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7 results

  1. EUROPEAN UNION|EU finance · ECONOMICS|regions and regional policy · AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES|agricultural structures and production|policy on agricultural structures
    cistí struchtúracha Reference Airteagal 130b, Conradh CEE ;Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Tacóidh an tAontas leis na cuspóirí sin a ghnóthú agus é ag gníomhú trí bhíthin na gcistí struchtúracha (Roinn Treoraíochta an Chiste Eorpaigh um Threoraíocht agus Ráthaíocht Talmhaíochta, Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa, Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa), tríd an mBanc Eorpach Infheistíochta agus trí na hionstraimí airgeadais eile atá ann cheana.' Reference "an Conradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh (Leagan Comhdhlúite), CELEX:12012E175/GA"
    Definition "Sammelbezeichnung für den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) IATE:890097 und den Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) IATE:890098" Reference "VO 1083/2006 allg. Bestimmungen über den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung, den Europäischen Sozialfonds und den Kohäsionsfonds, Art.1 (ABl. L_210/2006, S.25) CELEX:32006R1083/DE"
    Comment DIV: RSZ, 16.3.07
    Structural Funds | Community Funds | structural funding
    Definition "Currently the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) IATE:890097 and the European Social Fund (ESF) IATE:890098 ." Reference "Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, Article 1 CELEX:32006R1083/EN"
    Comment Before the adoption of Regulation No 1083/2006 the Structural Funds included the Regional Fund, the Social Fund, the EAGGF Guidance Section, and since 1993 also FIFG (Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance).
    Fonds structurels | fonds à finalité structurelle
    Definition "spécifiquement, le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER, IATE:890097 ) et le Fonds social européen (FSE, IATE:890098)" Reference "Règlement (CE) n° 1083/2006 portant dispositions générales sur le Fonds européen de développement régional, le Fonds social européen et le Fonds de cohésion, et abrogeant le règlement (CE) n° 1260/1999 CELEX:32006R1083/FR (version consolidée: 02013R1303-20220409)"
    Comment "Jusqu'à l'entrée en vigueur du règlement (CE) n° 1083/2006, on entendait par fonds structurels: le FEDER, le FSE, le FEOGA section ""Orientation"" (remplacée à partir du 1.1.2007 par le ""Fonds européen agricole pour le développement rural"") et l'Instrument financier d'orientation de la pêche"" (IFOP), remplacé par le ""Fonds européen pour la pêche"" (FEP)."
  2. EUROPEAN UNION|EU finance · LAW|rights and freedoms · SOCIAL QUESTIONS
    an Líonra Eorpach ar Chuimsiú Sóisialta agus na Romaigh faoi na Cistí Struchtúracha Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    EURoma Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Europäisches Netz für soziale Eingliederung und Roma im Rahmen der Strukturfonds | EURoma
    Definition europäisches Netzwerk mit Vertretern der EU-Mitgliedstaaten, dessen Ziel darin besteht, die Strukturfonds so einzusetzen, dass die Wirksamkeit von auf die Roma-Gemeinschaft ausgerichteten strategischen Konzepten verbessert wird Reference "Sonderbericht Nr. 14 // 2016, Politische Initiativen und finanzielle Unterstützung der EU für die Integration der Roma, CELEX:52016SA0014/DE"
    EURoma | European Network on Social Inclusion and Roma under the Structural Funds
    Definition European transnational network that aims to improve the use of Structural Funds for the inclusion of the Roma population Reference "EURoma Report 2010 - Roma and the Structural Funds, p. 26, (20.7.2010)"
    Comment Created in June 2007. Members are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.
    EURoma | réseau européen sur l'inclusion sociale et les Roms dans le cadre des fonds structurels
    Definition réseau européen visant à améliorer l'utilisation des fonds structurels afin de renforcer l'inclusion des Roms Reference "Commission européenne (emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances - l'Union européenne et les Roms)"
    Comment initiative lancée en juin 2007 par le gouvernement espagnol, et comprenant douze Etats membres de l'UE (Bulgarie, Espagne, Finlande, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Pologne, Portugal, République tchèque, Roumanie, Slovaquie et Suède)
  3. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|institutional structure
    an Sainghrúpa maidir le Gníomhartha Tarmligthe agus Gníomhartha cur chun Feidhme le haghaidh Cistí Struchtúracha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Expert Group on Delegated and Implementing Acts for the European Structural and Investment Funds | Expert Group on Delegated and Implementing Acts for the ESI Funds
    Definition an informal, temporary expert group set up to assist and advise the Commission on the delegated acts foreseen in the framework of the Commission’s legislative proposals for cohesion policy 2014-2020 and for the common rules covering all the European Structural and Investment Funds Reference "European Commission: Register of Expert Groups and Other Similar Entities, Expert Group on the Delegated and Implementing Acts for the European Structural and Investment Funds (E02853), [18.1.2016]"
  4. EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|institutional structure · EUROPEAN UNION|EU institutions and European civil service|EU institution|Council of the European Union
    an Stiúrthóireacht um Ghnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais, an Buiséad agus Cistí Struchtúracha Reference Comhairle-GA
    Stiúrthóireacht 6 - Gnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais, an Buiséad, Cistí struchtúracha Reference Comhairle-GA
    Stiúrthóireacht 2 - Ecofin/Talmhaíocht/Iascach Reference Comhairle-GA
    an Stiúrthóireacht um Ghnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais, Talmhaíocht agus Iascach Reference Comhairle-GA
    Definition "stiúrthóireacht laistigh den tSeirbhís Dlí [ IATE:857359 ] in Ardrúnaíocht Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh" Reference Comhairle-GA, bunaithe ar an mBéarla
    Direktion Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Haushalt, Strukturfonds | Direktion 6 - Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Haushalt, Strukturfonds | Direktion 2 - Wirtschaft/Finanzen, Landwirtschaft/Fischerei | Direktion 2 - ECOFIN/Landwirtschaft/Fischerei
    Definition "Direktion des Juristischen Dienstes [ IATE:857359 ] des Generalsekretariats des Rates der Europäischen Union" Reference "Council-DE, vgl. Decision N° 44/2018 of the Secretary-General of the Council amending the organisation chart of administrative entities, management and functional posts at the General Secretariat of the Council (Ratsdok. DE 44/18 - nur für den internen Gebrauch)"
    Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds Directorate | Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget and Structural Funds | Directorate 6 - Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds | Directorate 2 - ECOFIN/Agriculture/Fisheries | Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs, Agriculture and Fisheries
    Definition "directorate within the Legal Service [ IATE:857359 ] of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU"
    direction Affaires économiques et financières, budget, fonds structurels | Direction 6 - Affaires économiques et financières, budget, fonds structurels | Direction 2 - Ecofin/Agriculture/Pêche
    Definition "direction au sein du Service juridique 857359 du Secrétariat général du Conseil de l'Union européenne"
    Comment SGC > Service juridique > Direction Affaires économiques et financières, budget, fonds structurels
    JUR.6 | JUR 6
  5. FINANCE · EUROPEAN UNION|European construction|European Union
    Cistí Struchtúracha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Context 'Tacaíonn Cistí Struchtúracha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa leis an bhforbairt eacnamaíoch ar fud an Aontais Eorpaigh go léir. Freagraíonn na Cistí sin do níos mó ná a leath de bhuiséad an Aontais Eorpaigh. Bainfear leas as na cistí sin, in éineacht le cistiú Rialtas na hÉirenan agus ón Údarás Áitiúil, chun €6.2 Billiún a infheistiú sa tréimhse 2014-2020.' Reference "'Cad iad Cistí Struchtúracha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa?,' [22.3.2019]"
    Cistí SIE Reference "Aithris 2 de Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1303/2013 lena leagtar síos forálacha coiteanna maidir le Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa, le Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa, leis an gCiste Comhtháthaithe, leis an gCiste Eorpach Talmhaíochta um Fhorbairt Tuaithe agus leis an gCiste Eorpach Muirí agus Iascaigh agus lena leagtar síos forálacha ginearálta maidir le Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa, le Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa, leis an gCiste Comhtháthaithe agus leis an gCiste Eorpach Muirí agus Iascaigh agus lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1083/2006 ón gComhairle, CELEX:32013R1303/GAFaomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    Context 'Cuirtear níos mó ná leath den mhaoiniú ón Aontas Eorpach ar fáil trí 5 cinn de Chistí Struchtúrtha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa (Cistí SIE). Déanann an Coimisiún Eorpach agus na Ballstáit bainistíocht orthu go comhpháirteach.' Reference "'Cistí struchtúrtha agus infheistíochta na hEorpa,' an Coimisiún Eorpach, [22.3.2019]"
    CSIE Reference "Tuairim Uimh. 4/2015 (de bhun Airteagal 287(4) den Chonradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh) i dtaca leis an togra le haghaidh Rialachán ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir leis an gCiste Eorpach le haghaidh Infheistíochtaí Straitéiseacha agus lena leasaítear Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1291/2013 agus Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 1316/2013, CELEX:52015AA0004/GA'Cad iad Cistí Struchtúracha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa?,' [22.3.2019]Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex"
    europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds | ESI-Fonds | GSR-Fonds
    Definition "Sammelbezeichnung für: - Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) IATE:890097 - Europäischer Sozialfonds (ESF) IATE:890098 - Kohäsionsfonds IATE:1162442 - Europäischer Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums (ELER) IATE:933855 - Europäischer Meeres- und Fischereifonds (EMFF) IATE:3537723<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" Reference "Council-DE in Anlehnung an die Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1303/2013 mit gemeinsamen Bestimmungen über den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung, den Europäischen Sozialfonds, den Kohäsionsfonds, den Europäischen Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums und den Europäischen Meeres- und Fischereifonds, Artikel 1 (ABl. L 347/2013, S. 320) CELEX:32013R1303/DE"
    Comment "Strukturfonds IATE:771576 ist die Sammelbezeichnung für: Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) und Europäischer Sozialfonds (ESF)."
    European Structural and Investment Funds | european structural and investment fund | ESI Funds | ESIF | Common Strategic Framework Funds | CSF Funds
    Definition "- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [ IATE:890097 ], - European Social Fund (ESF) [ IATE:890098 ], - Cohesion Fund (CF) [ IATE:1162442 ], - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) [ IATE:933855 ] and - European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) [ IATE:3537723 ]" Reference "Recital 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006, CELEX:32013R1303/EN"
    Comment "The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) are known collectively as the ‘Structural Funds’ [ IATE:771576 ]."
    Fonds structurels et d'investissement européens | Fonds ESI | Fonds relevant du Cadre stratégique commun | Fonds relevant du CSC
    Definition dénomination englobant Le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER), le Fonds social européen (FSE), le Fonds de cohésion, le Fonds européen agricole pour le développement rural (Feader) et le Fonds européen pour les affaires maritimes et la pêche (FEAMP) Reference "Communiqué de presse de la Commission européenne du 10.7.2013 sur la réforme de la politique régionale de l'UE, (9.10.2013)"
    Comment "Voir aussi: - FEDER, IATE:890097 - FSE, IATE:890098 - Fonds de cohésion, IATE:1162442 - FEADER, IATE:933855 - FEAMP, IATE:3537723"
  6. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS|cooperation policy|aid policy
    Treoirlínte maidir le critéir agus módúlachtaí chun cistí struchtúracha a chur chun feidhme mar thaca le cumarsáid leictreonach Reference Comhairle-GA
    Treoirlínte maidir le critéir agus rialacha mionsonraithe chun cistí struchtúracha a chur chun feidhme mar thaca le cumarsáid leictreonach Reference Faomhadh an téarma seo mar chuid de Thionscadal Lex
    Leitlinien für die Kriterien und Modalitäten des Einsatzes der Strukturfonds zur Förderung der elektronischen Kommunikation
    Guidelines on criteria and modalities of implementation of structural funds in support of electronic communications | Guidelines on the use of structural funds in electronic communications
    Comment "Endorsed by the European Council in March 2003 in Corfu asking to set out guidelines on “criteria and modalities of implementation of Structural Funds in support of the electronic communications sector, especially for broadband, in particular in rural and remote areas of geographic isolation and low population density"", the European Commission presented a first draft of these guidelines in June and requested the public to comment [...]. The guidelines were adopted on 25 July 2003. Document available on-line at"
    lignes directrices relatives aux critères et modalités de mise en oeuvre des fonds structurels en faveur des communications électroniques
    Definition Critères généraux et modalités opérationnelles à l'intention des régions afin de les aider dans l'évaluation et dans la sélection des projets d'investissement en matière de communications électroniques (téléphonie mobile, Internet haut débit). Reference "Site (2004)."