one-out’ approach | OI-OO principle
    Definition principle according to which every legislative proposal that creates new burdens should relieve people and businesses of an equivalent existing burden at EU level in the same policy area Reference "COM-EN, based on: European Commission, 'Main principles of the working methods', (11.11.2019) 10 September 2019"
    Comment 'In order to make lives easier for people and to allow businesses the time and space they need to grow, the Commission must ensure that regulation is targeted, easy to comply and does not add unnecessary regulatory burden. The Commission must always have the leeway to act where needed. At the same time, it must send a clear and credible signal to citizens that its policies and proposals deliver and make life easier'
    principe «un ajout, un retrait» | principe «one-in, one-out»
    Definition principe d'allégement de la réglementation selon lequel chaque proposition législative qui génère une nouvelle charge doit délester les citoyens et les entreprises d'une charge équivalente au niveau de l'Union dans le même domaine d'action Reference "COM-FR d'après le communiqué de presse de la Commission européenne du 4.12.2019 (IP/19/6657), intitulé ""Les méthodes de travail de la Commission von der Leyen: une Europe plus ambitieuse chez elle et sur la scène mondiale"" (17.3.2020)"